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Parking in Poznań without a valid ticket? [7]
Although with that said you do need to remember that some Polish prosecutors are more than happy to have European Arrest Warrants issued for very minor crimes
I pretty much doubt that a parking fine is consider a criminal offence in Poland therefore issuing an EAW is very unlikely. Also, I do not plan to park in prohibited space or way.
Your best bet is just to find a car park in the centre and pay for a weekly/monthly ticket. There are a lot of car parks in/around the centre, and they aren't expensive. The most expensive one I know is about 90-95 euro for a month.
That sounds great! I might consider this option. Do you know if it's possible to get free parking in Poznań for locals? If so, do I need to have zameldowanie for Poznań? Coz I'm registered in the other part of Polska.
I forgot to add to the initial post that I'm not a bloody foreigner who would like to take advantage of his alien status :) I don't mind paying for any service what I use, but in my opinion paying for public parking is a legalised pillage by the state / local authorities since I do not get anything in return for my money.