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Posts by thesipguy  

Joined: 22 Dec 2014 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Aug 2022
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 29 / In This Archive: 24
From: Israel, Jerusalem
Speaks Polish?: No

Displayed posts: 26
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2 Jun 2019
Law / Questions about citizenship (my father was born in Poland during the second world war) [4]

Your great grandfather was born in 1899 so he obtained citizenship in 1920, his son would be Polish at birth assuming the parents were legally married, because children of unmarried parents at the time took their moms citizenship.

If your grandparents stayed in the USSR into the 50's then they probably lost their citizenship due to bilateral agreement between Russia and Poland.

Its best to hire a local company to do a doc search, there are multiple archives and it will be difficult to navigate them without writing Polish, Ukrainian, you can contact me at thesipguy at Gmail dot com for a quote.
13 May 2019
Law / Polish free Euro account without SEPA transfer fees [6]

Nestbank is the worst bank ever, I opened account by them as you suggested and one day they closed it for no apparent reason, one person said I violated the account terms, when asked what I violated they couldn't say, another person said I'm a high risk customer but couldn't explain why, they are a horror.
13 May 2019
Life / Feedback on Smart Bank / Nest Bank [4]

They are the worst bank ever, I had an account with them, and one day they closed it for no apparent reason, one person said I violated the account terms, when asked what I violated they couldn't say, another person said I'm a high risk customer but couldn't explain why, they are a horror.
28 Mar 2019
Genealogy / So My Dad Had His DNA Tested; And... [22]

Tell your dad that there is nothing to be embarrassed with his Jewish heritage, it's possible that he grew up in a antiemetic background and this is a hard pill to swallow, but after all Jews are good people, they were always a minority in Europe and they were misunderstood mostly because they lived in closed communities hence the hate, the hate against Jews was purely from ignorance.

Being Jewish does not make you any less Slavic etc, you can be a Slavic Jew a Polish Jew a Russian Jew the same way others are Slav Christians, Polish Christians or Russian Christians.
27 Mar 2019
Law / My grandfather left Poland after WWII and emigrated. Question About Polish Citizenship [10]

Olcatin as long as your grandfather was under the age of 50 in 1951 or if he emigrated after 1951 then he remained a Polish citizen after emigrating to Britain, your grandfather was born in 1924 which is good, he didn't get citizenship until 1962 then its definitely not a problem.

Regarding your great uncle if he was born prior to 1951 then the parents would have to be married before he was born if the mom was not Polish, if the mom was Polish too and she didn't lose her citizenship (prior to 1951 women lost their citizenship at age 18 if they emigrated and did not marry a Polish citizen) then the child would be Polish through the mom if they werent married, because prior to 1951 citizenship was passed through the father if married and through the mother if they were not married, your grandfather was born after 1951 so that's not a problem.
16 Jul 2018
Life / Transferring foreign drivers license in Poland [10]

If you are a citizen you don't need a residency card

Sorry I meant to say register my residence, I understand that there is no penalty if I dont register, the question is will they let me get a drivers license without a registered address?

As for licence consider getting a international driving licence

I want to get a Polish license because the international license from the USA is only valid for one year and I need to renew it in the USA only, its a pain in the neck.
16 Jul 2018
Life / Transferring foreign drivers license in Poland [10]

Hi, I'm a Polish citizen but never lived in Poland, I have a Polish passport and Polish Dowod osobisty, I have a USA drivers license, I want to spend more time in Poland now and I was thinking of converting my drivers license to a Polish one, can it be done just by conversion?


The link above seems to imply that its possible to convert it without any wrtten (theory) or road tests, is that correct?

Will I need to change my legal address to Poland? if yes and I stay at a friends house when I'm there, can I sign a lease with him on on one room in his house and use it for residence card?
12 Jul 2018
Law / Beware of this website called Polishcitizenship.pl [24]

I have used polsihcitizenship.pl to get my citizenship reconfirmed and I have only good things to say about them, they did a great job on my very very difficult case, seems like my grandfather never had a Polish birth certificate, I assume his parents did not register him out of fear of the draft, his sisters were registered though, Roman found Nazi records among other records, I also had some records from France and the USA which all said he was born in Poland but no Polish docs, my case was originally rejected the argument was if he was born in Poland there must be some documents, Roman turned over every archive and he was able to find a record of my grandfather when he returned to Poland after the holocaust with his mom, I assume they went to see if anything was left of their properties etc, and with this document together with all the foreign documents was able to prove by apeal that my grandfather was indeed Polish and I got citizenship.

