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Posts by Dougpol1  

Joined: 26 Jan 2014 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 17 Jan 2020
Threads: Total: 29 / In This Archive: 27
Posts: Total: 2497 / In This Archive: 1751
From: Tri-city
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Walking the dog

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22 Dec 2019
Law / Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights [55]

But they do. If Poland was more in line with other European countries on abortion law, the girl would be more likely to think she has a choice. Instead of likely thinking "Oh well, that's it then" if she didn't plan this on purpose. Lots of people go down the illegal route, but an abortion is a difficult enough decision without being forced to live like that. Far too many holier than thou people obviously think it's a walk in the park and that people willy nilly decide to be selfish. But as you said you are pro-choice I will stop babbling, other than the fact that (other) Poles obviously cannot see anything hypocritical as per modern realities in their support for the churches' teachings

That's their prerogative, but this chap, who is pretty up front and honest, doesn't want to be a father. Maybe he can reach a compromise with the family of some sort and then forget about it. I don't for the life of me understand why he should be hoisted by his own petard.

Especially when the Polish legal system doesn't really give a toss for the rights of the foreign father when he actually WANTS to see his child against the wishes of the mother....
22 Dec 2019
Law / Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights [55]


But he was under the impression that she was taking the pill, when in fact he suggests she wasn't. The age old story. Dunno what happens in such a case in other countries, but why oh why does Poland always have to make itself out to be so different? When the estimated abortion statistics show that it is all just rank hypocrisy?
22 Dec 2019
Law / Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights [55]

Then she can obviously afford to bring up the baby can't she? Two people make that decision usually.
Abortion was not illegal when I first came here and obviously you are right. I am living in the past - one of the very very few things that were more sensible in the past.

You forgot to mention the furore and embarrassment girls have to suffer for obtaining the morning after pill.
A backward country. Not a rant. An opinion.
22 Dec 2019
Law / Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights [55]

there is nothing new about abortion laws in Poland.

I am perfectly well informed thanks. Do you want me to quote the Polish abortion laws?
It was not a rant but an opinion. You might be au fait with this medieval governments' policies on abortion, but millions of women are not. My family two for starters.
22 Dec 2019
Law / Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights [55]

the opportunity to adopt a brand new and undamaged baby in Poland

The Poles don't ship their babies off anymore Rich - if they ever did. Children are not put up for adoption overseas. These new draconian abortion laws are designed to do just that - raise the population. A growing percentage of which will be unwanted and unloved children.

So wrong.

There's more. There's many a fine couple in their 70s, quite shaky on their feet, bringing up their grandchildren, mostly on their own. Struggling down the street with the shopping bags and the Kinder Surprise chocolate bars Where's the state support for them? I don't see the funds, the play centres, the mini-buses to transport them. All I see is state and church exploitation of an ageing population. Grandma will look after the child.

So VERY wrong.
22 Dec 2019
Law / Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights [55]

he had lots of other options

Yes, yes - there is the old saying - very apt in this case, that "You've made your bed, now lie in it.."
But....if it were such that every man or boy who falls in love were to be put through the mill for an unwanted pregnancy, then what we would actually have is the exact opposite of the much politicised "family values" approach, where the romance is carried out under the eyes of the community, and there are nods and smiles all round (under the general assumption that the altar beckons in due course)

Instead we would get all types of Dicks and Harrys, refusing to be straight about themselves, just as the old days....
Oh wait! Poland is back in the 'Old Days', and to my mind it's ridiculous, and unworkable to hold the OP to account in the light of his story (and it is only his version of events)- unless promises were made and family can attest to same.
22 Dec 2019
Law / Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights [55]

abortion talk is bs without asking the kid.

That's my point though. Who is going to pay for the kid? If you create a state where abortion is "illegal" then the state should write out the cheque. Otherwise it's a dictatorship. In this catholic world, often nobody pays, and the unwanted child has a miserable start in life, even though the girl "wanted" it. Only in relatively few cases do we learn a "wonderful" propaganda story about how IT whizz-kid Janusz, aged 23, has helped rebuild an orphanage where he spent ten years of his childhood, but through hard work and innate talent, now employs 200 programmers.

What about all of the rest of the kids? Madness. And all the fault of the church and their mind games and threats. But what can you do with the brainwashed masses?
22 Dec 2019
Law / Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights [55]

force the mother to have an abortion

I'm sorry if you were of the opinion that I suggested such a thing. But if two people were in a relationship and were in agreement, as would be the perfect case in a utopian society, then the father would pay for the child's upkeep.

