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Joined: 2 Jan 2014 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2014
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3 Jan 2014
History / Endecja - State Sponsored Anti Semitism 1935 - 1939. [138]

People have a right to boycott Jewish shops/products as consumers. It is also your right to disagree with the boycott.
The United States boycotts Cuba.

Israel has state sanctioned racism and bigotry. But that's ok. I just wish more people would understand how much hypocrisy is found in the Jewish community.

Most people are unaware of the fact that they are successful by having strong cohesion. They do not want the goyim to do the same.
3 Jan 2014
News / 70% of Poles like Komorowski. Do you? [120]

probably correct polls. I do not like Comrade Komarov. He is a traitor. He is almost as bad as Tusk.
Poland would benefit greatly from a dictator like Pilsudski instead of these "democratic" agents of the NWO.
3 Jan 2014
Love / Polish women betrayal [38]

I don't think she would have had it done if she didn't think it would improve her looks. She also got implants. I think she looked just fine before, but more "normal"

like a nice sweet girl. After the surgeries she looks like a professional %#$##. More sexy but with more problems. Before and after surgery, she doesn't look so hot as you say(in my opinion).......... But as you know, you are entitled to your own opinion.
3 Jan 2014
History / A view of Poland from far far away [14]

I am glad the OP is interested in Poland and its history. I think the accomplishments of Poland are overlooked deliberately.
However I'm glad that they haven't cheapened the history with revisionist Hollywood movies that have hidden agendas in it.
Living in East Texas, I admire the Cajuns and French Americans ability to thrive and appreciate the swamps instead of "tame" them by destroying them.

may have failed in many respects, but I was not trying to 'suck up'. I was trying to convey my perspective, for context. I knew it was too wordy and was going to pare it down but I was used to other forums where you could edit a bit after posting.

Don't worry about him. I would be glad to talk to you about Polish history
3 Jan 2014
Love / Polish women betrayal [38]

Other way around.

Great elaborate rebuttal.(See, it is ok to admit we disagree in a concise way)

Oh just stop it. Polish women and Russian women are notorious for putting pounds of makeup on themselves.

American women too. However women on the street generally do not have the experts putting these pounds of makeup on them. It makes a difference. Not to mention the plastic surgery. If common women actually get plastic surgery done, it usually makes them look worse than they did before. Too many of the western women(including in Poland) that had plastic surgery done get duck lips and hideous breast implants. Hollywood types can find better artists. We just disagree on the degree of Kate Beckinsdale's beauty. I don't think there is any sense to argue about it.
3 Jan 2014
Love / Polish women betrayal [38]

Hahaha really? I find that hard to believe that an MD would come on here making such an ignorant thread.

You say it is ignorant because you lack an understanding of basic genetics and anthropology. You are like the obese man eating tons of salt and sugar saying that the evolutionary compulsion means it is good for you to do so and get diabetes and hypertension.

I've been in Poland many times before (for several weeks at times). While some Polish women are quite attractive, they don't reach the level of Kate Beckinsale's beauty.

You say that because they don't employ the beauticians that she is given by the movie sets. Not to mention the possible plastic surgery she has had done.
3 Jan 2014
Love / Polish women betrayal [38]

Most of the time it is though. Anyone who understands genetics will tell you this.

I understand genetics very well. I an a medical doctor and have many research publications related to medical genetics.

Kate Beckinsale is an English/Burmese mixed woman. She is more attractive than 99% of the women in all of Europe and Asia.

I have seen many women in the streets of major Polish cities that look more attractive than Kate Beckinsdale. I think you have been tricked by the excellent make up artists and retouchers they employ in the movies
3 Jan 2014
Love / Polish women betrayal [38]

Most of the daughters of such mixing are less attractive than 100% ethnic Polish women(in my experience).
Genetic variety is not always beneficial and in many cases leads to ugly consequences.
I prefer a 100% ethnic Swedish girl or 100% ethnic Japanese girl. I don't care for whatever surprise would occur between those groups. Its no different for Polish women

I also find it funny that you would put such a high regard for those non-Polish men considering the fact that many of these men who end up with Polish women were basically losers in their own countries. Many of the Americans, Brits, and Scandinavians had previous girlfriends who were rather hideous, or no girlfriend at all. Their countrywomen didn't find them particularly attractive at all. Sadly, some Polish women were foolish enough to be with them
3 Jan 2014
Love / Polish women betrayal [38]

These are the men that help create beautiful Polish women. As these genes are diluted with non-Polish men, the female offspring will look more like non-Polish women.

Also many of the non-Polish men that these Polish women are with are quite unattractive. If these men would have Polish citizenship instead of Norwegian citizenship, earn what an average Pole earns in Poland, I doubt that these women would be interested in them.

Many countries have many women that are honorable, intelligent, beautiful and respectable. What's your point?

