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Posts by PC_Sceptic  

Joined: 15 Jul 2014 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Sep 2014
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Posts: Total: 69 / In This Archive: 58
From: US, Forest Hills
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: History, geopolitics, Linux junkie, Open Source, Poetry, Graphics

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15 Oct 2014
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

yes that's not bad. and both cities train stations are in the middle of the city.


plane in theory is faster, but need to commute to the airport, especially in Kraków. Balice airport ain't that close to the city

flight prices
15 Oct 2014
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

what about a plane? very fast.
never took bus or train from Kraków to Warszawa, always plane or car.
13 Oct 2014
Law / African person married to Polish - obtaining Permanent Residence in Poland [5]

All this questions you can find on your own. I'm not being rude, but the best way, is to get the info from the horse's mouth.

As your case is bit unusual.
Your wife must present her Birth Certificate personally in the Embassy, if she doesn't have one, then the Embassy will obtain it for her from Poland (this ain't Fed Ex, need to wait) for a fee of course.

And your son is a Polish citizen.
As far as you are concerned, that is a different story, you should have to contact Polish embassy/Consulate in Somalia first, but you are out of luck because there isn't one.

Normally another country that have an Embassy in Somalia would represents Polish (in this case) interest there, if in fact there is such agreement. (which I doubt) If not then you go to the nearest country that has the Polish Embassy, again phone call will do. Use Baidu, if google is blocked by the "Wall" but my guess it is Nairobi.

Start with the Beijing..
Always friendly, super informed, Chinese (Mandarin) English or Polish (your wife)


Question, what kind of visa do you have in China? "X1"? and where did you get it from? in the Near East?
FYI China just re-opened their embassy in Somalia

12 Oct 2014
Love / Would Polish people mind dating someone from Mexico? [12]

I don't know if all, but generally I see no problems.
Came across many Polish-Latino (including Mexicans) marriages mixes.

Check this.

Wanda Marianna Panfil-González (born 26 January 1959 in Tomaszów Mazowiecki) is a former long-distance runner from Poland, who won the world title in the women's marathon at the 1991 World Championships in Athletics in Tokyo, Japan. She is married to Mexican long-distance runner Mauricio González.

Don't think about it, just go for it ;-)
7 Oct 2014
Off-Topic / Thanks a lot for all of your kindness [27]

Nobody develops nukes or any kind of sophisticated weapon if it is not willing to use them.
I know that Pakistan has no interest of nuking Poland, nothing to gain.
It is deterrent mainly against India. So both countries wasted tons of resources just to have a deterrent weapon against each other.
Wasted money.
Anyhow I have nothing else to say, since we drifting too far away from anything that has to do with Poland.
7 Oct 2014
Off-Topic / Thanks a lot for all of your kindness [27]

@Szalawa that could be. but I want shade to comment elaborate on what he wrote

one my honoured and very civilized friend said that Pols are getting armour from USA to extinct us. well good luck for that and will see who will extinct.

Basically he is saying that America is arming Poland to "extinct us" Pakistan or Muslims? dunno
well good luck for that and will see who will extinct.
that is a threat to me. After all Pakistan has nukes. So it worries me.
7 Oct 2014
Off-Topic / Thanks a lot for all of your kindness [27]

I am not aware that anyone here on PF was personally threatening you. Since there is no record of this, I give you the benefit of the doubt .

But these words below are yours.

one my honoured and very civilized friend said that Pols are getting armour from USA to extinct us. well good luck for that and will see who will extinct.

any comment?
7 Oct 2014
Off-Topic / Thanks a lot for all of your kindness [27]


my friend this nothing. some say more bad things thanks to admin that he removed those

Some of my posts were removed by Admin/Mod as well, and I got the message. At least I hope I did :D

So you are proud by wishing us extinction? and God knows what else since your posts were removed. Way to go shade
7 Oct 2014
Study / Learning Polish in Krakow - do you know any private teachers? [8]

There is no magic elixir to help you speed up learning Polish.
Each person is different, some grasp foreign languages faster some slower.
Use search function, there are a lot of threads about learning Polish language, here on PF
Don't worry about the typos, I make them all the time. Keyboard dyslexia, especially when changing keyboard layouts.
7 Oct 2014
Off-Topic / Thanks a lot for all of your kindness [27]


one my honoured and very civilized friend said that Pols are getting armour from USA to extinct us.

