jim shek
6 Feb 2013
Genealogy / Katherine Naherniak [3]
I was 18 and she had a stroke at 83, three years later she died-1 year before that she encouraged me to take my first communion at 17-and I did. Now I am 55, I was cutting wood Sunday on a very frigid day here in Michigan-I wondered whether or not I would survive the day. And, she touched me and warmed me. Very spritual. My Busha, Katherine Naherniak.
I was 18 and she had a stroke at 83, three years later she died-1 year before that she encouraged me to take my first communion at 17-and I did. Now I am 55, I was cutting wood Sunday on a very frigid day here in Michigan-I wondered whether or not I would survive the day. And, she touched me and warmed me. Very spritual. My Busha, Katherine Naherniak.