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Joined: 24 Jul 2013 / Male ♂
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24 Jul 2013
Love / I love a Polish girl, but I don't want her to drink [37]

Is your young lady a social drinker -- wine with dinner, champagne toast at weddings, a drink or two at parites or does she have a drinking problem.

Thanks to your answer, yes she is just a social no more!

We agree each other and we do not have any problems
I do not know why the Polish attack me here?

what they're trying to say is, if your religion prohibits it, and hers does not (obviously, priests drink wine at mass. hell, Jesus turned water into wine and all that according to the bible) then why is it HER that needs to adjust?

Jan 2
Nowe Przymierze (NP)

8 Wówczas powiedział: Teraz zaczerpnijcie i zanieście staroście wesela! I zanieśli.
9 Gdy starosta spróbował wody, która stała się winem - a nie wiedział, skąd się ono wzięło, gdyż wiedzieli o tym tylko posługujący, którzy jej zaczerpnęli - zawołał pana młodego

About the Miracle of making water to wine,
People were drunk because of drinking Their wine.
When people drank the wine of Jesus they woke up and asked him what is that ?

You know that drinking alcohol and become drunk does not feel the sense of taste.
But after drinking the wine of Jesus, he felt the difference ( got taste ) and this means that what jesus did wasn't a wine .... the wine of Jesus is not made of humans !!!

And I did not bring the texts of the Bible yours it from your Bible

So why do you want here to change? And this is even the very beginning, so what will be next? Hijab? Closing her at home?

She has to work!!!
the home is not my friend :)

even if it doesn't ,if she likes to drink let her drink ,it's not your job to make her a "good christian" or whatever you believe in, يا أخي صاححلك وحدة بولندية حلوة ,ليش بدك ياها ما تشرب كمان !!

and greetings to you from damascus :D ,i'm syrian too :)

عجبتني هاي منك :)
بس كمان نحنا عنا عادات وتقاليد وهي مو مزعوجة من هالشي أبداً
أما هدول الرجال شكلون رح يفرموني لأنو ما بيعجبون وحدة بولندية تتجوز مسلم
ماشايف فوراً حط الحجاب بالنص والقعدة بالبيت مفكر أنو اذا الواحد مسلم لازم يقعد بالبيت
وعلى راسي حارتك :)
24 Jul 2013
Love / I love a Polish girl, but I don't want her to drink [37]

And here you have to not drinking.
If you do not want to be convinced this is your business, but I did not get involved in the subject of religion

Ephesians 5
21st Century King James Version (KJ21)

18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit,
18 Nie upijajcie się też winem, bo przy tym łatwo o nieprzyzwoitość, ale dbajcie o to, aby Duch mógł was stale napełniać.

By the way I work and I fast and pray.
Have a nice day
24 Jul 2013
Love / I love a Polish girl, but I don't want her to drink [37]

It's funny, Are you sure that you know everything in Bible ?
I know more than you know, i have read some of it!!!!

1 Corinthians 5:11 


But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.

I know more if you want just don't rush things, please !!!!
Your bible doesn't allow drinking for any christian

Galatians 5:19-21
1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
19 [a]Moreover the works of the flesh are manifest, which are adultery, fornication, uncleanness, wantonness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, debate, emulations, wrath, contentions, seditions, heresies,
21 Envy, murders, drunkenness, gluttony, and such like, whereof I tell you before, as I also have told you before, that they which do such things, shall not inherit the kingdom of God.


Galatians 5:19 He setteth out that particularly, which he spake generally, reckoning up some chief effects of the flesh, and opposing them to the fruits of the Spirit, that no man may pretend ignorance.

Galacjan 5:19-21
Nowe Przymierze (NP)
19 Wiadomo, co bierze się z ciała: nierząd, nieczystość, rozpusta, 20 oddawanie czci bożyszczom, wróżbiarstwo, wrogość, kłótliwość, zazdrość, porywczość, zaczepność, krnąbrność, brak troski o jedność, 21 zawiść, chęć mordu, pijaństwo, rozpasanie i tym podobne. Zapowiadam wam teraz, tak jak czyniłem to wcześniej, że ci, którzy się tych rzeczy dopuszczają, nie odziedziczą Królestwa Bożego.
24 Jul 2013
Love / I love a Polish girl, but I don't want her to drink [37]

Dzień dobry

I did meet a Polish, she is great and good one.
I'm a (Syrian) Muslim and She is a Christian.
We don't have any problems and if we would talk about anything she listen to me
She know that I don't drink don't smoke and eat only Halal ( that was cool for her and her family ).

I tried to explain that i'm a good guy and i'm showing her how the good muslim is
I know maybe it's difficult to stop drinking alcohol because it's something from the Polish culture
I all need is advice to reduce that ( by the way she doesn't drink much but even though I don't want her to drink ).

Thank you guys