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Posts by chesnakas  

Joined: 2 Jan 2015 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2015
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 22 / In This Archive: 21
From: Opolskiem
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: horticulture

Displayed posts: 22
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19 Mar 2015
Law / Agricultural business. Registering as self employed in Poland. [18]

Marcus, what your saying is complete nonsense, there's farming and there's farming. As for land prices the government are selling off at 24-34000zl a hectacre. I grow garlic and plan on growing 25 arow per year about 103,000 pieces, I'll need to keep about 10% for replanting and sell the rest for 50 euro cents each €46350 per year of course it needs to be certified organic. So what can you tell me about it?
11 Feb 2015
Love / Civil Cermony Details in Poland - music, vows? [10]

From my own experience, none of my documents had to be translated, they were sent from the British Consulate in Amsterdam, to the Ministry of Interior in Poland, and they approved my marriage. Not sure were the OP is registered as resident but if in Poland, then your probably right about the translations, approvals and other Polish BS. If she cannot speak polish then would probably also need an official translator, I speak polish but the vows are quite difficult to repeat, We had music, wine, bread and salt courtesy of the registry office.
11 Feb 2015
Law / Certificate of no impediment - Single Status - UK Getting Married in Poland [24]

I got married in Poland but at the time was living in Holland, the certificate of no impediment I had to go to the British Consulate in Amsterdam and hand write a declaration that I am not married and never have been, which was witnessed by a consular worker and sent off the Polish Ministry of Interior. My marriage was approved and the documents sent to the local Urzad Gminy, a couple of days before my wedding the Urzad Gminy called me and told me they cannot let me get married as I cannot declare myself that I'm not married it has to come from some official institute, which one the couldn't tell me.

After taking the name of the Civil Servant and calling the British Consulate who called the Town Hall the situation was made clear and the person who called me apologized and told me the information came from the Urzad Wojewodzkie. Where are you getting your certificate of no impediment?
26 Jan 2015

Merged: IBM will lay-off their employees

Biggest corporate lay-off in history is expected within days, with IBM believed to be scrapping 110,000 of its 430,000 workforce around the world

IBM will make job cuts this week under plan known as 'project chrome'
Reported that they were preparing to scrap 26 per cent of their workforce
But IBM said it was closer to 'several thousand people' losing their jobs
Struggled in move from manufacturing computers to cloud computing

5 Jan 2015
Law / PESEL for EU citizen working for a EU company (not Polish) in Poland [42]

Can't edit my post but would like to add although you do not need PESEL to buy the ZUS insurance, you certainly need it to make use of the health care NFZ.

I am just checking the ZUS site because it was there I read that PESEL to buy cover is not a necessity.

@ JollyRomek
"PESEL automatically.

They don't issue the PESEL automatically in every city or region, that's for sure. There seems to be some variation between administrative centres."

I must apologise as have read post 5 and the way you registered is correct if you have a Job, but if you don't and are looking for work or to start a business and need PESEL all you have to do is register for over three months. The point is PESEL will be issued automatically by Urzad Gminy/miasto after registering your permanent address, Which yours was or are you saying you had to fill an application for it?

So advice to OP or anybody else needing a PESEL is to register yourself first with Urzad Gminy/Miasto for a period of longer than three months and it will be issued automatically
5 Jan 2015
Law / PESEL for EU citizen working for a EU company (not Polish) in Poland [42]

For sure you need a NIP to pay ZUS. In any online banking program you have to fill in your NIP, and as a second reference Pesel or Regon. There is no way around that.

I have a bank account in Poland with ING and use their online banking, don't need to use anything other than my inlog and password, and to open my account only needed Title Deed, Temporary Registration and Passport, and also to pay ZUS you do not need a PESEL (NIP). I bet if Harry called the Urząd Miasta and asked about his PESEL they will give it to him.
5 Jan 2015
Law / PESEL for EU citizen working for a EU company (not Polish) in Poland [42]

Edited by: milawi Today, 06:55pm ☓ #30

Thanks, I'm just going to read it through

Collection of social security - Universal Electronic System of Population Register is run since 1979 and contains data of people registered for permanent residence or temporary residence of over 3 months, persons applying for an identity card or passport, as well as persons for whom separate provisions need to have a number Social Security.

