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Posts by DarthYannick  

Joined: 16 Apr 2014 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 Jun 2014
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 24 / In This Archive: 21
From: Gdansk
Speaks Polish?: Very very little...
Interests: Photography, Sport, Gastronomy, Polish Beer

Displayed posts: 23
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26 Jul 2014
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

There is definitively a lot of nice beers in Poland. Since the day I arrived over 7 years ago to nowadays, so many things has changed. Pinta is a great Browar, AleBrowar too. I like Amber Beers even if they are more "normal".

As I love White Beers, the Pinta one was the best one I ever tried for ages.

There is a new one in Torun as well. Olimp. Looks promising.

And plenty more micro-brewery. Or pubs that brew their own beers.

Actually, if you want to try a good beer, it's kinda expensive compared to the mainstream ones. But the pleasure and the experience is way better.

It's great to live in Poland right now as they experiment a lot. But as I grew up drinking Belgium beers, they lack something here sometimes. Everybody is trying to make IPA or Polish IPA or American IPA. It's IPA all the way. There is more diversity in Belgium. More subtle taste.

I hope that they will diversify their offer a bit more - except Pinta that has a lot of different type of beers.

I find the mainstream beers boring, tasteless and difficult to drink. If I had to choose one brand of the big sellers, it would be Okocim.

I like Ciechan as well, normal beers. I don't know if we can consider them as a big brewery. May be they are like Amber.

Check out my website - atable.pl/atableblog/category/boissons/biere/ - I write about beers sometimes.
15 Jul 2014
Life / Client of T-mobile having an iPhone 4 & iOS 7.1.2 - problem with connecting to the Poland's network [3]

Sorry, I should have closed that topic earlier. But I'm kinda very busy at work. Summer season :-(

Problem is solved. Infact someone at T-Mobile didn't follow my requests and just cut my internet contract few weeks ago. And I didn't know it because internet was still working. So they were charging me while I was surfing and while I shouldn't have.

In fact now, because of some employee who didn't do what I wanted, I have no more internet and a huge bill to pay...

It was as simple as that. Nothing wrong with the phone or the company. Just with a misunderstanding.

NB: I think T-Mobile is in Poland for over 5 years. It was ERA before, and I'm pretty sure T-Mobile bought them a long time ago.
5 Jul 2014
Life / Client of T-mobile having an iPhone 4 & iOS 7.1.2 - problem with connecting to the Poland's network [3]

Hello, it's just a question fot the client of T-Mobile having an iPhone 4 with the 7.1.2 firmware installed.

When I did the upgrade I lost my internet. Impossible to get it back. I didn't go to the shop yet. Does anybody had the same problem when upgraded?

When I try to put internet back on the T-Mobile website I have this message : Aktywny APN (T-Mobile Internet lub T-Mobile WAP) wymaga aktywnej usługi Dane asynchroniczne 9600bps

I didn't find anthing on internet so may be it's a problem with my phone only or only between T-Mobile Polska and iOS 7.1.2
12 Jun 2014
Life / Driving Offences in Poland - How Fast can you go without being arrested? ;) [56]

1. Pedestrian foot on the road on the pedestrian crossing - drivers in BOTH directions must stop - when safe to do so ( accepted braking distances according to the conditions.

I remember few days ago. Here close to Leclerc. My wife stopped at a crosswalk. So the pedestrians started to cross. And an axxholes just overtook us and drove away. even my wife was ******.

If you meet that mayor, tell him that a lot of people think the same way. Too many crazy drivers.

And please start to fine cars parking on cycling roads. This is so ennoying. Last time I told some drivers that he was parked badly on a cycling road, he got angry at me ;-) So usual...

Okay, i'll stop now complaining about drivers. Bad for my heart ;-)
11 Jun 2014
Life / Driving Offences in Poland - How Fast can you go without being arrested? ;) [56]

I think governments need to be stricter when giving out driving license as well as tighten up traffic rules. For example. In Poland vehicles may or may not choose to stop for pedestrian crossing. However in another Asian country, the moment the driver sees a pedestrian starting to cross the street, the driver will have to stop. It happens in this particular country because the rules are very strict.

