21 Feb 2016
Genealogy / How can death influence twins, I wonder? [6]
I live in Minnesota and I'm of Polish origin. I had a twin sister and I take interest in all the things relating Poland and its twin top pol, you know.....
I came across some post (homment.com/pQeC3y7HmF) that Jaroslaw Kaczynski's twin brother was examined by docs after his death in a jet crash and they happened to identify some serious genetic illness then at the initial stage. Jaroslaw also underwent the necessary tests with the same result, The diagnosis is just this fragile X syndrome (FXS). I'm not a doc to understand what's that. Now we should expect him to leave political life at all.
I am really being sympathetic with Jaroslaw. When I lost my twin sister in a car accident I was so distressed.... I can feel this pain. Perhaps Jaroslaw is just ill with this sort of stress and all his health deviations are due to this. Are they irrevocable?
Just in order to save prints
I live in Minnesota and I'm of Polish origin. I had a twin sister and I take interest in all the things relating Poland and its twin top pol, you know.....
I came across some post (homment.com/pQeC3y7HmF) that Jaroslaw Kaczynski's twin brother was examined by docs after his death in a jet crash and they happened to identify some serious genetic illness then at the initial stage. Jaroslaw also underwent the necessary tests with the same result, The diagnosis is just this fragile X syndrome (FXS). I'm not a doc to understand what's that. Now we should expect him to leave political life at all.
I am really being sympathetic with Jaroslaw. When I lost my twin sister in a car accident I was so distressed.... I can feel this pain. Perhaps Jaroslaw is just ill with this sort of stress and all his health deviations are due to this. Are they irrevocable?
Just in order to save prints