So ok, without registering yourself in the Local Residency Registry for three months or longer you won't get a PESEL

who can Get a .PESEL

b) foreigners registered for permanent or temporary residence of over 3 months on the basis of Art. 26 of the cited Act - at the request of the municipality, note "At the request of municipality"

See Johnny foriegner cannot ask for it himself.
5 Jan 2015
Law / PESEL for EU citizen working for a EU company (not Polish) in Poland [42]

Numery PESEL nadaje wyłącznie Minister Spraw Wewnętrznych. Inne organy administracyjne w naszym imieniu wnioskują o jego nadanie.
PESEL is exclusively issued by Ministry of Interior or agents of.
Do wniosku trzeba będzie załączyć akt urodzenia (umiejscowiony) oraz adres stałego zameldowania. Wniosek składamy w urzędzie miasta lub gminy, który w naszym imieniu występuje o nadanie numeru ewidencyjnego PESEL

This is for a Baby but as a foriegner registering for the first time it's the same
For the application you need to attach Birth certificate (not applicable in our case) or permanent address, Application deliver to Urząd Gmina, which will in our name Issue PESEL.

English only please

Harry have you asked by the Gmina for it? I told you I registered 2 years ago for three months and was issued it, they didn't tell me and I didn't ask. Today I called them and yes I have a PESEL.

So ok, you need a PESEL, who can find the application form for it? if it's not issued by the Gmina automatically there must be an application form for one, somebody please let me see it as I've searched the Web and can't find one.

Sorry for the polish but thought if translation was attached it was acceptable.
5 Jan 2015
Law / PESEL for EU citizen working for a EU company (not Polish) in Poland [42]

Yes they do, and it's national. Even after going to Urząd Wojewodzki and getting your residents permit your PESEL will only be issued after you have registered you Permanent place of residency, Here is what is demanded to register for the residents permit, as you can see as an Enterprise you need to present copies of extract from business register, Regon and NIP to obtain all of this you need PESEL, how do I get a PESEL? First register as temporary resident for stays longer than 90 days and it will be issued automatically.

Zależnie od celu pobytu dodatkowo należy dołączyć:

Wykonywanie pracy:

pisemne oświadczenie pracodawcy lub podmiotu upoważnionego do powierzenia obywatelowi UE wykonywania pracy o zamiarze powierzenia mu wykonywania pracy lub zaświadczenie o wykonywaniu pracy, wskazujące okres zatrudnienia.

Praca na własny rachunek na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej:

kserokopię odpisu z Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, Regon, NIP lub kserokopię zaświadczenia o wpisie do ewidencji działalności gospodarczej.
5 Jan 2015
Law / PESEL for EU citizen working for a EU company (not Polish) in Poland [42]

"Now unless we have all been wrong, our PESEL was issued incorrectly and Lodz Voivodeship workers do not comply with the Polish immigration rules and regulations, I will not move away from my opinion" .

Not incorrectly just not in the right order, because you have gone to register immediately for a resident permit without first registering as temporary resident, so have jumped the gun. Your entitled to your opinion it's like an AH everybody has one even me ; )

If your so adamant you know, why don't you start a website like foriegnersinpoland and state the procedure as they do, simple and clearcut?
5 Jan 2015
Law / PESEL for EU citizen working for a EU company (not Polish) in Poland [42]

OK how do you prove the day you aąrrived?

As an EU citizen, they do not ask you for proof (at least they did not ask me). However, they ask you to tell them when you have arrived anyway. Whether or not you tell them the truth, is up to you.

