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Posts by bledi_nowysacz  

Joined: 8 Feb 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 17 Jun 2013
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 52 / In This Archive: 48
From: Krakow
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Sport, Geography, History

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18 Jun 2013
Language / Pronunciation difficulties for Poles speaking English [40]

When I started learning Polish I was still in Greece and despite some "polish for foreigners,polish in 4 weeks" my wife brought also a book for kids which had some very basic polish-english dialogues. At the end was the vocabulary.

Three little pigs - (free little pigs ) - Trzy male swinki :D :D
17 Jun 2013
Life / Etiquette in a Store and Market Queues in Poland [146]

Maybe it's about people's origin ?
To me Poland seems MUCH more in order than my country(Albania) and my wife points that out everytime we go there :D :D. The only thing that bothers me is the scratches at my car sometimes when are matches and the big bald guys pass by,but that's nothing to not finding the car at all which could very easily happen in my country. Now for british,german,french or dutch I think it looks more "eastern" and I guess it's normal considering the countries they come from.
31 May 2013
Law / Private information being disclosed by Pekao Bank [10]

"Good morning

your recent shoppings at XXX sex-shop

That would NOT be a good morning :D. Joking aside, I definitely agree that they should ask the security questions at all times. What if you lose your mobile phone,and some guy who finds it answers the call pretending to be the owner of it ?!
31 May 2013
Law / Private information being disclosed by Pekao Bank [10]


The worst banking experience I've had in 3 countries that I've lived.

I also tried contact with the official institutions, for bank regulations, etc, and got no answer from them, after 2 weeks.

If you'd need to make a deposit I'm sure they'd find the time, but since it was their fault of course they do not answer ;)

What do you think about what has happened?

1- The guy who called forgot all about the procedures or
2- They're stoned again :D :D
31 May 2013
Life / Drink driving a bike and losing your driving license in Poland [27]

He was riding his bike

I was also stopped a few days ago while riding the bike ( sober ), they asked if I have any documents and if I drank anything. When I showed them my karta pobytu they just said: Szerokiej drogi ( I think it was because of the name and surname :D ). As about your friend, I think they should've given him some penalty but that's too harsh.

Btw if someone gets his driving license taken, does he/she need to start the whole driving course from the beginning or only to go to the exam?
29 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

They should all go on strike, because they are abused, right?

Of course not, but as long as everybody who's working on the same line of work has a day off why am I supposed to work? The professions you mention are a bit different, because a miner knows where he's going to work, and a baker knows at what time he/she's supposed to start work. But in an average job which starts at 7-8:00 am and finishes somewhere in the afternoon ( 16-17:00 )and the workplace is above the ground it's a bit unfair for people to not be able to spend a normal holiday with kids or family. That's all I had in mind, no strikes.
29 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

however you will be paid extra e.g. +100% or more for that


Also you get a day off on some other day. So where's the big damage

The damage is that when your girlfriend/fiancee/wife/friend/father/mother/brother/sister has a day off, you can't go to spend some time with him/her because you'll take another day off when he/she and everybody else is going to be at work, so you'll have a "fantastic" day by yourself. That's the damage.
29 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

shop owners

How about other businesses ? Construction,transport? Do the employees have to go to work if the boss says so? What do you guys think? In my opinion: YES because as somebody here mentioned it before,everybody needs to eat, and food costs money. Even if you're living alone, not mentioning people who have kids,mortgages to pay etc.
29 May 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

Poland is officially a secular country.

Really? How is that possible if the kids learn religion in kindergarten & school?
29 May 2013
Work / Job offer from company in Warsaw, EU Logistics. Is this a scam? [22]

the website is eulogistics.us

After checking it with some colleagues who work in Warsaw I have that feeling that something doesn't add up. I don't know, also the website it's a bit weird,not complete. There is not a clear information on what they really do. Another thing is that here in PL there is a program which is used by almost every logistics company in Poland and eu logistics doesn't exist on their database.

That's what I could find out. I hope it helps.
29 May 2013
Life / Foreigners learning to drive in Poland [2]

English versions of the theory test available, is that info up-to-date?

Yep, it's up to date.
Not long ago ( 1 year I think ) I had to take my polish driving license. And like you I didn't and I don't speak polish enough to take the theory test in polish, so I asked for the english version. You have to contact a few driving schools as I don't think everyone of them has an instructor who speaks english well enough( my instructor's wife being an english teacher helped me a lot in understanding what he couldn't find the english words for).

Not being a native english speaker made my life difficult as there were some different synonyms in the CD and in the book anyway after passing this minor obstacle I didn't have any problems. I don't know what changed with theory test, everybody says the same as you: IT'S UNBELIEVABLY DIFFICULT. But I think you shouldn't think that way, afterall it's not made to fail everybody :D.

