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Posts by Billy9999  

Joined: 14 Oct 2015 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 14 Nov 2015
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Posts: Total: 33 / In This Archive: 27
From: Liverpool
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Grass Track Racing Alf Hagon JAP 500

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15 Nov 2015
UK, Ireland / Polish community in the UK: are you happy? [46]

Tolerance is fine until you have daughters, that (as most young girls do) like to go out on the town and enjoy themselves without being stalked, molested and pestered by 7th century freaks that think that, because a woman is displaying more than one square inch of flesh that they are asking for it.

Incompatible with western values!
15 Nov 2015
UK, Ireland / Polish community in the UK: are you happy? [46]

No I'm British through and though... Protestant Christian, 1/2 Scot 1/2 English, married to Catholic Irish with Catholic kids.

Have thought about a move to Poland but the language sounds difficult.

We do like the Polish we have met though (and that's lots), and we don't like the increasing numbers of Muslims that are appearing in Liverpool (and with all the associated problems which are downplayed by the PC press).
15 Nov 2015
UK, Ireland / Polish community in the UK: are you happy? [46]

Brits of my generation (I was born to parents who served in the RAF with Polish ww2 squadrons) have huge respect for the Polish.

I can understand leaving because of crime, our inner cities are a mess.
15 Nov 2015
UK, Ireland / Polish community in the UK: are you happy? [46]

But it can work well. Flint (in North Wales) is full of Polish.

Polish are (by talking with them)... racist. You never see any Muslims or Pakistani's etc in Flint.

That's fine by me.
13 Nov 2015
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

I'm sorry I can't help with details of your request for info. I can say that both my parents served on stations with hurricane pilots and were in awe at the bravery of the Polish pilots, who were legendary in firing at the hun until the bullets ran dry and, even ramming the German bombers to bring them down. Respect!
13 Nov 2015
Love / What differences is there among Polish girls and British girls as girlfriends? [102]

Don't slate British women off... It is they that populated an empire, it is they that fought for equal status and the vote, it is they that manned the factories through two world wars whilst their men went out to fight, on land, sea and air.

And all within living memory.

Yes, it is fortunate that they are on an island, protected by 40km of sea.... But they are a stiff breed.
12 Nov 2015
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

White, male, Christian, heterosexual and able-bodied. Welcome to the most discriminated - against and hated club in the world.
10 Nov 2015
UK, Ireland / What do you hate about England and English people? [142]

one English colleague suggested that we should postpone Christmas party (which we organize every year) until the end of January so that everyone could attend and no one would feel offended! Why would you call it a Christmas party then?

That, to me is EXACTLY what is wrong with England and the English. PC correctness gone mad.

We were a Christian country until about five years ago. Then, suddenly our inglorious politicians started saying we are "multicultural"! When did that happen?

Camoron only today proudly stated that we have "a community for every country in the world" What's all that about?... hardly integration or social cohesion is it?
7 Nov 2015
Life / Brits on benefits in Poland? [38]

I have worked out that in January 2016 ie 3/4 of the way through the current UK tax year I will only be taking home half of what I earn (due to tax and NI). Until April.

I am seriously considering jacking in work. It galls me to think that, probably a good proportion of my tax will be paid to Muslim benefit claiming replacements... I'd rather not!
6 Nov 2015
History / What was better in Poland under communism? [67]


Post was very poignant. I remember the UK in the 70s we used to re-sole shoes, patch jeans. Families used to eat whatever was delivered to the table. Blackouts were tolerated as were were all in it together. There was a feeling that we were all in it for the greater good, that future times for better or worse would be weathered. But most of all there was a feeling of nationhood, that we had some common bond from centuries ago. We thought our political classes could be trusted.

Sadly that has all been eroded in the last 15-20 years by some sort of unshared plan.
3 Nov 2015
Travel / Muslim tourist visiting Poland - safety concerns [51]

The posters on here saying "just wear your headscarf you'll be fine".

Irresponsible to say the least, after all its not them who'll face consequences.

Why would you want to put that to the test? It's be like me walking through Dudley (UK) with an England tee-shirt on (OK, might get away with it, probably not).

Why risk provoking the locals ... unless you are making a statement but then why would you place a child at risk?
2 Nov 2015
UK, Ireland / Why do UK people look down on us? Maybe because plenty of Polish people work in the sex and cleaning industry? [51]

"the politically correct media the establishment clearly attacks Poles and Eastern Europeans more often than say Black people or Asians"

You have a point there... perhaps it is because black's and asians are far more sensitive to anything that could conceivably be interpreted as a racist slur and have a tendency to take to the streets en-mass and riot to gain concessions and privileges.
2 Nov 2015
UK, Ireland / Why do UK people look down on us? Maybe because plenty of Polish people work in the sex and cleaning industry? [51]

I think a few have misunderstood my post. What I was attempting to illustrate is differing attitudes to Polish people depending upon UK area.

It is my observation that Polish people are very welcome generally in the Northwest, that includes Cumbria, Cheshire and North Wales. In fact, in the town of Flint just on the Welsh border has a thriving Polish community which is welcomed by the original inhabitants. Also, Polish are very welcome in places like Leek, Staffordshire as many places like these have a long history of welcoming in Polish from WW2.

Many Polish avoid inner city areas (including, obviously London) which often resemble the Punjab, preferring instead to settle in places that make them feel more at home. Plenty of evidence to support this on google and backed-up by Polish people I have met and chatted to.

Just my observations and I'm sure there will be people who disagree :)
2 Nov 2015
UK, Ireland / Why do UK people look down on us? Maybe because plenty of Polish people work in the sex and cleaning industry? [51]

rozumiemnic.... each to their own eh?

Suffice to say, I'd rather live in a tent in a field than in most parts of London - and, yes I've been there plenty of times with work and leisure visits, each time progressively worse than the last.

"Small-minded and tittle-tattly" could mean community-spirited.. something you possibly know nothing about judging by your comment :)
27 Oct 2015
Life / Is "Polish person - Atheist" an oxymoron? [24]

worldwide the number of Catholics is on the increase (driven mainly the expansion of south Americans and into USA).

It is in Europe and the middle eastthat their numbers are decreasing due to numerous factors but not least because of aggression and persecution by other religions and the ageing demographics of indigenous Europeans.