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Joined: 2 May 2015 / Female ♀
Last Post: 24 Aug 2015
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From: Łódź
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1 Jul 2015
Work / What are the job opportunities in Poland for a young Italian with a law degree? [72]

lawenquiry are you seriously law graduated from the Polish university??? You know that master degree doesn't entitle you to practice law? There are two legal professions: adwokat and radca prawny ( no idea how to stanslate them into English, probably attorney is the closest word) and to become one you have to sit bar exam, achieve satisfactory result and complite 3 years length vocational course, during this 3 years you have to go to kind of law school and sit some exams and also find "patron" in theory the experienced adwokat or radca prawny who will show you the practical aspects of your job in practice your employer, most of trainees work for their patrons for pennies, sometimes even for free, right now there are plenty of trainees on the market so don't expect be paid well in the legal office additionally you will have no chances to be promoted there. If you don't want to continue your education you should rather look for the job in some legal department of some companies, I've heard that banks pay pretty well or the insurence companies. good luck!
26 Jun 2015
Work / What are the job opportunities in Poland for a young Italian with a law degree? [72]

Hello Chismini,

Don't let them make you believe that your education is worthless and you are in the most hopeless situation ever, after all you are a law graduated who speaks English and Italian and is European citizen! Use it! If I were you, I would complete legal education in italy and try to use that 2 years (it's not so long, still shorter then 5 years of another studies and still shorter then it takes you in Poland) to specialize in something that can be useful in Poland, European Commerce law, migration law etc sound promising. Additionally you should improve your Polish. That education will let you work whereever you wish:) Good luck!
15 May 2015
News / Poland have the 3rd best Education System of Europe [49]

Of course we can't evaluate schools and universities on the basis on the same factors, because we expect different things from the high school graduetes and other from the Univerisity graduates! High school students should have broad general knowlagde, while University students whould have deep, specialized knowladge based which they would be able to create new ideas on!

As for Polish universities, of course there are such obstacles like lack of money, the fact that majority of Universities work in Polish and Poland as a country is not the most attractive place all over the world, because of all of that we are not really able to attract the best researchers of the world so we should not expect our univerisities to be in top 10 or even 20 but we surely should expect them to be in the top 300, they are not because of the wrong selection. At the universities there is purely feudal system, the professor is a lord and assistents are his/her vassels, nobody expect from them to be creative, curious, clever, passionate, they are expected to be obiedent and repeat the professor thesis as precisely as possible, but without critical thinking, without permanent overthrowing the old thesis and creating the new there is no progress, no science, no development.
15 May 2015
News / Poland have the 3rd best Education System of Europe [49]

I'm afraid you are seriously exaggerating with the influence of the religious classes on the education system. In my high school only 6 out of 28 students attended that lessons and most of my friends attend the mass only during weddings and funerals! It's not the point.

Indeed our education system is pretty good and the general knowladge of Polish people is pretty good. During my student's exchange I was shocked when I noticed how little people know, exactly when I noticed they didn't know anything. French people who about French Revolution knew it had been, Italian who asked me if Poland was near Japan, the residents of Strasbourg, who has never ever heard about European Court of Human Rights, but I don't think it's caused only by poor education system. Arrogance is the biggest problem: "I don't know, I don't care", that's their attitide. British and French were the world superpower, since the colonialism they have been convinced they are better because they are French/ English and such way of thinking still exists, not so direct and a bit covered by the political correctness, but still the poverty for the general public is connected with the immigration: "north Paris is poor because it's an immigrants district" nobody says it's poor because it's a district of uneducated people. The British/French students don't need to prove anything, they don't feel social pressure to be educated, being French/English is enought, the same is with Sweden it hasn't been a colonial power, but it has always been one of the strongest countries in the Scandinavia.
6 May 2015
Study / Studying in University of Lodz as an Indian student? What's the city like - is it safe here? [56]

Unfortunatelly I don't know, I've been to Poznań just as a tourist and only with my Polish friends so I don't know how safe it is for foreigners, it's also not very international city so probably it's similar to £ódź, but it's a bit richer city so the crime rate is probably generaly lower and it makes the city more safe for everybody:)

As for the University of Economics, honestly I've never heard about, but I've never taken into consideration studying economy so I'm not the best person to ask about. As a total laic in the issue I've heard just about 2 Universities specialized in teaching economy with famous courses in English, there are: Warsaw School of Economics and Koźmiński University and they are both in Warsaw which is also the most international city in Poland, which could be important for you, but it also a bit more expensive then ther est of Poland, especially eating/drinking out.
4 May 2015
Study / Studying in University of Lodz as an Indian student? What's the city like - is it safe here? [56]


I'm a student from £ódź and also a "mentor" for exchange students so from my experience I can tell you that £ódź is pretty good place for studies, it's cheap and there are a lot of pubs/clubs, but it's not really international city and that means if you really want to get high quality education, English language programmes are not the best solution. The IFE at the Technical University of £ódź is the only one worth mentioning.

As for £ódź, well, it's very poor city, with many pathological environments, with the famillies where the unemployment is being inherited, all that of course cause rather high crime rate and other social problems. There are also positive aspects of £ódź, it's rather new city so people are less traditional and more open, it's easier to make friends in £ódź then in Cracow or on the east of Poland, it's cheap, there are more and more international companies here so it's possible to find a job even without Polish language skills.

As for racist problem, well, it's as big as in any other Polish city. It means there are not a lot of other race people, so on the street people may stare at you, maybe eventually some hooligans may call you names , but we don't have system racism, it won't happen you won't be hire or you will be paid less, because of your race, maybe even opposit, we still have complexes and we want to show off in front of the foreigners.

Good luck!