To point out that I don't think all Polish women are dishonorable
3 Jan 2014
Love / Polish women betrayal [38]

In my personal experience, I have witnessed many more couples of Polish women dating or marrying non-Polish men than Polish men dating or marrying non-Polish women.

I have a feeling that many Polish women are looking to foreigners as a way of escaping Poland. I also have seen many Polish women complain about Polish men with unflattering stereotypes while they are suffering abuse from Muslim and Black men. I feel it is a great shame that many Polish women choose to be with foreign men instead of Polish men. I wonder how Polish women would feel if Poland was a rich country in which women from Scandinavia, the UK, France etc would be flocking to do menial jobs and end up with Polish men. Most of my friends from Scandinavia, UK, and Germany have poor opinions concerning Polish women based on the fact of how they were treated in Poland. When they would go to clubs in Poland, they were treated like rock stars. They would be considered regular guys back home. There indeed is a sort of sexual tourism in Poland that takes advantage of the huge economic gap between Poland and other EU states. Also troubling to me, is the way many Muslim men in my sphere treat Polish women.I know of Muslim men that view Polish women like cattle. Some have admitted to me that they would not like their sisters to convert to Catholicism or behave they way Polish girls behave, while these guys go to clubs and find Polish women, later finding some of them willing to convert to Islam. I wish Polish girls (as a group) would have more respect for themselves. Sadly this behavior reflects poorly on Polish women who are not goldiggers, prostitutes, or mail-order brides. Many Polish women are honorable, intelligent, beautiful and respectable. However I see many women selling themselves short and disgracing their country, while turning their back on the genetics that made them beautiful in the first place.
3 Jan 2014
Food / Dr Pepper in Poland [16]

There was a place at Zloty Terasy that sold Dr. Pepper. They had American food there.
2 Jan 2014
News / Lech Walesa vs Immigration: Brits humiliated him at London Heathrow Airport [105]

Indeed they are, and the sooner the masses accept that the better.
Knowledge is power after all.

Unfortunately you probably will get to see your utopia in the next few decades. It will be a disaster for Western Civilization.

Rand is a mouthpiece for the elites. Their ideas are as likely to achieve a paradise as those of Marx and Engels
2 Jan 2014
News / Lech Walesa vs Immigration: Brits humiliated him at London Heathrow Airport [105]

Citizenship means much less today thanks to the globalists. I will not define what is "British". It must not exist. No nationality or ethnicity exists. They are social constructs.

At least that's what the majority is told by the media and liberal academia. Tell that to the disadvantaged non-European minorities. Many of them can clearly see who is "British" and who is not. Sure, the internationalist/globalist ideals that Britain (or any nation for that matter) has a drastic demographic change so that multinational corporations can have a cheaper workforce, new voting block to enact legislation that will favor the ruling elites, alienation of previous inhabitants, reduced unity/cohesion in order to divide and conquer, and countless of other reasons..... must be wonderful. Why is it forced upon the previous inhabitants if it is so wonderful?
2 Jan 2014
Life / Agnieszka holland compares life in Poland to 'sniffing farts': [97]

She is simply exposing the dark side of Poland. Unpatriotic Commie Jew is the label for all those who don't turn a blind eye.

She turned a blind eye to her family's involvement in the commie party. She is a child of the PRL commie elite.
She has no interest in anything patriotic. For her, Poland is merely a country where she is able to have alot of unworthy influence.


I would love her to expose the dark side of her Jewish comrades
They should make a hallmark movie about this guy:


Sweet old lady with British citizenship:
2 Jan 2014
News / Lech Walesa vs Immigration: Brits humiliated him at London Heathrow Airport [105]

Lech Walesa is not British. I wish Lech Walesa would focus on the problems that cause Poles to escape Poland. He caused a great deal of problems.

Him and his successor Kwasniewski sold Publicly owned companies to their crooked friends for pennies on the dollar. Jan Kulczyk and many others are rich due to the

scandalous deals they made with the commies that still run Poland. Britain should make sure Britain is British and a good place for the British to work, live and raise their families. Poland needs to make sure Poland is a prosperous place for the average Pole so that young average Poles can raise their children in Poland on a decent salary.

Poland has a highly motivated and educated work force. They need to be more politically involved in removing the people who are responsible for Poland's failures after 1992.

There is no excuse for Poland not being one of the richest countries in the EU.
2 Jan 2014
Life / Agnieszka holland compares life in Poland to 'sniffing farts': [97]

Agnieszka Holland is a typical offspring of PRL commie scum. Tomasz Lis, Wojewodzki, and Figurski are all the same. Everything is due to their parents being traitors.

Jan Kulczyk and Zygmunt Solorz‑Żak wouldn't have the money they have today if they weren't in bed with the commies.
In order for Poland to a be a country with low corruption like Switzerland for example, they really need to get rid of all these commies who have a stranglehold over Poland.