In Poland, I always stop at crosswalk. And people are looking at me waiting. That means a lot about what's going on here.

I don't know how many time I was on a crossroad and a car didn't stop. I got angry few times, punched few cars, got some fight. The worst being few weeks ago, when I was in the middle of the crosswalk with my baby son. Instead of slowing down, the car that was really far away enough not to stop just decided to accelerate. That was a close one.

It's a nightmare here to cross a street.

And I got a fine on an empty road because I was crossing at a red light? WTF is that?

Oh yeah, it's easier to stop a pedestrian than a car that don't stop or over speed or race.

I finish my work late at night. And during the week end, it's racing time between sopot and gdansk on the main street. Crazy and dangerous. Like in the video above.

This country would be perfect without its drivers. ;-)

Of course it is subjective Darth - we both know Poles who are more careful and technically better drivers than we are. It's not rocket science after all.

Thanks there is more better drivers than crazy ones. But it's because of the crazy ones that there is so many death.

I don't say that I'm a perfect driver. I drive fast and I know it. But I think I drive safe, that I respect the other, and that I drive within the law - beside this over speeding sometimes of course.

If everybody was that mad, it would be a carnage :-(
11 Jun 2014
Life / Driving Offences in Poland - How Fast can you go without being arrested? ;) [56]

I saw more dead bodies, accidents and road rage in 7 years in Poland than in 10 years in France and 6 years in Ireland.

In fact I saw 2 accidents in France. Without death. I Ireland I saw nothing (but there I lived in a very small village, so it's kinda normal). In Poland I see accidents every week. I saw dead bodies like I never saw before - the worst one being 4 dead bodies at once and a lot of blood.

Just why?

Why people park like ****, why driving like mad? Where is the fecking police?

Years ago, it wasn't that safe to drive in France. We had a very high death rate on the road. But one day the government decided to end that ****. Police were more present, fines higher, jail usual. People were complaining of course, as they still do because they don't look further like a government usually does. Death rate dropped drastically.

My wife is telling me that I'm not lucky because every time I drive alone, crazy stuff is happening to me. And when we drive together she tells me that I should have been a cop. Because I see everything (I was nearly one in fact)

When you ride a bike you need to anticipate everything, I don't have a bike any longer, but I still behave the same way. Cars can do anything. Be aware of that. Like turning without warning. That's just deadly. My family has the experience of that.
11 Jun 2014
Life / Driving Offences in Poland - How Fast can you go without being arrested? ;) [56]

At the same time, roads are not really made for overtaking. So there is a long line of angry drivers waiting for overtaking as soon as possible with the minimum safeness.

Have you been to Ukraine(?) they ask.

I hate when people do that. Saying that somewhere else it worse. We shouldn't care about that. We need to improve the security on our roads. It doesn't matter if in Ukraine, India, etc. they drive like crazy. Things has to improve in Poland.
11 Jun 2014
Life / Driving Offences in Poland - How Fast can you go without being arrested? ;) [56]

Have had a few similar things since then, have had 2 d!cks overtake me dangerously and stop in front trying to get me to hit them.

That happened to me so many times. People who didn't like me overtaking them, so they overtook me again and just stopped the car in front of me for me to hit them. Thanks I can see these Asshxxles and avoid them.

Twice we got nearly killed by cars overtaking without any visibility in front of us. If I didn't stopped the car on the side as hard as possible, I wouldn't be here to talk about it.

The worst thing is that when you tell these bloody outlaws on the road that they are wrong, they want to kick your ass. Because they have a big car, big muscles, and so all the right in the world to do whatever the feck they want.

Once, I even had to go to the police because one of these ******** took my plate number. I was "invited" by the police to explain myself. And nothing happened because I was right.

I need to buy a camera as well. Because nobody believe me when I say that every day I see this kind of behaviour.

It's weird, because in everyday life, people are just fine, no anger, not aggressive. But with a steering wheel in their hands, they become so stupid.
10 Jun 2014
Life / Driving Offences in Poland - How Fast can you go without being arrested? ;) [56]

You got off cheap, Harry. I got fined that amount a few years ago when crossing the road on a pedestrian crossing when the light was red - completely empty road.