So why the three month rule if it is totally irrelevant?
Every EU citizen has the right to register as resident legally in a member state for 90 days and be afforded the same protection and rights as a Citizen of that country, to seek work or for longer stays you must register as resident. The correct procedure is first register with local authority your place of residence and within three months show them (Urząd Wojewodzki) what they want to see work contract/enterprise and social insurance cover.

So the easiest and simplest way to get PESEL is first register with local Gmina for a stay longer than 90 days. within three months he will have his PESEL automatically.

As I said I only registered for three months at my address in Poland, two years ago and from the information I gathered from the web over the weekend found out they had allocated me a PESEL, only when I called them today had this confirmed.

There's an easy way for everything, so if the OP wants to get pushed from pillar to post and end up frustrated he should take your advice and do it the hard way. At least he can get a feel for life in Poland, and pretend he's integrated as "the hard way is polskie norm"
5 Jan 2015
Law / PESEL for EU citizen working for a EU company (not Polish) in Poland [42]

I do not want to get into a long winded argument with you but as I speak fluent polish and have been in and out of poland for the last 24 years know what I'm talking about, The information given on the foriegnersinpoland is absolutely correct, the Pesel will be issued automatically after you've registered as resident. So the OP should register his address with the Gmina and within a few weeks will be allocated a PESEL, then within three months he can go to Urząd Wojewodzki and get his residents permit.
5 Jan 2015
Law / PESEL for EU citizen working for a EU company (not Polish) in Poland [42]

"It is the other way around."
What came first the chicken or egg?
The way I said to do it is correct, for example you want to register as a sole trader, to register you need a Pesel, to get this you register with local Gmina for a fixed (temporary) period up to five years. They will issue you with a PESEL automatically, then with Pesel you register your enterprise and pay ZUS (Pesel for this not necessary)

With evidence of enterprise and insurance you get yourself off to Urząd Wojedwodzki ang get 5 years resident permit. I just called the Gmina as was registered at my address in Poland, for three months at the beginning of 2013 and yes a PESEL was allocated me as this is also my dossier number.

The OP must understand this is Poohland, and everybody will tell you different when in fact they know nothing.
4 Jan 2015
Law / Agricultural business. Registering as self employed in Poland. [18]

I was better off tax wise as got starters discount on my income, plus other discounts "self employed" etc. plus when it came to doing tax returns got money back for land use. When I left Holland, and done final returns the Inland revenue (Belastingdienst) claimed I had received €5000 too much, funny thing is they have sent letters to my old address and my bookkeeper but not to the address I gave when de-registering.

For example if I could register what I want to do it would take me at least three seasons of cultivation before I had a surplus to sell, so for three years I would only have costs and pay no tax. whilst claiming VAT back on telefon,internet etc etc.
4 Jan 2015
Law / Agricultural business. Registering as self employed in Poland. [18]

"Can't all new businesses get reduced ZUS every month for Year 1? Something like 400 zl. That's quite a bit less than any large initial ZUS needing 100 fares, surely?"

Yes you get a two year relief 2013 was 414pln as opposed to full rate of seven hundred something. I don't know how it works but know from other experience if you can qualify as "farmer" or into that category you get loads of benefits from EU subsidies and tax reliefs. I operated so in Holland and had a full time job and never had it so good post crises, my job earning was almost tax free. I want eventually only grow one crop, max 2500m2 a year and the subsidies I don't want or need as can't be bothered with regulation and interference. Even if I could register now what I want the hassle and stress would break you.
4 Jan 2015
Law / Agricultural business. Registering as self employed in Poland. [18]

"Additionally, I have no idea how a cabbie with 2 ha of agricultural land somehow gets the benefit of reduced or zero taxation for his taxi driving earnings - if he does. Sounds too good to be true." because it probably is, maybe he only gets to pay KRUS at the lower end but earnings will be taxed normally, and he would need to declare income. costs and vat otherwise the business would not be viable. Ordinary farmers do not get back VAT or bring it into a account. The business a cabbie is "Off Farm Activities".
4 Jan 2015
Law / Agricultural business. Registering as self employed in Poland. [18]

Also that loophole of buying land to avoid paying too much in social insurance is now closed and has been for some years, you needed at least 2 hectares but now to qualify you need to have finished szkolne rolnicze or have a related qualification. There's probably a million poles abusing krus considering that in the last 15 years more and more small farmers are stopping due to reaching retirement and receiving pension if they dump land, which they do by writing ownership of it over to siblings, who in turn rent it out to another farmer, and go abroad/do something else and pay minimal social insurance.

