UK, Ireland /
Good place (a bar or a pub) in North London to meet Polish people? [7]
Meet Polish in LondonHello everyone,
I ve been living in Warsaw for the past 7 years now. I ve managed to speak polish on an average level (took me a while). Its really beautiful and hardcore language. in the next few weeks I will move to London. I would like to keep practicing polish so I will not forget and even get better at it.
I was wondering if someone could list some places where polish are hanging out. I dont mind male / female. Polish are Polish.
I do mind those who dont know how to drink and they crawling in bars (I ve seen "few" insistence in Warsaw :P ).
I would like places with culture.
I know there were few threads about it but they usually are getting off track with guys wanting to find girls.
I have tried joining some facebook polish groups in London, but they all ended up been advertise pages for polish items and random sales.
(Please no churches. It has nothing to do with religion. I respect people's believes, but I would feel awkward standing in a church greeting people....)
Is there any pubs, clubs, social meetings, gatherings maybe (although Im not sure i ll be welcome in gatherings, it will worth the shot heh)
Just enter and shout Dzien Dobry and hope for the best.
As people commenting I will be updating the list for others to see if interested :)
What I have so far is:
b)Somewhere in London there is Polish neighbor... not sure where... but from what I ve read, non-polish speakers are not very welcome there. I hope Im wrong with this one. I would LOVE live in that neighbor
c) there is a unique UK-Polish dating website?! ok, understandable.. but I would prefer this as last solution to meet some polish.
(Even though it could be fun, I really like polish people, I would like to make few friends. would be hard to date them all)