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Joined: 23 Jun 2013 / Male ♂
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7 Sep 2015
Life / Where to watch Premier League games in Gdansk, Warsaw? [3]


I am going to Gdansk at the weekend to meet people who will be flying in from England. We will be staying in an apartment in Old Town, and I will be arriving in the mid-afternoon, but they won't arrive until late evening, which should give me enough time to watch the Manchester United vs Liverpool game (kick-off 18:30 Polish time).

There should be about two hours between the end of the match and the time they will arrive at the flat; however, it is possible that they might arrive a bit early, plus, if I get the chance, I want cook something for them, as I am guessing they'll be hungry, and I'm guessing that most restaurants will be closed/closing at that time. Therefore, ideally I am looking for a place that is in Old Town or is relatively close.

Thanks for any help/suggestions.
19 Aug 2015
Travel / When will the Poland's newest airport Olsztyn-Mazury (in Szmany) open, and where will it fly to? [3]


I was wondering if anyone knew when Poland's newest airport - Olsztyn-Mazury - will open.

According to Wikipedia, the airport is due to start accepting scheduled flights this month; however, I also remember reading somewhere a while ago that it would not be until early 2016 before the airport was fully functional or flying all flights (I can't remember exactly what I read).

By the looks of it, Ryanair will be one of the carriers that uses the airport, and there will be flights to Germany, Scandinavia and the UK - I'm guessing to Stansted, but don't know about elsewhere. Does anyone know any further details about where it might fly, as well as how often, or how much flights might be (particularly in relation to flights to/from Stansted or the rest of the UK). Also, does anyone know when these international flights will begin (again, particularly in relation to flights to/from Stansted or the rest of the UK).

Finally, I read that the railway line between Olsztyn and the airport was being repaired/extended. Does anyone know if this is on schedule and when it will open, as well as how often the trains will go. I also read that they were considering renovating a disused track between Bialystock and the airport, which ran via Ostroleka. Does anyone know anything about this, such as whether or not it will happen, when it would open, how often it would run etc.?

I have tried looking online but my Polish isn't great, so I rely on Google Translate, which isn't great. Anyway, all I have found are old stories or uninformative content, plus the main airport website doesn't seem to be much help. So thanks for anyone who can help with any information about any of the points that I mentioned!
29 Aug 2014
Life / How can I get Canal+? Will I need a satellite dish? [2]


Thanks in advance for any help!

I am a big football fan and want to be able to watch the Premier League on my TV. When I moved in to my flat, there was an aerial wire sticking out the wall, through which I get quite a few channels at the moment, but no Canal+.

I don't want to get a contract, but rather a pay as you go deal, which I believe is possible, but not certain. I've been looking at TV decoder boxes online, but without speaking very good Polish yet, I rely on Google Translate to understand what the website says - which isn't great. I have found these two, which seem to enable me to pick up Canal+, which include one month free to start (if I have understood it properly), after which time I can pay monthly.

Here are the links to the two:



Firstly, would I be right in thinking I can pay monthly (and get a month free). And secondly, and more importantly, how do I connect it? As I mentioned, my TV is currently connected to an aerial which comes out the wall, would this work, or would I need to buy a separate satellite dish - and, if so, is it easy to connect?

Thanks again for any help!

p.s. I have tried watching online, and this isn't reliable - just in case anyone was thinking of suggesting that - which is why I want to do it properly.
2 Feb 2014
Food / Is it possible to buy (particularly online) exotic meats in Poland? [4]


I am wondering whether there are any shops - either internet-based or real ones - that sell exotic meat in Poland. For example, kangaroo, ostrich or anything else that might be considered "less ordinary".

Ideally, I am looking for an online company that will deliver throughout Poland, although if anyone knows any actual shops then I would appreciate that too.

11 Jan 2014
Life / Cost of medical treatment in Poland? In particular, home visits from a nurse to change dressings [7]

For several years I have had what I believe to be a pilonidal cyst. It is a not too uncommon condition whereby a cyst develops at the base of the spine / top of the buttocks.

It is a fairly uncomfortable condition; however, until a little while ago, I worked on my feet, whereas I now work on a computer - which aggravates the condition and can make it painful when sitting. As a result, I am thinking about whether or not to get surgery.

Ideally, I would go back to the UK and have it done there; however, due to the lengthy healing time, I would imagine this would be too problematic. As a result, I have looked into having surgery over in Poland. I think I have found prices for the operation, although I was wondering about the costs of after-care. The surgery will most likely require the removal of tissue in the area, and the best way for it to heal is to leave an open wound which heals from the inside out. This means that it needs to be packed with a dressing during the healing process, with that dressing needing to be changed at least once a day (maybe even twice).

I was wondering if anyone has any idea how much home visits from a nurse might cost to do this? I have been looking online, but my Polish is still very bad, so I am relying on Google translate, which seems to be making it difficult to find answers. The healing process supposedly takes about 8-10 weeks on average, so I might possibly need visits for that length of time - although it may be the case that I only needed this for a few days to a couple of weeks, if my partner was able to do it instead (this is possible but I think she would be worried about hurting me, plus it wouldn't be too pleasant - so it might be best to have a nurse to at least start things off).

So, if anyone had any idea how much a home visit from a nurse would cost to change a dressing then that would be great, although if anyone has any relevant information about anything else then that would be much appreciated too.

18 Nov 2013
Life / Do Polish children have a typical bedtime? [11]

I have recently moved into a new flat. It is considerably nicer than the old place that I was living; however, there is one massive drawback - the kids in the flat above don't seem to ever stop running around and make a tremendous noise! I can only assume that the ceiling is having some kind of amplification effect, as the noise of their footsteps as they run about is loud enough, but they constantly seem to be banging around every few seconds as well (I have no idea what they are doing!). It would seem the ceiling is probably quite thin as well, as I can hear them giggling/crying/squealing etc - and by the sound of things, they aren't too old.

Anyway, this seems to go on all day, it is almost 22:30 now, and they still haven't stopped. As I say, based on the giggling and other noises, they sound fairly young - I'm guessing about 5-6, although it may be more or possibly less. This seems quite late for kids of such a young age to still be up and playing around - would I be right in thinking that? What would a typical bedtime be? I've only been at this new place for a few days, but it is already starting to drive me crazy! Hopefully this doesn't go on forever!!