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Joined: 28 Jun 2013 / Male ♂
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From: Billings, Montana, United States
Speaks Polish?: Mój polski jest bardzo kiepski, ale probuję. ;-)
Interests: Poland!!! :-)

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8 Dec 2013
Food / Are eggs in Poland refrigerated/not refrigerated? [33]

Why?People in Poland do that too but mainly during and shortly after Easter.

FWIW, I keep my eggs in a fridge and always have.

Hmmm... I guess some Poles keep raw eggs and hard boiled eggs in the fridge and some don't.

I got sick (food poisoned) after eating fast food in the US at least 4 times (Wendy's and McDonalds).

ACK!!! Sorry to hear that. After visiting Poland six times in the past three years and eating REAL food (the kind my babcia used to make), I no longer eat American "fast food." Actually, I wonder how I ever did!!!

Horrible story, and sorry to read you have suffered.

Thanks for your kind words. Yeah, the salmonella poisoning was horrible. The reactive arthritis has been worse. But I have tough Polish blood in me. I will get better. ;-)

PS My friend Ewelina lives in Wrocław. She ate at "Kurna Chata" today. It is my FAVORITE restaurant in Poland!!! ;-)
7 Dec 2013
Food / Are eggs in Poland refrigerated/not refrigerated? [33]

Two summers ago I had four Polish college students spending the summer with me at my house in Montana (they were working in my city for the summer and needed a place to stay). It made no sense to them that I refrigerated my eggs. Also, it blew their minds if I boiled a dozen eggs and then put the hard-boiled eggs in the fridge and ate them over the course of a few days.

This past October I was in Gdańsk and ordered jajecznica (scrambled eggs) at a local eatery. Then I left for Toruń and eventually got so sick that I spent three days in a hospital. The doctors made some tests and told me that I Salmonella poisoning. I didn't know if I was going to die from the Salmonella or the kleik the doctors and nurses were trying to make me eat!!! ;-)

Eh... After the Salmonella poisoning (and resulting bout of reactive arthritis in my knees and ankles that I am still dealing with... Lucky me!!!), I may never let anyone cook an egg for me again.
28 Jun 2013
Travel / Przemysl and/or Rzeszow and/or Sandomierz [14]

That's a superb part of the world. I'd suggest that you go there as early in October as possible as the end of October can be a bit cold for walking around whereas at the beginning of October it's not unheard of for bars and restaurants to still have outdoor seating (for the more hardy customers).

Hey Harry!!! Thanks for your input!!! I'll be visiting Poland the first three weeks of October. I live in Montana, United States. I know all about and actually prefer cooler temperatures. But currently it is 30C in my city. I'm melting!!!! &*$^%&#^*#!!!!

How are you planning to travel around while there? And how good is your Polish?

This will be my sixth trip to Poland. I travel around the country by train (and a bus every now and then).

As for my Polish... Uczę się polskiego. Polski jest bardzo trudny!!! Kocham, kocham, kocham końcówki polski słów!!! OCH!!! Nigdy nie zrozumiem. Eh... Mój polski jest jeszcze kiepski, ale jest coraz lepszy każdego dnia. ;-) I like to say that I know just enough Polish to get a hotel room, buy a train ticket, order food and hopefully not get my face slapped. ;-)

Merged: Planning to Visit Rzeszów & Przemyśl... Need advice on what to see and do there

Cześć!!! Um... Najpierw... Jestem głupim Amerykaninem. Mój polski jest BARDZO kiepski, ale probuję. OCH!!! Kocham, kocham, kocham końcówki polskich słów i gramatykę!!! Nigdy nie zrozumiem!!! To jest szalone i nie ma sensu!!! Nie lubię języka polskiego. LOL!!! ;-) But my English is VERY good!!! ;-)

OK... I am planning my next trip to Poland this coming April/May (this will be my 7th trip to Poland). I would like to visit Rzeszów and Przemyśl. Actually, I visited Rzeszów for the first time last October but I had a VERY bad cold and spent most of my time in bed. The only things I saw in Rzeszów were "Galeria Rzeszów" and "Wielką Ci... Er... Uh... "Pomnika Walk Rewolucyjnych." ;-) I wanted to visit Przemyśl but I was too sick to go. :-(

So... What is there to see and do in both Rzeszów and Przemyśl? Museums? Rynek? Dance clubs? Live music? Good restaurants with traditional Polish food? How many days should I stay in each city? Also, is it a pain in the d*pa to cross into Ukraine for a few hours just to say I was there?

Any information is greatly appreciated!!!

Dzięki i na zdrowie!!!

"Gienek" in Montana, USA :-)

PS I have been reading "Polish Forums" for a long time but I don't post very much.

PSS Tak!!! I had help writing the first paragraph. Dziękuję bardzo, Ewelina!!! ;-)
28 Jun 2013
Travel / Przemysl and/or Rzeszow and/or Sandomierz [14]

Merged: Planning to visit Rzeszów, Przemyśl and Zamość. Need opinions.

Witam wszystkich!!! I am a long-time "Polish Forums" reader, but this is my first post. :-)

I am currently planning my next trip to Poland (I have visited Poland five times in the last 2.5 years) this coming October. My dziadek was born in southeastern Poland (a small village called £ukowa). I have never visited this region of Poland. On my upcoming trip I would like to visit Rzeszów, Przemyśl and Zamość. Maybe Lublin, too. Is there anyone here on PF that either lives in these cities or personally knows anything about them?

Yes, I have done research on the internet, but I would like to hear personal opinions. What should I see? How many days should I stay? Maybe there are other places nearby that I need to visit? I will have up to two weeks to explore southeastern Poland. I'm interested in meeting Poles, taking in the culture, finding my "roots," eating great food, drinking amazing wódka, playing my guitar and maybe dancing on a few tables. ;-)

Any information is appreciated!!! Dziękuję bardzo (in advance)!!!

g :-)