What? unreal


well good luck for that and will see who will extinct.

Very heavy words, incitement to violence,?
4 Oct 2014
Travel / Do taxi drivers in Poland overcharge foreigners? [8]

Taxi drivers all over the world are overcharging customers, as soon they get the drift that you know little about the surroundings. (first time in the country, for example)

But that is minority, not all taxi drivers are the same. Like in everything they are always some bad apples.
When in Warsaw I usually call for taxi.
But now I use this, app for Android, I am sure there is one for iPhone.


I never had such problems in UK. The US on the other hand is infested with scammers, mainly big cities.
2 Oct 2014
Food / Fluoride in the water - is there a chart in Poland? [11]

According to this article, Poland doesn't have fluoridated water.

I do hope that you are right,
I will dig some more, using all possible methods (apart of internet) Simply I see no logic of such huge difference in data.

But pam, I vividly remember reading about it in the commie newspapers in 70's (early 70's) it suppose to be another great achievement of Socialistic (communist) Poland.

I didn't make this one up.

Is a matter of fact, I ordered bottled water to be delivered to my house every other week, today (or yesterday by now)
Despite the fact that in the place that live, has one of the best water in the world (according to wikipedia)
1 Oct 2014
Food / Fluoride in the water - is there a chart in Poland? [11]

Couldn't find any charts of only Poland.
but i found world usage of fluoridated water.
Amazing, US, Canada, Brazil, Australia, Colombia are the champs. Western Europe and china closely trailing them.
But, very interesting observation. From economic powers only Germany and Japan don't use fluoride.
So they know something that others don't :D
link : openyoureyesnews.com/feature-articles/the-use-of-fluoridated-water-worldwide

Anyhow, fluoride usage in tap water is being criticized for some time already
1 Oct 2014
Food / Fluoride in the water - is there a chart in Poland? [11]

Yes it is used.
I don't live in Poland permanently, but I'm 100% sure of that. Actually Wrocław was the first city (Poznań the next one) that had it in the tap water (dunno about bottled water) But in any case Wrocław was guinea pig so to speak. in early 70's. they were the pioneers.

all in the name of healthy teeth. They were rambling about it in the newspapers. By now my guess is that the whole Poland is affected (just an educated guess)

I am looking for chart now, if there is one
1 Oct 2014
Love / Any particular Polish customs or traditions that I should know about in my relationship? [45]

He does not like me having male friends. Or well, I can have as many male friends as I want I just cannot do anything with them ever or talk to them

First he is jealous. Second insecure, which one goes hand with hand with the other.
Not only Poles are like that,
Anyhow he doesn't understand the concept of trust.
Teach him. (if you care a lot about him)
29 Sep 2014
Love / So I am told Polish men are a chivalrous bunch? [49]

Men are chivalrous indeed to women

Yes they are

they are also incredibly sexist and should you marry one you'll be expected to iron their shirts and make their dinner (including soup starter) every single day of your married life.

To certain degree, yes they are, but that is changing.
The kind of men you just described are the type that cannot live without mommy. Need to make a sandwich for them before they go to work. Again they think that wife is their mommy.

But men are expected to do the harder type of work, like fixing things, do the harder work. While the wife is polishing their nails. Kinda cultural thing. But it's changing.
28 Sep 2014
Law / Poland and the Euro - benefit for Polish economy? [49]

Finance Minister Mateusz Szczurek said that Poland should not be hasty with the euro adoption process, because there is still plenty to do before the zloty currency can safely be replaced.

the key words here

is still plenty to do

27 Sep 2014
Love / Do Polish Men frown upon women who do not have a higher education? [7]

Most Poles, whether men or women, don't complete higher education and those that do often end up with Micky Mouse degrees that have grand titles.

I would agree with this assessment 30+ years ago but not now. I mean the meaningless titles.
Higher Education institutions are still evolving but under the "supply and demand" rules, nothing is free.
What's the point graduating and have Zero chance of getting the job.
I have female friend who is studying psychology in Cracow 3rd year now, and she is asking this question, "what's the point"?

She went studying under the pressure of family.
if the parents (one or both) have higher education, there is that pressure that you must get one too.

