President elect Trump wants to deport all of the Muslims from America in the name of safety to the American people.
As far as I know he is not yet the President elect. BTW, what do you think about the candidate who is saying that among many other things:
When you have an economy when 99 % of all the income goes to the top 1% and when the top 0.1 percent owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90% when one family, the Walton family itself, owns more wealth than the bottom 130 million Americans. That is not an economy that America is supposed to have.
Pieśń NSZ: Jedna bomba atomowa i wrócimy znów do Lwowa. Druga mała, ale silna i wrócimy też do Wilna.
The song of the National Armed Forces:
Truman, Truman, drop that bomb, We can't wait it any long. Give us only one blast-off and we'll get us back to Lvov Take another strong and whack and we'll get to Vilno back.
Open secret - In various European languages, including at least Italian, French, Spanish, Polish, and Portuguese a Pulcinella's secret or a Polichinelo's secret is an open secret.
Average Poles got ripped off, they're the suckers, losers and victims who lost out on the transformation.
What do you think of prof. Kieżun's opinions on the subject:
The situation in the crucial for Poland years of transformation was also described in the book by Noami Klein: the Shock Doctrine:
... the IMF and the U.S. Treasury saw Poland's problems through the prism of the shock doctrine. An economic meltdown and a heavy debt load, compounded by the disorientation of rapid regime change, meant that Poland was in the perfect weakened position to accept a radical shock therapy program.
If you would read as many newspapers as I do you would have noticed that many authors write for whatever paper there is on the market; what only counts for them is the readership they can reach. By the way, the readership of Gazeta Wyborcza is not the least demanding, quite the opposite. And don't be too parochial - read whatever newspaper you happen to pick up without any prejudices.
I am terribly sorry if I am to be understood as saying a word that would pander to prejudice against anyone because of their presumed sex, ethnicity, behaviour or whatever. But above all, sorry for my unbearably bad English.
The justification: NATO troops have to guard pipelines that transport oil and gas that is directed for the West, and more generally to protect sea routes used by tankers and other 'crucial infrastructure' of the energy system.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer NATO Secretary General in 2003
The plutiocrats who are already filthy rich can afford to shave their margin a bit and extend a helping hand to the hero of this story, the ordinary Pole.
I do not know if this is true about economic policy of U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne. Who can confirm or deny the information? Any British following the situation in his/her country?
The government is insisting on taking billions of Pounds out of the economy through its austerity program, yet at the very same time it is pumping billion of Pounds into the economy through Quantitative Easing, the equivalent of 24,000 Pounds for every family in Britain.
But it gets even more confusing, because the Bank of England has admitted that those billions of Pounds are not going where they are supposed to. A vast majority of that money has actually found its way into the hands of the wealthiest five percent in Britain. It has been described as the biggest transfer of wealth to the rich in recent documented history.
It could be a huge scandal, comparable to the greedy oligarchs in Russia. A ruthless elite, siphoning off billions in public money. But nobody seems to know.
Who would you rather be in control of the of the world between the two, NATO or Putin ?
At the end of the Cold War, Russia reduced its network of foreign military bases, but through several rounds of Base Realignment and Closure, the U.S. increased its numbers.
Russia is not a match and will not be a match for the USA.
...still wondering when someone is going to explain how a blanket 2% tax on retailers is going to help small Polish businesses and consumers.
You can't win elections by announcing taxation on retailers. To fulfill other promises you need money and you can't tax international institutions - banks, corporations and hypermarkets. To do so, the Polish government should have much more power than it has.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer NATO Secretary General in 2003: NATO troops have to guard pipelines that transport oil and gas that is directed for the West, and more generally to protect sea routes used by tankers and other 'crucial infrastructure' of the energy system. From Wikipedia.
Why NATO do exist after Soviet Uninon collapsed? Before it collapsed the official explanation for NATO's existence was to defend west aginst the hords from the east. Since early 90s there is no Soviet Union and what happend - NATO expanded. Now the official mission of NATO, as put by NATO Secretery Genaral, is to control the global energy system: that is to control the world. You saw this in Kosovo and Serbia in 1999 and in Iraq in 2003.[/i]
Why to be so overexcited by this U.S.-run global intervention force - I do not understand.
Lack of "political stability" (real or not) is not the same as country being democratic or not; BTW, democracies are usually less stable in a short run than tyrannies. Is their's then a short term rating?
Either in the past illusion never changed into something real though there is a man who claims that dawałem z siebie wszystkom, i mądrość, i odwagie...
Both the long term future and the short term future prices can be higher and they can be lower.
Not that they always go up. Those are two different statements
If the short term future price would always go up then the long term future would always go up as well but as a means of short term prices during the time of the whole period of time you measure the long term future price - that's elementary.
Future price contain a premium for holding the contract and this decays over time.
Here you are using technical terms. What is premium? What is contract? And what it is that decays over time. Why do you get into the technicalities of that sort? I do not understand that.
I didn't ask him because this stuff is too difficult for me. I would be intimidated by the complexity of investors' language. But can you explain in a plain English what he means?
God, what they done to my country, in the middle of Europe, just to make them profit
Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time that those sharks will eat us one by one but I say unto you that at last the children of the Devil will not inherit the Earth.
Those taking part were easily recognizable as they were wearing the obligatory KOD sticker.
Maybe they defended democracy everywhere?
A poet once wrote in defence of workers rights, refering to the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947:
You who wronged a simple man Bursting into laughter at the crime, And kept a pack of fools around you To mix good and evil, to blur the line, Though everyone bowed down before you, Saying virtue and wisdom lit your way, Striking gold medals in your honor, Glad to have survived another day, Do not feel safe. The poet remembers. You can kill one, but another is born. The words are written down, the deed, the date. And you'd have done better with a winter dawn, A rope, and a branch bowed beneath your weight.
Washington, D. C., 1950
His attitudeds were best expressed in his book Kontynenty page 66:
J., który poza tym, że pisze książki, pracuje w fabryce, opowiada, że nie zauważył żadnego w ogóle stosunku do Taft-Hartley Bill u swoich kolegów robotników. "Za dużo mają sadła w pasie, kiedy schudną i spostrzegą się, będzie za późno"
And the poem occurred more universal.
Do you guarantee that they were protesting against the current political situation in Poland and not in defence of democracy anywhere and everywhere?