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I really want to help you jamshaid and as such I researched certain group of lawyers who specialise in rape cases (some of them have been rapists themselves and so they know what it is like to have to go through such an ordeal, the downfalls and disappointments - angry wife remaining disobedient even after multiple rapes). I am Polish myself and I also have been accused of rape even though it has been an accidental one. I understand you completely, Polish wives have no care or respect for men in general and then they turn on you after you try to help them and teach them some marital values. Your son needs a father, a role model like you so he can grow up and follow in your teachings, that way he will know how to treat women, especially Polish women, and insert in them the essence of being a good wife. I really, really pity you, you are a pitiful individual now and I feel sorry for you, you deserve a different life.
Here is a link to the website the group runs (I hope it will help - they are not Polish so don't worry, you will be safe from racism):