Law /
EU citizen - Register in Poland - Amount of a bank account [8]
Hello again and thank you for your replies,
As far as I know first I have to apply for a temporary residence, as InPolska wrote. Below I am quoting from this site:,Right-of-residence-in-Poland-of-citizens-of-EU-Member-States-and-their-family-me.html
An EU citizen may be granted a residence permit in Poland in case of meeting of one of the following conditions:
2. he/she is covered by a general medical insurance or entitled to health care services and
has financial resources which are sufficient to provide for himself/herself and his/her family members in Poland and which do not come from social assistance;
I have private medical insurance in Poland and my question is about the financial resources. Does anyone have an idea about the amount of money is needed? I believe 2500pln are not enough. On other threads I read something like 10000 PLN but it was for students. Is it the same amount for someone who is not going to study in Poland?
Thanks in advance :-)