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Posts by Zak  

Joined: 7 Jul 2015 / Male ♂
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23 Aug 2015
Language / Polish dative case: Why do you use "mu" in this sentence instead of "go" [9]

Is there any rule or do you have to remember it? I know dative/celownik is typically the indirect object, I always reference this when I'm confused: en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Polish/Noun_cases. Now would that mean that him in "Tell him not to talk that way" is the indirect. lol I probably confused you that didn't make much sense, but thank you
7 Jul 2015
Language / Devoicing of Polish consonants not always correct? [11]

I still don't know how to quote, hold on

It's same thing, the second one is spelled wrongly but it would be pronounced the same

I just didn't want to use "ó" for a pronunciation guide... in retrospect i see how that could have gave the wrong message
7 Jul 2015
Law / Confirmation of Polish citizenship of my mother (born in Poland) [9]

My case is very straight forward my mother was born in Poland, 1979, and we obviously have all her records(She might have a valid passport). most of my family is still in Poland and we keep in contact so i have an address for someone who lives in Poland, my grandmother can translate the legal stuff since I can't understand that complex Polish, and I have the New York consulate nearby. Do you think we could do it ourselves? How hard will this be? Also I'm 15 idk if that maters...
7 Jul 2015
Language / Devoicing of Polish consonants not always correct? [11]

Maybe it's just because my grandmothers older idk! She's in her mid 50s, so maybe devoicing is more common now then from back then... but my mom say krówki as kruwki lol, maybe we're just weird and old fashioned

And if that's true that would explain it...
7 Jul 2015
Language / Devoicing of Polish consonants not always correct? [11]

Hi so i was speaking Polish to my grandmother the other day and i said the word "Mów" but i pronounced it how everyone online tells you to like "MUF", long story short, she told me to pronounce that as "MUW"...

Do people in different areas of Poland not devoice consonants. All of my family is from a tiny town next to Rzeszów, and I've noticed we pronounce things differently like we always pronounce "Ę" nasalized, ugh i hate it when people don't nasalize it lol, and we pronounce things how they're written more, same thing for "Ą"...

Does anyone know anything about this, thanks!