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Joined: 20 Sep 2014 / Male ♂
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From: frankfurt,germany
Speaks Polish?: nope
Interests: education

Displayed posts: 27
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9 Oct 2014
Off-Topic / Thanks a lot for all of your kindness [27]

all Poles should die

Only God have the right to take anyones life. but when you got threat from where you have never gone. a fear rise in you
7 Oct 2014
Off-Topic / Thanks a lot for all of your kindness [27]

that is a threat to me. After all Pakistan has nukes. So it worries me.

my dear friend remember. we dont need to nuke anyone. and why we should nuke polish as it was polish scientists who helped to to make it. why should we pakistani target polish people as they are like our brothers. when pakistan was made 30,000 polish migrated to karachi. it was poland who built pakistan airforce. it as poland who help us in 2005 earthquake. this is the only negative statement i gave because when a man says he is preparing to finish me off what i should i say to him then. but i dont say anything bad about his religion. why you are afraid?

remember i dont hate anyone and. specially my polish brothers. all i need is respect and i give respect. i dont target anyone on anything

Basically he is saying that America is arming Poland to "extinct us" Pakistan or Muslims? dunno

i dont say america is giving weapons to poland but it was he who said ( poland is getting armour from america to finish us all ) now this thing makes threat to me
7 Oct 2014
Off-Topic / Thanks a lot for all of your kindness [27]

any comment?

if anyone is going to finish me what would he aspects from me. may i give him the chance to finish me off. i say if anyone gives you a threat like this what would be your answer. i said it because i was hurt.
7 Oct 2014
Off-Topic / Thanks a lot for all of your kindness [27]

So you are proud by wishing us extinction? and God knows what else since your posts were removed. Way to go shade

my friend i dont understand what you are trying to say? its me who received life threat. and after reading so much bad things about my religion i dont say even a single word to Catholic religion because i respect even my enemies. and i do not wish anyone to extinct. i am thankful for my friends who support me and also thankful to admin who removed those comments. some i am a troll. may God shine his light upon them.

Surely now, after what ash768 wrote to you, you will change your decision, make use of your visa and visit our wonderful country? :)

my dear friend paulina when i received that life threat i was feared to come to poland. and honestly tell me one thing? if you get threaten by any one even he is not the local, will you come to that country.
7 Oct 2014
Off-Topic / Thanks a lot for all of your kindness [27]

Very heavy words, incitement to violence,?

my friend this nothing. some say more bad things. thanks to admin that he removed those
6 Oct 2014
Off-Topic / Thanks a lot for all of your kindness [27]

hello my kind friends! thank you so much for your kind words you said to me like muslims are satanic and evil worshippers and many great and honoured words and I really appreciate the respect you have given me. I WAS coming to poland so i can live between the most civilized and loving people and thinking maybe we can start understanding each other. but as I came to know that you hate me, I will not say anything bad to your relegion because its not my nature. good news for my honoured pols friends that now I have cancelled coming to Poland because I cannot even breath between the most cilivilized nation like you. one my honoured and very civilized friend said that Pols are getting armour from USA to extinct us. well good luck for that and will see who will extinct. thank you all my friends for giving enough honour and to open my eyes so i can see your real face. now I know where should I go. now I also came to know why people around the world hate polish because you people are truly pure, nice with some good nature. one my really honoured friend also said that which country give me EU visa and he was surprised. I really appreciate you all. thanks a lot for calling me bad words and for calling my religion the sick one. some really weird comments were removed by Admin. well thank you Admin but now things cannot fix. now my friends you can give some very nice comment according to your nice nature cause no I am not coming there and definately not on this forum. the things I have read bring the great honour to me from all of you. thank you all of you. may God bless his shine upon you. good bye forever and dont forget to say some really bad words to me and to my satanic religion. now my friends hurry start giving your bad sorry I mean your really nice comments to me. I will be really honoured and wont forget this. thank you
5 Oct 2014
Travel / Haunted places in Warsaw? [5]

my friend jon357! I mean some ghost places. I am a fan of Parapsychology so I would love to visit if theres any
5 Oct 2014
Travel / Haunted places in Warsaw? [5]

hello my friends! are there any haunted places in Warsaw to visit?
3 Oct 2014
Real Estate / What is the rent of a house in Warsaw? [4]

hello friends! I need to know that what is the rent of a house in poland? soon I am moving to warsaw, poland and I will prefer a house instead of a appartment. thank you!
3 Oct 2014
Life / Asian / American TV channels in Poland? [4]

Merged: Asian / American TV Channels - available in Warsaw, Poland?

hello my friends! I want to know that are there Indian,Pakistani and American channels available in Warsaw, Poland? and if available then which dish connection I should buy?
2 Oct 2014
Study / Which is the best university in Warsaw? (I want to study MSc.Bioinformatics) [4]

forget about coming to Poland.

thanks for your advice my friend. if university dont give scholarships, no problem thats ok. I can can manage it. but still i will come to poland. god bless you and take care!

The Warsaw University will be your best choice to study bioinformatics: uw.edu.pl

thanks a lot Nathans! this really helps. take care and bye
20 Sep 2014
Work / What are Research Scientists earning in Poland? [6]

ok my friend! it means Poland is in crisis too. and what if I come to Poland for 2 or 3 years only for Research Study in bioinformatics ? are there any good research centers or universities for it? thanks for your help my friend!
20 Sep 2014
Work / What are Research Scientists earning in Poland? [6]

hello friends! I want to ask that if I wanted to live in Poland what problems I could face and what Research Scientists are earning in Poland. I belong from Lahore,Pakistan and here Research Scientist have no value. so please my friends can you suggest me?