As it is, in this day of social security and social mobility, the state provides, and (because of the nature of Polands' catholic backward society) the extended family should dip in to help one would suppose. That's what the Irish used to do, and I had first hand experience of that. One of my gf's TEN sisters was in the same situation as this girl, and everybody chipped in.

There is no reason for the OP to be financially crucified until the nipper is 21 - and if such were indeed the case , that may go some way to explain why so many children are born into poverty in this country. As in, the girl possibly planned it to be so.
22 Dec 2019
Law / Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights [55]

pixel number

Pesel...though pixels might work here. Seriously, all this talk about "abortion is illegal in Poland" is irritating. So is driving at twice the speed limit, but people still do it. Especially those who are big enough that the law seemingly doesn't apply to them.

The OP is going to have his life altered through some draconian law, where the girl wants to keep the baby, even though it will never know its father.

It's the woman who's off her head, not the poster.
16 Dec 2019
Classifieds / Polish lessons via Skype offer [19]

why someone would remain in a language environment that's unpleasant for them?

Tri-City, and Katowice, before that, were my home.
Has anybody ever told you that you can be an insufferably smug txxx?
I wouldn't dream of asking you why you settled in some small Polish town, and I will thank you to keep your nose out my little world at the same time. Thanks!
16 Dec 2019
Classifieds / Polish lessons via Skype offer [19]

pure laziness of the worst kind.

That's me. It requires work, and I'm listening to the Clapton record. I recommend it!
16 Dec 2019
Classifieds / Polish lessons via Skype offer [19]

who wants

It's Mafeketis way of feeling good, chastising those who stay on in the pub socialising, while he has to get back to his library 😂

He would know that most of us are reading and writing learners, and some us have/had a job to do, plus reading to the nipper at bedtime.

In English. Also there was the temptation that one couldn't be arsed.
Now, is Eric Clapton's album "Slowhand" a load of drunken country cack, or an audiophiles' dream, being well engineered, as it undeniably was?
That is a far more interesting question than whether the biernik declension should be used as to walking the dog, or when the dog is walking me.
15 Dec 2019
Classifieds / Polish lessons via Skype offer [19]

the right place.

This forum is full of PolAms. By the way, Polish is such a hard language that I am impressed that you can teach it remotely. Wouldn't work for me. Same as piano lessons - got to be there.
15 Dec 2019
Classifieds / Polish lessons via Skype offer [19]

2 first trial lessons for free

There is nobody here on this forum to take up your offer unfortunately. Try one of the Polish job teaching sites. And please don't offer classes for free - you are seriously costing yourself time and money there. I would be inclined to be more self-sure, even if you are going to map out a specific approach such as lessons based on strict needs analysis.

Learners never appreciate the freebie and tend to take the pis.
My take.
7 Dec 2019
News / New Polish traffic laws [25]

when they are half-way on a crossing.

The driver in such a case should go to prison for 5 years. That will help them to concentrate properly. In the meantime, the Highways Agency needs to pull their finger out of their collective arses and get this confusion sorted and get a SAFE conclusion - instead of messing about with contraflows as with the new directive of 6th December.

Rant over - although I would love to meet the fools and tell them exactly what they can do with their abdication of care and responsibility.

It would be painful and they wouldn't be able to sit down for a while - which would be all well and good because they actually need to do something.
7 Dec 2019
News / New Polish traffic laws [25]

As far as I know

I'm glad you know the rules. No fukker here in Poland seems to. Confusion reigns - which is obviously how they like it.

how do they work?

In the UK - which PIS so totally dismissed as unworkable? Belusha beacons. The big yellow globes? So the driver can cleverly actually see where the damn pedestrian crossings are? Now - isn't that a clever concept. Been around a fair few decades.....

And the crossings are generally well lit, and in logical places. And if the pedestrian puts his foot into the road, the car has to stop - if safe to do so.

