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Posts by czech_canadian  

Joined: 26 Nov 2015 / Female ♀
Last Post: 23 Jun 2016
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 7
Posts: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 23
From: Warsaw currently
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: swimming, synchro, tennis,

Displayed posts: 30
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18 Jul 2016
Life / Hairdressers prices and salons in Warsaw? [6]

Merged: Any recommmendations for great women's hairsalon in Warsaw?


I went to a great professional hair salon - U Fryzjerów Andersa - for a haircut, like 2 weeks ago, but at that that time I wasn't sure about doing colour. Anyway great result as this is a truly top notch hair salon (beautiful too with high ceilings and wooden floors). Anyway now that I need the colour - I don't feel like paying the price there, as it obviously would have made sense price wise to do both cut + haircolour at the same time.

Can anyone recommend from experience any similar professional hair salons, which also use top notch products but are priced around the 200 - 250 mark for hair colour instead the 300+ mark?

16 Apr 2016
Food / Any places which sell fruit smoothies in Warsaw? [3]


I was just wondeing if anyone knows of any places which sell fruit smoothies in Warsaw? Having lived in Toronto, where there is an abudance of stores seeling fruit smoothies - I used to have them often. Anyway I havn't come across any place yet, and Biedronka where we do grocery shopping, doesnt seem ro sell them?

14 Apr 2016
Classifieds / Self addressed mailing labels (English) can be purchased where in Warsaw? [4]


Great - I looked on their online shop but didn't see it there. Best to go there in person and look as you have said.


I beieve the Embassy will be closed now, but we will go back to the main post office and look around there.

Many thanks for the reponse!
14 Apr 2016
Classifieds / Self addressed mailing labels (English) can be purchased where in Warsaw? [4]

Hi there,

We are busy sending off our application to Canada for immigration, and the Polish post office only sells Polish self adressed mailing labels (basically labels on stick paper, which you peel off and stick on evenlopes). I am also looking for an english self adressed label.

Can anyone recommend any stationary shops or whatever else in downtown, that sells these mailing labels? I can only think of checking out Empik but I dont thin that is a stationery store?

Many thanks!
4 Feb 2016
Law / Does one have to pay customs in Poland when shipping goods which were purchased online and in EU? [2]

Hi there

I was just wondering whether there are any associated costs in Poland, for shipping over goods (ie. mainly clothes) which were purchased online and in EU (ie. Italy)? For example, are there custom fees which I would be charged for once the goods arrive in Poland? Alternatively, any other costs which would be charged here?

Its no myth that shopping online is very popular (at least in North America) and I have made a few online purchases for Italian clothes, which were then shipped over to Toronto.

Anyhow if anyone has any experience with the charges associated with online purchases, any advice would be great.

Many thanks!
30 Jan 2016
Life / Would you move back to Canada if you had Canadian PR or remain in Poland (and risk loosing your Canadian PR)? [30]


the great advantages of Luxembourg is that it is international (28% are people there are foreigners)

Exactly and thats what I like - diversity, plus the close proximity to Paris which is my favourite city - especially for shopping and the Arts.

PS: in Luxembourg, they are also very open minded ;)

Just like in Canada - very accepting and open-minded.
27 Jan 2016
Classifieds / Looking for video game testers in Poland [9]


Hi Piotr,

Sounds interesting. I am a native South African english speaker and I'm in Warsaw (recently came from Toronto). I know EIDOS - Square Enix in Montreal quite well, seeing that I placed a couple of Snr Graphic / C++ Programmers with them.

I will prep my resume and send it over shortly.

Thank you,
27 Jan 2016
Life / Would you move back to Canada if you had Canadian PR or remain in Poland (and risk loosing your Canadian PR)? [30]

Thank you all for your opinions. I highly appreciate it.

To respond:

So is Luxembourg, a lovely place, much milder winters and would be my personal choice

Yes Luxembourg seems lovely, and the close proximity of it to Paris (just a 2 hour drive away) is a bonus.

That would be simply madness.

Thats what I was told by many in Toronto.

This is how it works in the US and I imagine it would be similar in Canada.

