31 Oct 2015
Genealogy / Stanislaw (Jan) Czternastek & Bronislaw Wydrowski - searching info on Polish War Pilots [45]
Hi , thats good news, thankyou ok I will email you shortly, best regards Bernie
hello to everybody, at long last I have been contated by a living relative of Czternastek,a Grandson of Czternasteks cousin, living here in England. He in turn is contacting his Uncle in Poland, who is a closer Relative from near Przemysl. Also I am awaiting a reply from another Relative (Czternasteks Nephew) so if there is anyone else who would like to contact me that would be great, as I am soon to organise the Memorial & service here in the UK. best regards from Bernie in the UK................(PolishPilotinfo)
Hi , thats good news, thankyou ok I will email you shortly, best regards Bernie
hello to everybody, at long last I have been contated by a living relative of Czternastek,a Grandson of Czternasteks cousin, living here in England. He in turn is contacting his Uncle in Poland, who is a closer Relative from near Przemysl. Also I am awaiting a reply from another Relative (Czternasteks Nephew) so if there is anyone else who would like to contact me that would be great, as I am soon to organise the Memorial & service here in the UK. best regards from Bernie in the UK................(PolishPilotinfo)