8 Mar 2014
Work / What salary can I expect for a job in finance in Lodz? [18]
I dont share with you the same opinion about poles turning their backs to these companies, I am manager in a BPO company and the reason these companies hire people from third world countries (if you consider france spain germany netherland canada .....) is the languages capabilities and not because poles are not willing to work there ;) regarding the salary expectations in Lodz for Ali case. You can get up to 5000 PLN gross salary
I dont share with you the same opinion about poles turning their backs to these companies, I am manager in a BPO company and the reason these companies hire people from third world countries (if you consider france spain germany netherland canada .....) is the languages capabilities and not because poles are not willing to work there ;) regarding the salary expectations in Lodz for Ali case. You can get up to 5000 PLN gross salary