I have to do my research on this topic, but you may be correct. From what I have heard, in order to renew the PR one has to prove 4 years of paid Taxes (in Canada) as one requirement.

My advice is,get Canadian citizenship first,then you will be free to leave for extended period of time without losing permanent resident status or go back and forth as you please.

Yes, and in this case I would have to return for an additional 3 years in order to be elligible to apply for Canadian citizenship (as they have changed the requirements not too long ago from 3 to 4 years


Yes Luxembourg may be expensive, but it generally has higher salaries + the close proximity to Paris is an ideal bonus for me. I am not too concerned about the weather.

As you mention - Perm immigration to Canada has been completely changed starting Jan 2015, whereby the Express Entry was initiated. This is a point-based system, and allows the governemnt to choose applicants based on jobs which cannot be filled by Canadians. This is a similar system which Australia has been using for a number of years now.


Thanks for your input.

I have been in contact with some companies there - French is highly desirable, and required in many but not all positions.
26 Jan 2016
Life / Would you move back to Canada if you had Canadian PR or remain in Poland (and risk loosing your Canadian PR)? [30]


Its funny - my ex boss from the company in Czech Rep sent me an email asking me that they have openings at her new company where she is working, and whether or not I was interested in attending the interviews.

When I left Czech Rep in 2011, I stated to myself I will never return there to live - to visit my family for short periods of time - that is different. Dont get me wrong, I had some good times when living there, going to the chateaus, visiting wineries etc.


That may be true. Its funny as I met a couple of Slavs in Toronto (from Kazakhastan, Ukraine especially) whose young children felt more Canadian than their actual parents' nationalities.
26 Jan 2016
Life / Would you move back to Canada if you had Canadian PR or remain in Poland (and risk loosing your Canadian PR)? [30]


Thanks for yuor post. You are correct in the sense that I don't have any feelings towards Poland, nor Czech Rep to be honest. I was livng and working in Czech for 2,5 years prior I moved to Toronto where I lived for 4 years. I consider myself lucky to have received the PR since I went there on a Working Holiday VISA (open work permit).

What pulls me towards London is the South Africans who are there. I have a couple of friends there back from Joburg.

However what is great about Toronto - is the close proximity to the States + Caribbean (which I want to continuously travel to since my last holiday to Jamaica 7 months ago).
26 Jan 2016
Life / Would you move back to Canada if you had Canadian PR or remain in Poland (and risk loosing your Canadian PR)? [30]

I know plus I left a really decent position which had such potential for very good $$$ comng into this year( which I wouldnt even make back in Czech Rep) - this is what I regret the most seeing that money is very important to me .I 've been studying the wages in London and I am not too impressed.

I find Toronto is a great spot for travelling to the States and the Caribbean. It may not have the best architecture and most modern subway system, but there is just something about the city...

I think I would be a fool to risk loosing my PR.
26 Jan 2016
Life / Would you move back to Canada if you had Canadian PR or remain in Poland (and risk loosing your Canadian PR)? [30]

Hi there,

I wanted to get your views. So I have been in Warsaw for nearly 3 months, and I have Canadian Perm Residency, which I acquired in 2014. My boyfriend (who completed his PhD in Toronto) is on a temporary Post-Doctoral contract position at the IMPAN Institute, and I followed him here (after being in Paris for 1 month) just to see how it is here.

I wanted to get the point of view from a Polish citizen, and what you would do if you were in my situation. I'd like to add that I am Czech by birth but I grew up in South Africa. Therefore this is my 1st time in Poland.

I acquired Canadian PR in June 2014, after applying under the Canadian Experience Class. In order to renew my PR (which expires in 2019), I have to live in Canada for at least 4 years (I have already completed 1 full year from June 2014 - August 2015).

Now if you were in my situation and you had a Canadian PR, would you choose to go back to Canada or remain in Poland (at the risk of loosing your Canadian residency)?

I just wanted to get your perspective, seeing that I am not Polish and therefore I view Warsaw from a different set of eyes. Obviously we are not gong to remian in Poland permamently, but the reason for my question is that I am considering Luxembourgh / London as my next destination, and I am not sure what I should do with respect to my Canadian PR.

Any thoughts would be great.

