Love /
English girl moving to Poland with my Polish boyfriend for the first time [69]
I spend a couple hours on Rosetta Stone everyday and listen dilligently to my boyfriend and his family speak to master the diction and pronounciation.
I have been struggling in my search to find work. My initial motive to join this site was to post a listing searching for work but I quickly realized that several others followed a similar intention and they all recieved the same type of responses. I wouldn't mind tutoring students striving to perfect their english but I can't find anyone willing to take advantage of me as a resource.
It's frustrating because every since I was 14, I have worked and made my own income. (I am 20 now.) In the states, I ran a very small business, performed as a freelance personal assistant, a costume design assistant, worked at high volume retail stores and several other jobs I have had no luck landing here in Poland. 8\
I do look forward to the spring for I heard it's beautiful and very green. 8)
I also have a few roadtrips planned to explore the rest of Poland when the weather is more accomodating.
I am looking forward to my future endeavors in Poland and am hoping I find work soon!
THANKS for your welcome!!
Yes, I know of the permit requirements. As of now, my boyfriend's family is willing to register me as an employee of theirs until I can find work in other terms. Although, I still have to get an apartment under my name and health insurance before I am eligible to submit the paperwork.
Thanks for your reminder, though!