I just need to get my five year residents permit as have property that I'm busy with and have a Transit Van, that's been sitting in my barn for six years without registration and can save a fortune by going getting materials myself, so my plan is to get my 5 year permit and use the "sole trader" route to get it as it's the easiest and can always close it within minutes of walking out of the Urząd Wojewodzki and cancel the krus.

As I understand from other sites/posts there may have been a PESEL already issued to me when I registered at my address for a set period a couple of years ago but I never asked for it and Gmina didn't tell me so I am going to call them and ask. I'll probably set up as a "freelance english teacher" as won't look suspect when I bin the idea within weeks. I have gone through the list of prohibited agricultural occupations and the only thing you could probably stump them on would be Bamboo as it doesn't fall into any class or description they have widely used.
3 Jan 2015
Law / Agricultural business. Registering as self employed in Poland. [18]

I know that agriculture is a closed sector in Poland, until 2016, as said I sort of own agricultural property already but if you read the Title deeds properly although I'm named as co owner it actually states it belongs to my (ex) wife's wealth "Mjatek". I have asked by the CEIDG and awaiting their reply, interesting what they say. What I want to do is more horticulture and on a small scale, my ex wife has land and pays krus even though she lives abroad if she were to help me it would be easy but sadly not the case.
2 Jan 2015
Law / Agricultural business. Registering as self employed in Poland. [18]

Thanks for the quick reply and advice, checked out a few of the posts and because of the confusion stirred up was hoping for the fast fire answers, without the false information. I know you don't need a pesel to buy the insurance as the information is on the site of ZUS. I could also go down the road registering as "economically non active" and pay no insurance as am covered in Norway, but that is too much hassle due to documents/contracts needing to be translated and proof of financial means. Obviously without a registered enterprise you would never get a bank account in an enterprises name, if for example where it was compulsory, I know of an example but it's off topic. I have a polish bank account and the only paper needed was the first meldunek from local Gmina, and title deeds from my house,

It's where to register the business is where I'm looking for.

Gaucho hit the nail on the head with this link foreigners in poland /work/start-business-in-poland.html
It's all very simple on the face of it but my sector (Agriculture) is regulated and that is where the problems for me will start, not so much problems but a whole heap of rubber stamps and flimsy bits of paper. I guess I'll need to do something else until 2016
2 Jan 2015
Law / Agricultural business. Registering as self employed in Poland. [18]

I wish to register as self employed in Poland,in the beginning I am an EU citizen, sort of own half a property in Poland ( the property is agricultural and until 2016, foreigners cannot own agricultural properties/land, without permission from the minister of agriculture) I bought it and registered it with my then wife, since divorced but the property is not disputed as we have two children and it works fine for me as the Gmina Taxes on it are only around 400pln. I wish to register as an Organic Vegetable Producer.

I must first go to the local gmina and register for stays over 90 days, I know this but need to know, which order must I do the rest and where?

Where do I register the Business and because it's Agricultural will the fees be lower, I know in Nederland, it is and think it's an EU norm?

How much must I pay KRUS/ZUS which is it I must pay and from which date?
NIP and Regon are these both obtainable from Urząd Skarbowy and how long does it take.
I think when all these things are done I can go the Urząd Wojewodsto, and get my 5 years residents permit.
I live and work in Norway, so need to get things arranged quickly as don't have time to be chasing around blind, so would like to know in simple terms how is the most practical way of doing it. I could take you to holland, if EU citizen, could do all this in one day and would only have to come back once for immigration office.