14 Jan 2016
Food / I thought Polish beer couldn't compete, but I was wrong [20]


yes, but geographical orientation or the location of a person is very important, especially when drinking wonderful Czech beer :

I know :-) Imagine sitting on a rooftop bar / lounge close to the Castle in Prague overlooking the Vltava river and Chalres bridge below, whilst sipping on a fresh draught of beer. There is just no city that comes close to Prague - in terms of its raw beauty (thats my opinion) and fairy-tale like charm.


Oh pelase do tell where they serve Kozel in Warsaw. I would love to try some great new places with good beer. We have been to the Beirut Hummus Beirut bar and I am aware they do have some great craft beers there.
14 Jan 2016
Work / Whats the job and school market like in Warsaw? [27]


Yes, I remember meeting a programmer (from London) who was working for GameLoft in Toronto, and he explained to me the whole situation with the salaries in London, particularly in video gaming sector, and he was much better off in Toronto.

What about Amsterdam? The tech sector doesnt pay too well in France too I reckon


I think the tech sector in Ukraine is a bit different, in that the Government does not tax heavily the employers, thus giving them more space to reward their hard-earned employees with better pay. As you prob know the IT sector is quite significant to their economy situation over there, with quite a number of players over there. I was just as surprised to come across major non-Canadian tech companies who outsource their entire back dveelopment to Ukraine (and Belarus), in addition to tech type companies. I beieve the video gaming industry may be different though - salaries are lower.

Yip 25k Gross is definitely very comfortable for Warsaw. That would be Executive-level pay in major foreign corporations, perhaps?
13 Jan 2016
Work / Whats the job and school market like in Warsaw? [27]


I hear you with repsect to the salaries Ukranian developers are earning in Kiev, Krakov and other big IT hubs over there. I know for a fact that even attracting mid-level hard-core Ukranian programmers to Canada is a mission at times, as most positions over there (whether its in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary) pay the same or even less than what these chaps are earning currently in Ukraine. The norm is for these guys to earn between 4 - 5 000 USD per month and this is after tax.


What was I thinking - sorry I meant Kharkiv, not Krakov. Also Dnipropetrovsk and Odessa are other IT hubs :-)
13 Jan 2016
Food / I thought Polish beer couldn't compete, but I was wrong [20]


I only drink Kozel here in Warsaw (both lager and the dark one) but they are available at only few convenience stores. I just refuse to drink Polish beer - sorry :-)

Otherwise in Czech I prefer beer from smaller breweries like Pegas in Brno (prob my favourite out of all), otherwise Staropramen, Gambrinus are good options too :-)
13 Jan 2016
Work / Whats the job and school market like in Warsaw? [27]


Well the Ukrainian IT market is the largest one in Central and Eastern Europe (with over 5000 Developers working in perm roles there), and it is a known fact that Ukrainian developers are highly competent. In fact they are sourced spcifically by many high-tech companies in Canada and the States (I know this as I was working in his industry for 4 years in Toronto). You'll be surprised just how many Ukrainian progarmmers are brought over via the immigration route which takes a couple of months by the way.

Therefore I would not be surprised if Polish tech companies are sourcing them too. (Please note I am not saying that Polish developers are not competent).
13 Jan 2016
Classifieds / Are there are any Czechs in Warsaw? [7]


You'll be surprised how many Czechs I know that actually dont drink beer. :-) Anyway I find many Czech beers which are just wonderful in taste and in my opinion it is the best beer in the world. I have been all over so I can really compare. German beer is a close second (in my opinion).


Interesting view points that you make. You are righ about Prague and Brno continually improving and changing since 2004 - although you must remember there is alot of Russian money in Prague (and Karlovy Vary for that matter). In fact its quite sad at just how much Prague had changed and in a way its just becoming sold out to more and more to foreigners. It is a pity that Prague actually relies more on foreign capital than its own, in order to keep on improving. You are correct with respect to the political nonsense - I used to follow it very closely when I was living and working there in 2009 - 2011. However the Czech economy is doing better although there was a dip in the last couple of quarters but foreign investment and capital has always been on the increase, so.

