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Posts by Brzenczyszczyki  

Joined: 15 Jul 2014 / Male ♂
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16 Jul 2014
Life / some poles play the Race games best! [38]

Do whatever you want, only keep in mind, that You have to take all the consequences of Your choices. It isn't nothing new. I have to said it cleary: I am on Your site about the reason, but not about the solution. Sometimes we need to tuck our proud into pocket, otherwise it can be painfull. Four guys with knife against two? Sounds like someone have to be wounded.

of course when i'm walking in town people insult me. say nasty things to me.

It isn't right, it shouldn't be so, but as You said, the best way is just to ignore. It is even more diffucult, than react, but thoroughly best. I am also sometimes insulting by other people because of some stupid reasons, but I am aware, everyone can have spirious opinion about me, but only my is right and this is enought for me.
16 Jul 2014
Life / some poles play the Race games best! [38]

Sorry, I am still learning English and I am not very fluent, like You probably has noticed. Obviously my bad in misunderstanding. But back to the topic, now it is clear to me what sort of situation it was. I even understand You, but like You see, it was Your choice to choose such a way. You have been provoked, You decided to revange, Your friend had been hurt. I have nothing against streetfights, if the only people, that are hurt, are participants, this is not in public place and after that, no one of them dare to complain. You chose to mete out justice by fists, Your bussines. But now You can't say, You are without guilt in my opinion.
16 Jul 2014
Life / some poles play the Race games best! [38]

is this an advanced form of racism? the poland is very good at it.

You mean all Poland or only some people?

*applause* poland, well done :)

To all or only some?

So many times I was afraid I will be attacked, when I was comming back home at night. The only thing, that my low IQ suggested me was stay quite, if somone was accosted me, because I am aware, alone I am powerless, especially if someone has a knife. My point is I am Pole and I am also endangered to be treated like Your friend. So You were spat, really it shouldn't happen d, but what was later? You are trying to say, that You have been spat and then at once someone pulled knife and stabbed Your friend?

your iq is quite low.

Well, mabe lower than Yours, but I think You will be surprised. Some people say, that such a statement said in discussion automatically ends it.
16 Jul 2014
Life / some poles play the Race games best! [38]

Well I don't know what to say. Are You sure all the bad things happend to You because You are black? Maybe there is another reason? Like in all another countries, also in Poland is a small amount of pepole, who indeed are racist, but You can't say, we all have a problem, because your gf's parents don't want to accept You or You have problem with accommodation. It is offensive to say that in my opinion. Mabe You only should be more polite and nice? (I don't know, just guess). On Your site I would by some flowers to Your gf mother, show respect to her father and overlook thousands of another accomodation announcements. I thing people in general don't care what colour of skin somebody has, but how he behaves. If You respect our customs, I think no one shold be malicious to You. I honestly wish You luck.