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Posts by 1172ftj  

Joined: 19 Jan 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 7 Feb 2015
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 17 / In This Archive: 15

Speaks Polish?: troche

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19 Jan 2015
Real Estate / Swiss Francs Mortgages in Poland [71]

I am not an expert economist but to think if %46 of loans are swiss bank loans and say 1/2 of these will default their loan payments it would be %20 of the properties to get forclosed.

I would think if 1:5 homes are lost it would have a negative effect?

Even if 1/4 of those swiss loans default, 1:10 lost properties is bad, no?
3 Dec 2014
Love / Learning a language solely for your partner [21]

I would think it is respectful to be willing to learn a language for your significant other, and i am sure they would appreciate it and they would be more than happy to teach you.
30 Nov 2014
Law / I was born in Poland, moved to the US when I was 5 - Dual Citizenship Question [7]


Both my parents were originally polish citizens.

My mom gained US citizenship through naturalization. My dad holds his green card.

I was born in Poland and moved to the US when I was 5.

I never had a polish passport, but me being born there gives me polish citizenship?

At the moment I have US citizenship born abroad (I think I automatically gained this because of my mother?)

And lastly, what does Polish citizenship entitle you? Basically, just makes you legal to live/work there for extended time and gives you the living benefits of a Polish citizen?

10 Nov 2014
Love / "going to dinner with my sis..." - approaching a Polish girl, help needed [46]

In my honest opinion I see no harm asking her out again.

As mentioned, if you get turned down or she will be busy that is when you could tell her she can let you know when she is free.

If you talk to other girls it will make you look like a womanizer. If you really want her then try and go for her. Trying to make her jealous by talking to other girls is dumb and will back fire.

Just try again but just be friendly and ask how her weekend was or something like that. :)
10 Nov 2014
Law / How much should American dad that makes 407k PLN pay in child support? [9]

I am actually curious how this works.

My uncle found out he has a 20 year old son a few years ago and has been having to pay child support.

Apparently, since his son isn't working or doing anything he is still required to pay child support even though (to me) he is considered an adult?
31 Oct 2014
Love / "going to dinner with my sis..." - approaching a Polish girl, help needed [46]

Still, to me, I don't see any harm in asking her out again.

Or at least for lunch? People get busy and have their own things to take care of from time to time.

I would try a few more times every once in a while and if she continually is busy then you'll know she isn't interested.

All the best to you :)
30 Oct 2014
Love / "going to dinner with my sis..." - approaching a Polish girl, help needed [46]

I would say you can do what Edinburgh girl said and tell her how you feel.

be honest and brave and say you like her and would like to get to know her better. I don't have much experience with the dating scene either but it's better to be honest. If she wants to she will :)

21 Dec 2013
Life / "To pilka to barka" - Does anyone know this poem? [3]

For Christmas I would like to give this poem for my sister. I have been trying to find it but it seems harder than I thought. My mother told me my sister long ago had to learn it. The only words I know is it goes like-

"To pilka to barka
To chlust do wody
A byla to byla
Latem zaba"

Any help would be great, thanks!
8 Oct 2013
Life / Is this a common way to be treated as a guest in Poland? [8]

Thanks guys for taking the time to read and help. I was more expecting to not really feel ignored and maybe be more included in a way. At least have been asked a few questions more about myself and how I like Poland and everything.

But I know it was not a formal gathering or invitation so I understand that. Just not quite sure if I should make an effort to get to know her or not. I do think she is nice and she is pretty and I had her on my mind a lot the year I've chatted on/off with her. I would like to at least get to know her better but I feel the situation - at least in my point of view is complicated.

Might have to wait and see as the days go by but I would at least like to make sense of the feelings I did have and hopefully hers too by the time I leave. Thanks !
8 Oct 2013
Life / Is this a common way to be treated as a guest in Poland? [8]

So, my family is Polish and my father goes each year to visit. I was 4 when we moved and haven't been back in 18 years. Last year when my father went he asked an old family friends daughter to invite me on facebook. At the time I am not sure if it was meant for her and I to be In a relationship or not but she was 17, and I was 21. I am pretty sure she ended up asking me if I had a girlfriend - unless it was a friend of hers who took control of her facebook and asked instead (quite sure it was her). I had her attention maybe for the first month or so then we talked on/off since then mainly me saying hi. Now, a year later I came to visit. Just a few weeks before I was arriving she asked me when exactly I will be there so I assumed she was wanting to meet me eventhough I told her the dates when I told her I was coming 2 months before.