Lastly, I do think the infrastructure is better in Czech (particularly the roads and highways which are continually being improved) but then again it is a much smaller country than Poland. Plus the metro in Prague is the cleanest that I have seen in Europe (and compare to may other Western European capital cities).
12 Jan 2016
Classifieds / Are there are any Czechs in Warsaw? [7]


Ano, naordila jsem se v Brne a mam tam rodinu. :-)

Yip I am Czech, born in Brno prior we immigrated to Joburg, South Africa where I pretty much spent 16 years. I was in Toronto for the past 4 years before coming to Warsaw temporarilly.

Yes I also think Czechs avoid Poland. Both my childhood friends (who are Czech) and my old czech colleagues at Infosys in Brno, did not think too "positively" of the Polish people - I am not sure why?

Anyway I was back in Brno visiting my family and some old colleagues back in October, and when I told them (well my Czech friend), that I was quite suprised at how Warsaw was developed and that the differences between the both countries seem minimal, well her reaction was something along the lines of..."Oh yeah but Poland is still much poorer than Czech".

Anyways with all these Czech speaking postings, I am wondering who they are finding to fill these jobs? And I am not referring to plain CSR type roles - also Accoutning type roles.
12 Jan 2016
Classifieds / Are there are any Czechs in Warsaw? [7]

Hi there,

I have yet to come across any Czechs in Warsaw (there should be some seeing that there are companes adveritsing for Czech speakers). I was wondering if anyone has come across any? Just curious, thats all.

12 Jan 2016
Work / Whats the job and school market like in Warsaw? [27]

@AmgryPole @Delphiandomine

Thanks for responding. I actually just had a meeting with an Exec from an IT Recruitment company and Warsaw, and he mentioned that it is indeed a candidate's market for IT related jobs here.
6 Jan 2016
Work / Whats the job and school market like in Warsaw? [27]

Merged: Which job market skill-sets are in dire shortage in Warsaw?

Hi there!

I was just wondering what sectors (if any) of the job market are experiencing a hard time sourcing qualifiedprofessionals from the local market? I am specifically referring to Warsaw. I am expecting areas of the IT field to be included in the list, seeing the continual growth and advancement in this sector worldwide . Perhaps there are others?

4 Dec 2015
Real Estate / Price of residential property in Warsaw. What percentage of Polish people are house owners here vs renters? [7]

I have just done a few searches on the cost of residential property (mainly free-standing houses) in and around Warsaw. Wow is all I have to say! All the listings are > 1 million. It appears as though the property prices are way out of reach with respect to the average (or higher than average) salaries that are earned here.

From a comparative perspective - I worked and lived in Toronto (which alongside Vancouver are in the top 10 most expensive cities with respect to price of housing). However percentage of house ownership in Canada is 70% (the remaining 30% rest are renters).

I wonder what percentage of Polish people are house owners here vs renters?

However with hard-earned CAD it would make sense to purchase property here (or elsewhere in Central Europe), if there would a be a large return on investment in the mid-long term.
30 Nov 2015
Travel / Travel Agencies in Warsaw, Poland specializing in Maldives / Bali / Thailand vacations [9]


Yes it makes sense as Germans travel to far-away "exotic" destinations quite often so due to high demand there should be a larger supply of such travel agencies there. I have done some searches on this yesterday, and will draw up a list as there were a couple of international agencies from the UK, India that also came up in the search. Actually based on Expedia searches, there are flights departing from Warsaw airport, and headed to Maldives but as you mentioned, its best to do some comparison searches. I've never traveled through a travel agency before as my most current holiday to Jamaica in May was through Expedia (we were living in Toronto so its typical to book Caribbean vacations online, mainly due to the abundance of packages being offered on the various web portals). I don't believe that's the case here though - I have only noticed Expedia.

Anyway thanks again and have a good one!

26 Nov 2015
Travel / Travel Agencies in Warsaw, Poland specializing in Maldives / Bali / Thailand vacations [9]

Hi there!

I was wondering if anyone knows of any Travel Agencies (located in Warsaw) who deal with Maldives / Bali / Thailand vacations? I have searched (in English) but not much came up - in fact only 1 positive result showed up.

Anyhow I am trying to compare Expedia price points (to the Maldives) vs what travel agencies have to offer here.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
