6 Jun 2017
News / Reporter says she would trade 10 Polish lives if it helped thousands of immigrants [61]
In her calculation she assumes, that out of the 6999 refugees a significant amount would have been killed in the war, would they not had fled the war zone. Actually she calculates that she saved ALL of the 6999 people from certain death.
Syria had according to Wiki a population of 21 Million before the war. (2011)
The war causalities amount to 470 thousand, which is 2.2 % of the population. This is the highest number available, and taking into account staged terrorist attacks, I question even the smallest numbers available. This are total numbers, ISIS and opposition fighters alike. Civilian deaths are about 1/5th of that - so at the end we can divide by 5 to get the actual numbers.
2.2% of 6999 are 154
So we can assume that had the 7000 refugees not fled, around 154 causalities would be possible according to numbers available. (Again, combatants AND civilians)
Would you trade 154 Syrian persons against 10 country men of you? Would you trade 30 foreign citizens against 10 of your countrymen?
I like maths so I liked this calculation, but people who get into PUBLIC debates about stuff like that DO NOT BELONG into the public!!!! S****** B****!
In her calculation she assumes, that out of the 6999 refugees a significant amount would have been killed in the war, would they not had fled the war zone. Actually she calculates that she saved ALL of the 6999 people from certain death.
Syria had according to Wiki a population of 21 Million before the war. (2011)
The war causalities amount to 470 thousand, which is 2.2 % of the population. This is the highest number available, and taking into account staged terrorist attacks, I question even the smallest numbers available. This are total numbers, ISIS and opposition fighters alike. Civilian deaths are about 1/5th of that - so at the end we can divide by 5 to get the actual numbers.
2.2% of 6999 are 154
So we can assume that had the 7000 refugees not fled, around 154 causalities would be possible according to numbers available. (Again, combatants AND civilians)
Would you trade 154 Syrian persons against 10 country men of you? Would you trade 30 foreign citizens against 10 of your countrymen?
I like maths so I liked this calculation, but people who get into PUBLIC debates about stuff like that DO NOT BELONG into the public!!!! S****** B****!