All this time Roman and Kate were constantly updating me via email on the progress, I am completely satisfied and I reccomended a few friends to use him for their cases and they are all satisfied.
10 Jun 2018
Law / Registering Marriage in Poland [16]


Polish marriage through court? Married and lived abroad, problems with registering our marriage in Poland

Hi, I'm a Polish citizen who lives abroad and married abroad, our marriage abroad was not done the standard way we got a court ruling after the fact that we're married, we also got a marriage certificate from the court in the country we got married, but the Polish registrar does not want to recognize the certificate, they told me I would need to get a Polish court confirm the foreign court order and only then can they register the marriage.

Can anyone help me how to file the petition to the Polish court? can it be done via mail? do I need a lawyer? .........

thanks in advance
6 Jun 2018
Law / Polish citizenship by petition to the president of Poland? [66]

Pan T. K.

Thanks, it's not for me, I am a Polish citizen, it's for my wife, I guess I will need more info from her family, regarding his father he left Poland with his 7 year old son, I will see if I can get more info and documents.
5 Jun 2018
Law / Polish citizenship by petition to the president of Poland? [66]

Treaty of Riga (1921)

Pan T. K. how about a person who left Poland at age 7, I believe it was approx 1902, he left for Israel, his son was born prior to his father becoming 50 years old, he was never stateless as he had citizenship of the then Palestine Mandate and neither him nor his kids served in any army prior to 1951 do his grandchildren have a case?
30 May 2018
Law / Polish free Euro account without SEPA transfer fees [6]

Hi I just opened a account at ING, I got a Zloty current account, Zloty savings account and EUR current account, there are no fees for keeping the accounts, but I realized that they charge 5 zloty for each outgoing SEPA EUR transfer, most banks in the Euro zone don't charge for it, I guess the banks in Poland are taking advantage of the fact that Euro is not the home currency, are there any banks with no outgoing SEPA fees?
22 Jan 2015
Genealogy / How to legally change your name in Poland? [15]

Merged: Is it possible in Poland to change a name if its not Polish sounding?

I am a Polish/USA dual citizen, I have a very Jewish sounding name, I read somewhere that in Poland you can change your name if its not Polish sounding, I would like to know how its done? I just don't feel safe in some countries with a Jewish sounding name.

Merged: Name change in Poland

I once saw that you can change your name in Poland if its not Polish enough, does anyone know how its done?
21 Jan 2015
News / Turkey abolished visas for Poles. [80]

I just checked, despite all the news about visa free for Polish passports, Turkey has not heard of the news and still requires visas for Polish passports.
8 Jan 2015
News / Turkey abolished visas for Poles. [80]

Crow, I'm no fan of Turkey under Erduan, but that's a stupid comment, using a single case as basis for saying that they are killing Slavic children, is like saying that no white man should ever visit NY because a white man has been killed there.
24 Dec 2014
News / Turkey abolished visas for Poles. [80]

Right now a visa is still required to go to Turkey, the new ruling has not taken been finalized, I'm not sure when it will take effect.
23 Dec 2014
Genealogy / Being ashamed of Polish ancestry? [156]

Crow don't be so sensitive, learn to have a bit of sence of humor, it was just a joke, I don't think your assumption about anglos treating poles as infidels is correct.

Once upon a time there were thousands of poles working as ilegal cheap laborers in the states, so its just natural to feel a bit superior over illegals, but today Poland's economy is lot closer to the EU economy and lots less poles work as cheap laborers, its different times.
22 Dec 2014
Genealogy / Being ashamed of Polish ancestry? [156]

I'm an American who just acquired Polish citizenship through my grandfather, when I told my boss that I'm a Pole now he joked that I will have to take a cut in my payroll (Polish laborers in the USA work for very cheap) :-)