After passing the theory test, I had the practical driving test, here I was told it's obligatory to have a translator with me. Not just somebody who speaks english but a certified translator. I payed him 100 PLN/hour and that was that. The examiner was a very nice guy who didn't seem to be trying to fail me(some of them do it)

P.S Hope that the examiner won't be some complete a-hole and you're done.
27 May 2013
Love / english girl struggling with polish boyfriend's friends [20]

opportunity to speak their native tongue

That's not fair, opportunity to speak your native tongue you can find anytime. And intstead of making your girlfriend feel like $#it isn't it better to use your native tongue while watching a match with the guys or playing a football match or doing something where you're alone with your friends? (Assuming the girlfriend is not interested in football matches :D ). I remember myself trying to translate every single word to my gf when she was in Greece and (obviously) didn't speak any greek.

When I came in PL though it was a bit different, she was a bit lazy to translate for me, and her friends ( who before told her they speak english very well ) didn't really say anything other than: hi .

My advice is to make him understand, take him when you're with your friends and start telling some jokes from the past,something everybody is familiar with, and I guess he'll feel something similar to you. After that he might be able to understand your position when he's with his friends.
27 May 2013
Love / english girl struggling with polish boyfriend's friends [20]

They all literally sit and talk in polish and ignore me

That's exactly how I felt during my first 6-8 months here in PL, I had to learn some polish for them to notice that I was there.
25 May 2013
History / A map of the 2nd Republic - help? [5]

For the borders of Wielkopolska I guess you need a topographic map(considering you want to go and search those traces you mentioned). Bestmap.pl might help you with that. Once I got a VERY good map of Piwniczna Zdroj -Krynica Zdroj area from them.
23 May 2013
Law / I got a job in Poland, but there's no work permission [3]

Is it gonna work that way

Rather yes, even if the procedure will last longer ( which for sure will :D :D) and you're visa will expire,they usually give you some sort of a stamp on your passport. That proves that you're in the middle of the process of getting a residence permit. I don't know though if you are eligible to work during the first 3 months( before getting the residence permit ).

Good luck
22 May 2013
History / Alexander the Great - Macedonski. Poland connection? [254]

The origin of a language is does not make it a dialect of that language

Yes, you're right, it's not about the origin. It's about what this language really is, and some experts say it's a bulgarian dialect.You were saying something about similiarities between languages and I agree there are similarities especially between slavic countries. But here we're talking about more than 90 % of the language, even Czech with Slovak I think have more differences. Anyway I think I will just drop it, this thread got way more interesting with : Harry,Flagless and Ironside, so it'd be a shame to spoil it. In less words: I agree with whatever you have to say, Alexander was Macedonian, born and raised in Skopja, right next to his statue somewhere and macedonian culture got spread till far east.
22 May 2013
History / Alexander the Great - Macedonski. Poland connection? [254]

Poland between the wars wasn't much different

Dude, Poland didn't call itself Magdeburg,Morava or anything else. And didn't name any airports after some German/Czech/Russian/Ukrainian king :D :D.

Then again, pathetic childishness is nothing new in the Balkans

Here I have to agree with you. Seriously.
22 May 2013
History / Alexander the Great - Macedonski. Poland connection? [254]

Macedonian isn't a dialect of Bulgarian

Ok, so how can you explain me that when I was in Macedonia with a bulgarian friend of mine he was communicating with them like 2 poles communicate with each-other ( one from Gdansk and the other from Silesia ) and even he was shocked from the similarities?

the real reason for the Greek problem with Macedonia has everything to do with Greece and her support of Serbia

I don't think it has anything to do with it. Greece supported Serbia during the Bosnian war, and after the Kosovo war, and that was mostly because of the famous "Othodox brothers", but in Macedonia?? Macedonians are orthodox too ( at least that part that is called macedonian ).

Entirely normal

Ok, so if you consider that normal, I have nothing to add.
21 May 2013
Travel / A four days vacation, where to go in Poland? [39]

Poles are against all that are not white, not catholic and not straight.

Yes, I live in Poland. 2 and half years now(Krakow) and of course I happen to see some cases of staring,or some old ladies trying to whisper ( they were quite loud but they thought they're whispering ) about an african young mother and her little baby, and my mother in law not understanding why I don't remember all catholic holidays. But I don't consider it a big deal. From what I read, you've been living here for 15 years, so I just have to step back because I'm nowhere your life experience in Poland.
21 May 2013
History / Alexander the Great - Macedonski. Poland connection? [254]

The Greek attitude towards Macedonia has been nothing short of pathetic

Now think for a moment if there was a country called Republic of Malopolska,bordering Poland, pretending to have nothing to do with polish region in south of Poland. Take also some polish hero/king/prince and name the airport of this "country's" main airport,name also a few roads,put him on some banknotes, fill the children's history books with nothing close to the truth,invent a language ( which is basically just a dialect of another language ) and I guess you have it.

Now tell me if that sounds familiar, and if any state/country/nation in the world would agree with an identity theft?
P.S I'm not greek ;)