I got the same ;-)

Empty road, 100 PLN :-(

My wife nearly got one too, but charmed the policeman ;-)

I wonder how the courts would see a situation like that, when the police rigidly adhere to the letter of the law instead of the spirit of the law. Don't Poles say that laws are made for people, not people made for laws? I have witnessed similar acts of cops not wisely using their discretion and acting like brats. I'd be tempted to test this but I've had my fingers badly burnt once already this year.

Play nice with the cops. In every country I lived, and drove so. I played nice - because when you get caught, no way of denying it - and it worked most of the time. Beside this pedestrian **** here in Poland. In 25 years of driving, I got 2 speeding tickets and 2 parking tickets. I managed to pay less for 3 of them. I managed to avoid one in Poland, just playing low profile, smile, and talk nice (okay, being a foreigner without any official polish papers helped, even with my PESEL they didn't want to fine me - too much work for them).

If a cop wants to be a brat, he will be a brat. Believe me. My father was a cop, I did my army in the Police in France, some friends are cops. All the same. If you play nice, they can be nice. And if you're blond with big tits. You won ;-)
10 Jun 2014
Life / Driving Offences in Poland - How Fast can you go without being arrested? ;) [56]

I think you can call it bad luck ;-)

And I didn't say that it was better in the other countries, I said Poland was the worst. Which mean that it's not that good either in the other countries. ;-)

I'm not 20 years old. I did some serious driving. Motorbike and car. Crossing Europe few times. I won't say that in Spain or Italy they are great. Or that in Paris they are civilized - Marseilles is even worst than Paris. That in Germany they are the best amongst the best. Or in UK & Ireland it's paradise. Etc. Etc. Nope. I'm not going to say that I always respect the law - I do drive fast sometimes. But I respect the others on the road or on the side of the road. I care about the Motorbikes, bicycles, etc - I just hate the ******* taxis, in any countries - I'm not putting myself or my family in danger or any body.

Here, I noticed that some people just don't care. That's it.

That's may be your only default in Poland. Fxxcking crazy drivers. ;-)
9 Jun 2014
Life / Driving Offences in Poland - How Fast can you go without being arrested? ;) [56]

That sounds a bit exaggerated to me.

Sadly it's not. It was between Gdansk and Gdynia. On the motorway. Two big SUV.

I clocked up around 80,000 miles in Poland over the space of about 6 years, all kinds of driving conditions and had no problems at all. Granted it takes few months to adjust but once you do it all works fairly well. If you want to see real nutters on the road try Egypt, but even Egypt has order amongst what appears initially to be chaos. Its just that people used to driving in Western Europe are not accustomed to it.

I live in Poland. Not in these countries. So I want things to change here as I fear for the security of my family. I don't care how badly they drive in the other countries.

I drove a lot in Poland, and in Europe in general. And even if no drivers around Europe is perfect, here, of all the countries I went, is the worst. Just because they do'nt care about the others. As I wrote, they really think that they are the king of the Road.

Don't get me wrong. Only a few of them are like that, but it's enough to get this high death rate...
9 Jun 2014
Life / Driving Offences in Poland - How Fast can you go without being arrested? ;) [56]

Everyday I drive/ride in Poland by MTB or Car I can see numerous ******** with a car. My wife and I nearly got killed twice because of people overtaking in front of us, I see cars racing, ignoring red lights, turning without warning, getting angry, pushing you because you drive at 70 km/h instead of 120 in town (yes yes I saw that)... Once I was on a motorway, Two SUV didn't like my speed and stopped me. One on my Front-left, the other on my front-right. Thanks I had a small car I could escape through them.

The worst accident I saw was in Poland. I saw a car cut in Three. The engine was on the side, the front on the road, two bodies on the road with lot of blood, and the rest of the car 5 meters behind with two bodies inside.

Drivers here are the craziest of all the countries I had the pleasure to live in. They just don't give a **** about the others. They think that they are the king of the road and that the road whould be only theirs.