And to ab123usaro, tell your partner that he was out of line, I would stress strongly how much he hurted you.
24 Sep 2014
Life / Emigrate / Immigrate to Poland? I don't need to work. [33]

There are snobs - and then there are Polish snobs. At least you would be free of them in a smaller environment.

I said what I personally would do, didn't suggest to the OP poster that he or she must do what I would do.
Gosh you are paranoid,, wires, (electric ones?) security issues?....no comment.

Agreed. However, you're being a mind-reader here by assuming that the OP values those above all.

Of course I cannot read someone mind, thus I proposed many regions.

Thank you.

At least someone agrees with something that I've wrote

The OP is clearly asking about Poland and not any other country

Relax, I only mentioned proximity to our neighbours, no more no less. People travel, don't they?
My Dutch friend (not Polish) do shopping in Germany once a month.

If one insist to visit neighbor of Poland from the eastern flank then I would suggest Estonia or Latvia.

And I still stand by that Minsk is not the place to go for anything not to mention the distance. No offense to Belarusians.
And Ukraine is on "stand by" for the moment.
From the southern flank, both Slovakia and Czech Republic are charming. Prague is delicious.

So @Dougpol1 even with my personal perfect spot to live using the words-barricade myself-I would still move around from time to time.
24 Sep 2014
Language / Going to learn the Polish Genitive Case [28]

I'm sure the more exposure to the language we get, the more likely we are to get the endings right.

Good Luck.
23 Sep 2014
Life / Emigrate / Immigrate to Poland? I don't need to work. [33]

Years ago I was thinking just like you. To be in a Big City. yeah, way to fly.
Anyhow I don't and never watched any prn, don't drink, maybe a glass or two of wine from time to time with nice dinner, don't remember the last time I was in the Church.

Trust me I wouldn't be bored. I have enough of steel glass and concrete.
23 Sep 2014
Life / Emigrate / Immigrate to Poland? I don't need to work. [33]

the downside is that it tends to be touristy and the air is very polluted (one of the worst locations in the EU in that category)...

I know what you mean, I was going to school there for few years. The reason that is polluted is that it lies in the valley, same thing like Los Angeles.

I do hope that the"Huta" is closed by now.

Where exactly and and why?

South is polluted and too crowded, I have in mind Śląsk=Silesia
Well Mazury are kinda North East, and i loved sailing there, hated the mosquitoes though.

Poland remains at the distant nineteenth place in the EU's competitiveness ranking . The most developed region of the country remains Mazovia, and the least - Warmia and Masuria . The European Commission appreciates our level of basic education. Not the best present for a Polish company , which is still rarely use modern technology.

The European Commission has published " EU Regional Competitiveness Index : RCI 2013 ' . The indicator is used to evaluate the different dimensions of competitiveness at national and regional level - shows the strengths and weaknesses of individual provinces (NUTS level 2 regions in the EU methodology).

Why? Well, it is based on history and personal experience as well, but my experience is out of date a bit.

Western Poland is more developed, infrastructure is much better, closer to go for beer to Berlin, unless one likes go to Minsk.
Eastern Poland was neglected during partitioning, it is catching up but still way to go, After the WW II border changes, people from "kresy" were moved to western Poland but they got to much better infrastructure.

West is more vibrant, cities like Wrocław or Poznań, Szczecin is also beautiful, tons of parks and looks so green, close to seaside. Pomerania also have lots of lakes if one likes to sail.

Anyhow read this,

Four province of Poland produce more than half of gross domestic product and per capita GDP is higher there than in the other twelve provinces. Statistical data show that the uneven distribution of economic potential and development is sustainable and deepens.

While in 1999, Lower Silesia , AB , BC and Greater produced a total of 50.4% of GDP, in 2008-2010 the share of the four provinces increased to 52.6 %.

Despite the huge financial outlay for the development of economically less developed regions , increasing the difference between the richer and poorer regions . This phenomenon is known in many European countries , especially in Italy . Supporting poorer regions , however, leads to the economic development of the less developed countries. Regional policy support poorer regions make sense without the progressive degradation would occur in these regions. The more economically developed regions usually develop faster than the rest of the country. It works kind of virtuous cycle . Attractive to investors are usually wealthy regions and subsequent new investors make is to increase the attractiveness and attract new investors . Less economically developed regions often experience a reverse mechanism .

