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Posts by Louis75  

Joined: 4 Aug 2013 / Male ♂
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From: Sydney
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9 Nov 2014
Work / Outsourcing software dev work to Poland - what's your experience? [3]


Has anyone recently outsourced work to a software developer in Poland?

If yes, what was your experience and what lessons did you learn?

I would also love to hear from developers based in Poland with experience in designing and building apps.


22 Aug 2013
Life / My take on Poland - My Top 10 [31]

Oh yeah! I thought your handle was familiar but it just did not click!

I will be making a move soon. I will let you know when in your neighbourhood :)

22 Aug 2013
Life / My take on Poland - My Top 10 [31]

Hey Jam yes I have already experienced the negative attitudes haha... And you are right about the Poles (talking about my family mainly) being sensitive to the cold which I find surprising considering the harsh winters they experience here.

I will certainly be taking extra care on the road. You know Australia has somewhere between 400-600 fatal road accidents per year on average. I think it's getting much lower. The Polish news mentioned that there were around 400 serious accidents just last weekend! So very frightening.

May I ask where you are in Poland?

21 Aug 2013
Life / My take on Poland - My Top 10 [31]


A lot of what is on the list are things that amused me (like the warm beer in fridges, how people react to pleasantries and the lack of Asians around). It was just for a laugh. Nevertheless I agree with with what you say and I thank you for enlightening me.

On a serious note the two things that struck me immediately is the dangerous driving and the availability of alcohol. I am sure everyone agrees these are serious issues in Polish society.


Thank you I am already having a fantastic time here :)

Btw there will not be a top 100 but I may post some highlights of my trip later.

Here is one now - Polish vodka Zubrowka is the best in the world :)

Cheers (or better still "Na zdrowie!")

20 Aug 2013
Life / My take on Poland - My Top 10 [31]

I am PoLish but was born / raised in Sydney. It is my first time to Poland. I am loving it.
20 Aug 2013
Life / Why Polish people are fat ? [81]

I have not noticed many fat people in Poland but India's rising middle class certainly is getting fatter thanks to western junk food.

20 Aug 2013
Life / My take on Poland - My Top 10 [31]

Apologies I have not figured out how to use the quote function using an iPad.

To Wroclaw, yes I believe the selling of alcohol should be limited between 12 pm to 11 pm and only be made available through licensed outlets. It should be more expensive to.

Poland has a serious problem with alcoholism which needs to be dealt with urgently. Tough love is needed as well as education to change people's attitudes over time.

Just my honest opinion.

19 Aug 2013
Life / My take on Poland - My Top 10 [31]

Hello world

I have come to Poland to meet my relatives for the first time and to enjoy a 3 month holiday. It felt so good to step off the plane and set foot on this sacred land. I was overwhelmed with joy and happiness.

Anyway I am not here to get all sentimental. I just want to share some of my personal observations and experiences from the past week. Some of the observations will be familiar as they have been discussed in this forum before but this is my opportunity to present my take on things.

So here is my top 10.

1. Polish drivers - Sorry but you are all crazy. I don't care how good a driver you are please stop speeding and taking unnecessary risks like overtaking on busy roads. Btw on my second day in Warsaw (last Saturday morning) I saw a car wrapped around a pole almost cut in half. It would have been a miracle if anyone survived.

2. Random politeness and pleasantries are not part of the norm in Warsaw or so it seems. I said "dzieƄ dobry" to a few strangers and got a weird look back each time.

3. Polish people seem to chain smoke a lot. Well some of my relatives certainly do.

4. In all the shops the beers in the fridge were warm. I couldn't get a cold bear from any of shops around Praga. I guess the shop keepers don't really give a **** about their customers and are more concerned with cutting down their electricity costs.

5. I was shocked to learn that you can buy alcohol almost anywhere 24 hours a day. Sorry but that is wrong on so many levels.

6. The only Asians I saw in Warsaw were at my hotel. I was so amazed to hear them speak perfect Polish. Mind you I have only been here a week.

7. It is perfectly acceptable to dump empty beer bottles in public places. Apparently the local kids collect them in exchange for grozys. It makes sense to leave the bottles in a places where they can be found easily.

8. Polish people are very sensitive about politics. I will not go there anymore ;)

9. Warsovians appear materialistic and like to show off. It is like the wealth has gone to theirs heads.

10. For a predominantly catholic country there does not seem to be a lot of love and compassion going around. People seem to be out for themselves and don't have time for those in need.

So what do you think?

5 Aug 2013
Law / Polish Citizenship for a foreigner whose parents was born in Poland [174]

Merged:Apostilles - authenticate my parent's citizenship and marriage certificates?

Hello to all,

I need to provide my lawyer with some documents as part of the application process for Polish citizenship. He specifically requires my Australian birth certificate to be authenticated by my local office in order for the Polish office to accept it as a true and original document of my birth. The birth certificate will not be returned to me.

He also needs me to provide my parent's Australian citizenship and marriage certificates which he holds onto just in case he the relevant authority needs to check them against the copies. Those documents are eventually returned to me.

It is going to cost me $60 to authenticate my birth certificate. I am wondering is it necessary to authenticate my parent's citizenship and marriage certificates or is it just a waste of money.

Btw I am waiting on a reply from my lawyer but I might not hear back if he has taken a family vacation. I only have a few days left to sort out my paperwork before I fly out to Poland.

Appreciate any thoughts and advice.



Update - I just spoke to my lawyer's aid and she advised it is not necessary to authenticate or stamp the documents.

Apparently they are getting many applications from Australia which is interesting.

Anyway all sorted.
