6 Apr 2016
Life / First hand experiences of the Mafia in Poland [28]
Jeśli myślisz że to jest "pretty good party" why don't you zadzwonić do CIA and get permission od nich aby do it at one of your own parties, to an unsuspecting adult who goes there to have fun on New Yrs Eve. (703) 482-0623 is their number. Na pewno, they would love to hear about whatever it is that makes you think its a "pretty good party".
Ponglish isn't official language on this forum - use must use English
Jeśli myślisz że to jest "pretty good party" why don't you zadzwonić do CIA and get permission od nich aby do it at one of your own parties, to an unsuspecting adult who goes there to have fun on New Yrs Eve. (703) 482-0623 is their number. Na pewno, they would love to hear about whatever it is that makes you think its a "pretty good party".
Ponglish isn't official language on this forum - use must use English