And I don't see any cops. Or so rarely. Nothing compared to France for example (where drivers used to be really bad 20 years ago)

Once I got stopped by police. I was just talking to my wife and didn't see the limit. I thing 25 over the limit. He didn't want to bother to cope with a foreigner. But he was nice. And we were also as when you get caught, there is nothing else to say.

Even after 7 years of driving in Poland, I'm still angry on these ********.
22 May 2014
Law / If I gain Citizenship of Poland, does this mean I lose my French Citizenship? [18]

Still I don't understand why a EU citizen in Poland - IF having a permanent residence permit - would like to get Polish citizenship. The only thing you miss not being Polish is that you cannot vote for the Sejm and the President.

Having the nationality of the country where you live is also a statement, a kinda political stuff. Meaning "look, I'm polish." I live in this country, I pay my taxes, I want to participate in the public life (vote)

I don't see why I could vote for France while I'm not living there, and not for Poland while I'm living there, working, and so on...

Something wrong about that. Being an EU citizen, I should be able to vote in the country I live as long as I pay my tax there.
22 May 2014
Law / Any advantage to citizenship of Poland if already have EU residency? [20]

I could have with the right number. I think it was an employee who didn't want to bother to find the right paper. So commun :-)

When I first arrived in Poland, the first bank I visited refused to open me an account. It was Lukas Bank. Now Credit Agricole. It's so weird as at that time Lukas Bank was already a member of Crédit Agricole. A french bank. ;-)

If I need a credit, I'll think of taking it in another bank. :-)

I want to add that in France it can be the same. Even worse. We left France with my wife because even though she has a better French than plenty of French people, bosses always seemed to find a problem to hire her.
22 May 2014
Law / If I gain Citizenship of Poland, does this mean I lose my French Citizenship? [18]

I wouldn't be at all surprised that the official told you that simply because he/she didn't want to bother dealing with all the paperwork your application would involve.

For sure it's the case. As in any town hall in any country ;-)

I've done both of those things. When people have a problem with my ID number, I just tell them to add a few zeros at the beginning so it fits.

The problem is mine is too long ;-) Anyway, my wife is getting the credit for me :-) Problem solved :D

More than the pratical reason, I think that getting a Polish citizenship would mean a lot of things.

Thanks for your answers, I should go back and insist to see someone who knows his matter.

Do you know if it's only a question of papers to fill or if like in France I need to pass some tests (langage for example as far as I remember).
22 May 2014
Law / If I gain Citizenship of Poland, does this mean I lose my French Citizenship? [18]

When I looked few years ago, I was told that for France there was no problem, I wouldn't loose my french nationality if I asked for Polish citizenship, but in the Polish Town Hall they told me that I would loose it.

Actually, when I went to the Town Hall to get my work permit and residency papers, everytime I saw someone I was told something different. So I presume it's the same with the Polish nationality. Someone at the office will tell me it's possible if I ga back

Polish citizenship would help me for a lot of things as I planned to stay in Poland for a very long time... :-) It's wrong to think that being a citizen of EU and living in Poland has no drawbacks. For example, I can't get a bank credit. I can't buy anything in a shop monthly. They just have a problem with their papers and my ID number, it doesn't fit. It took me 5 years to get a creditr card. I have a stable income, I have a flat, I was married in Poland and yet, I feel like I'm not that trustfull for some people (I mean banks, phone companies, etc)

I should go and ask again, and talk to someone who know his subject there ;-) As it seems that people working in a Town hall are not that good helping people (like in France though)

Thanks :-)
22 May 2014
Law / Any advantage to citizenship of Poland if already have EU residency? [20]

Not that easy.

I live in Poland for 7 years, been married to a polish women for that long too. And I can't get a credit at my bank because I don't have a Polish citizenship though it's agaisnt the law obviously. But in their paper, there is no room for my french ID number :-(

It was difficult at the beginning for me to get anything even if I'm a member of the EU. Getting better though.
16 Apr 2014
Love / Why are Polish girls so attracted to German boys? [52]

It's strange, I live in Poland, And I mostly see Polish Women with French Guys, and it's not for th emoney as they live and work in Poland with Polish wages.

May be it's just because Polish Women are the most beautiful one in Europe ;-)