Bottom line is (from my prospective) I would love to barricade myself in small town or even lone standing house in the forest, but knowing that if I wanted I can be within hour or two back to civilization for a day, shopping, go to see a play at theater, or whatever.
23 Sep 2014
Life / Emigrate / Immigrate to Poland? I don't need to work. [33]

So here my question begins - where do I go?

Western Poland, Wielkopolska, DolnoŚląskie, Lubuskie or Zachodnio-Pomorskie województwa=voivodeships. and city of Cracow.
Bieszczady, minor mountains(South East Poland) peaceful if you like trekking with backpack, perfect place.
Unless you like buzzing, then go to Warsaw.
Avoid East.
This is my personal opinion.
23 Sep 2014
News / Polish MP lives as a migrant in London earning £100 [21]

Can ALL posters stick to the topic please, this is about a Polish MP living as a migrant in London

Well, I admire the Polish MP that he did that. Poland is losing tons of well educated people who do some odd jobs in UK,

There are some who succeeded, and got good jobs accordingly to their qualifications. But this ain't no long-term solution for Poland.
Hard for me to believe that he (the MP) could get by with £100 weekly budget. Very tight.
If true, I take my hat off to Artur Debski.
23 Sep 2014
News / Polish MP lives as a migrant in London earning £100 [21]

Just like the 15 million illegal Mexicans are doing here in the U.S.A.

What do you have against Mexicans? Yes some do abuse the system like everywhere else but overwhelming numbers don't.
I live here, they are hard working people, on very low wages.
When there is harvest time in California or wherever the Border dudes look the other way, because nobody would do such jobs as the Mexicans do.

Bringing the disease? What type? Because I am not aware of any, name one please.
Spanish teachers? I know Italian folks who are here for over 50+ years and they barely speak English.
Vote democrat ? I see no difference between the democrats vs republicans, they both failed, the last good president was Ronald Reagan.
Now I cannot tell apart democrat from republican. The good republicans are hunted like a dogs by politically correct population (Mass Media, Talk Shows, and even fellow Republicans)

I have heard how England is being stressed by 'foreigners for welfare' just like the U.S.A. costing the taxpayers a fortune.

looking for scapegoats? I pay taxes as well, and no Mexican ever bothered me.

Unfortunately it just one more nail in the coffin that has destroyed America.

You know, R. Nixon reestablished Chinese-American relations and Bill Clinton is the one who sold America.
remember 1998?

Headline from CNN

Clinton Defends China Trip, Engagement Policy

The two-way trade volume reached US$54.94 billion in 1998, a 12.1% increase over that of 1997. China's exports to the U.S. reached US$37.98 billion, an increase of 16.1%, while China's imports from the U.S. reached US$16.96 billion, an increase of 4.0%. China saw a favorable trade balance of US$21.02 billion in 1998. In the period from January to June 1999, China-U.S. bilateral trade volume totaled US$27.12 billion, increasing by 11.5% over that of the first half of 1998, with China's exports to the U.S. reaching US$18.11 billion, an increase of 8.4%, and China's imports from the U.S. US$9.00 billion.


Remember? that was the beginning of America downfall. Just do the math.

And here is your nail in the coffin in 2000.

Clinton Signs China Trade Bill into Law.
the legislation ends the 20-year-old annual ritual of reviewing China's trade status and guarantees Chinese goods the same low-tariff access to the U.S. market as products from nearly every other nation.


Since then all factories moved from US to Asia. Blue collar workers unable to find jobs, there are rich and poor and very little in the middle.

US became service, financial & intellectual (like silicon valley for example) oriented economy.

So don't blame Mexicans or other immigrants for the present situation in America. US legal tender currency is worthless, being printed 24/7/365 faster than any newspaper.

And last but not least, Never heard of any Pole being on welfare in US, or more precisely, never came across one.

Can ALL posters stick to the topic please, this is about a Polish MP living as a migrant in London.
22 Sep 2014
Language / Going to learn the Polish Genitive Case [28]

I may be corrected or learn the correct spelling from listening

I speak several languages, and in all cases, reading newspapers and books gave the best results, at least in my case.
If one have good photographic memory it works like a charm, Now all this must be mixed up with listening (any TV program will do) and force yourself to use new "variations of any given word in conversation(s)"

if you are corrected about pronunciation, so be it. The best way to learn, is the hard way.