Simple, innit?
7 Dec 2019
News / New Polish traffic laws [25]

Yes. And where are those weird Pol-Ams who keep saying we know nothing about Poland? Obviously they have never been to Poland, and could care less that their "compatriots" are being killed on a daily basis, because PIS saw how the British design their pedestrian crossings, and infamously came back with "British methods would never work in Poland because our people would not understand them"

I would say lol, if not for the fact that the Highways Department here is so dangerously inept - criminally so, in my book.
6 Dec 2019
News / New Polish traffic laws [25]

One hot off the press today.
From today, subject to fines for non-compliance - on a contraflow, cars must now merge one by one, as in, you must let the car next to you into your lane between you and the car in front of you. This seems to be working "OK.." in Katowice tonight , where I am, but is guaranteed to be an abject failure in cities where people are too far up their own arses - Warsaw, Krakow and Tri-City spring to mind....all that will happen is that drivers who through their "status" think they are entitled will zoom down the outside lane and intimidate those in the orderly queue.

In the meantime, the government has NO CLUE as to what to do about the pressing question of pedestrian safety on pedestrian crossings.
1 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

us loyal Poles

The "loyal" Poles - who despised and exploited their fellow Poles who were lucky enough to get short term visas in communist times, you mean? Yes - I knew some of them...

There was one Polish lady though - in the news - settled in the Uk after the war, who took in such people, fed them, and supported them on her own accord, and who fought the British Home Office and their scum gang every step of the way, on her wards' behalf. I can't remember her name. She must be dead now, but deserves Polish recognition

foreign illegal migrants

Read the Human Rights law. They are not "illegal immigrants" under that statute until proved to be so.

the FIRST safe country.

Yes. But try telling the Italians that. It's a long way from America. Not your problem. By an accident of birth. Until we have peace in Northern Africa, the migrants will keep coming. We should have let Gaddafi and the rest be.
1 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

given the western European tendency to let in tens or hundreds of thousands of unvetted young men

Nobody is "letting anybody in". When boats of refugees make territory in a different continent they have to be admitted. It's called the 1951 convention on Human Rights..... You would have to rescind that first to deny them that human right.

But of course, you knew that..that is what is so tedious about debating the facts with you sometimes. Rightly or wrongly, refugees have to be processed before they can be sent back to the continent of origin.

Many have the right to temporary stay - quite obviously. I never said it was the right policy. But it is international law. Do you want to be selective with which laws you apply?

Obviously it is the direction the EU is going.

(Border controls.....)
Evidence? Interesting, if it were true. Which it isn't.
1 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

border controls

We (those of us who have lived here for 30 years) spent all that time praying for the relaxation of border controls. It's called freedom.

What does polling on such a question say? Anyway, it's mute. EU law is absolutely 100 percent clear on this, and has my 100 percent support, and that of the majority, who have faith in open borders.
1 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

how absurd the premise of this thread is.

Thank you Tacticus for putting in an intelligent way, that, which I, and the baying mob, could not, in your above succint post.
1 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

The question is

We are supposed to think that some new poster "Jake" really thinks (or cares) that Poland would be a better place if it somehow restricted free movement - which it can't.

Obviously one of our Pol-Am posters was blown out and thought it was time for another wave of Islamaphobia, but for some strange reason wouldn't post under their registered name.

That is a stuff of fiction

So why didn't the courts prosecute then? The commies in Kielce would have,if they could.
Instead they threatened, like the people's republic before them.
And you support them? A frankly amazing admission, and shows a certain lack of education
1 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

for printing lies and for making stuff up.

You silly commie. Clueless :):) The evidence was incontrevertible.
Ask any historian who PIS cannot get their bigoted legal fingers on.
Brainwashed old Ironside, who loves his mother country so much that he doesn't know truth from brainwashed fiction of denial. Tut tut.
1 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

Discuss it.


So they didn't try to prosecute that Polish-American historian then for printing the truth about individual capability? Whose wrong here?
Luckily there are muslim Syrians here already - I'm pretty sure they're not here just to annoy the likes of you, but I'm glad they do! I often buy trinkets off them in the market. But the Polish governments' spiel about "We don't want those people here" are for clowns like you who are so susceptible to brain washing.

Enjoy the cultural diversity with your muslim neighbours. I'm jealous - it's bloody boring today in grey catholic Tri City (the ONLY place I would now consider living in Poland because it is one of the few metropolitan districts that is "normal" as regards immigants)

After 30 years in the county you cannot even read a newspaper or listen to the news. You must be really dense.

Do you know me personally? You are making yourself look stupid. First you sneered at me for reading some "Jewish" or was it "German controlled" Polish media, and then you say I can't read Polish.

Make your mind up, son.