I came Thursday and told her i was in town, she messaged me a few hours later on facebook telling me i could have come. I was expecting to be invited from her/her family but we never did get a formal invitation. My father said anyway to stop by like that on Friday night. The time we went no one was home but 15 minutes later my dad walked by again and her father was there and her and her mom/brother went to take care of some school stuff. My mother/sister both said to bring flowers for her mom, and my father brought a bottle for the dad so I got choclates for her. I felt weird walking in with flowers and chocolate while it was just her father there. Later they came and her brother walked in shook our hands and said good evening hten left, a minute later she came in with her mother I gave them the gifts. I was nervous and shy and I feel she was the same. Most of the conversation that time revolved between her parents and my father/uncle. It was just her sitting there listening and me the same. There was a part later where she called her mom from the kitchen and she was gone for some time. Later her mom said she was in the bathroom and she was tired from driving earlier. When it came time to leave i shook everyones hand again and i am not sure if it was my father or her family who initiated it but i got invited the next day again. We got invited to stop again to help finish the bottle we brought. I noticed her a few times look at me the whole evening though.

I understood it as me coming the next day to help her find a car but instead i was invited to see a car she wanted. The next day i walked to her house and her brother was on the shed prepping the roof to paint, i said hi awkwardly and he replied awkwardly too. i rang the bell and no one answered so i walked the corner and her dad was outside talking we shook hands and invited me in. the night before i said i can show pictures and they asked to see pictures so i showed them. i got invited by her to go upstairs but instead i asked if she can take me to buy a sim card so we went. she said she needed to be back by 1 since her brother needed to pick someone up. we came back a little later and she told me that they were going to this town and it would be a little while til they come back if i wanted to come too so i came with. The time her and i were alone we didn't talk that much.

it was her father, brother, family friend who knew cars, her, and myself who went. most of the time it was those 3 talking and sometimes her adding a few comments to the conversation. when we came to the car they were taking care of their own business so i felt awkward and didn't really want to impose so i kept to myself. It was mainly the 3 guys talking looking around and then her father asked me how i liked the car - i said it was nice but i like a bigger car. Then she went with 2 guys and i was with the father when they test drove it and he asked me about the car again. they came back and then it was me and her standing while they tested the car again. I was keeping to myself and she walked by and smiled and asked how i liked the car. Then we left and the drive back was the same just the guys talking to themselves. I noticed the whole time that when it came to enter/leave the car it was always from the other door, not the one i was at.

When we got to her home the 3 guys sat in the kitchen and i was invited to sit for dinner but i sat in the dining room just about 1 meter away from them. I ended up eating alone but a few minutes later the girl sat next to me and ate her soup and then left to wash a car. She changed and came by me telling me she will go wash a car if that was ok - i offered help but her mom said to finish my dinner. Later her mom mentioned to the other guy that i am from the states and it was just a simple chat about me and the states and how that is. After i finished i sat around the table with the guys talking, it was her father telling some story about some neighbor guy they have, i noticed her brother look at me a few times. Then her father got up and they all left talking outside and i was left alone. I ended up going to the living room and sat with her mom watching tv and we did some chit chat. Then the girl came back and sat on the couch next to me and she was helping me with my sim card trying to get it to work. Then later on she said she was going out and she was going to get ready and after a few minutes she came back and said she was going to be leaving soon so i said i will leave. Her mother told me to come by again so i won't be bored and i told the girl she can message me on facebook but they didn't have internet available but the girl said we can talk since i have the sim card now. So I told her mom thanks for everything and told the girl by and just left. I am not sure if i looked disappointed after i left but the whole time i kept to myself both from the situation and me being tired. I was planning on having her contact me since she has my number, but should i be the one to talk to her again? She helped me a few times throughout trying to get my sim card to work.

Is this common hospitaility when it comes to having a guest over? I was expecting more than that - but i understand they have their own business to take care of and i am assuming that her brother went to work outside and same for her dad since he has his own home business. Her mom was resting after cleaning the house and i am not sure if the girl already had those plans or if she was just wanting to leave. I understand also that i do not know their family nor do they know me personally. They went to my baptism when i was younger and her dad once worked for my grandfather and my father visits them once in a while when he goes to Poland. They just live across the street from my uncle. I also do not know if it is because i do not speak polish the best. This all happened Saturday and i was thinking of letting some time pass and then send her an sms Thursday and try some chit chat and maybe see if i can spend time alone with her. I met her the day after arriving so i was just used to being in Poland and felt out of place. I am feeling more comfortable now so i feel i can talk to her better. But was I treated with disrespect, or was this just everyone minding their own business? Thanks and sorry for any trouble! Could it be me misinterpreting her feelings, or me over doing it or is it just me being shy same as her? It seems and always has seemed strange and awkward talking with her. I just hoped that me being here her and i would be able to spend some time together and get to know each other better. I was planning on respecting her, and her families space from the very beginning since i am here on a vacation and they are all living their normal lives. She is 18 1/2 - in her final year of primary school and i am just turned 22. She wished me happy birthday and the day after was when she asked when it was i was going to be in town exactly. Thanks in advance!

last year at the time my father also invited her to come work for us and she may end up coming by me next summer. I figured it would be polite of me so she can meet me so she can at least know me.if she would come and work
24 Sep 2013
USA, Canada / What is the best way to go about contacting family in US while in Poland? [2]

I will be in Poland next week and would like to know what the best way to contact my family in the US? If I were to buy a SIM Card in Poland that would only make it cheaper to contact friends and relatives in Poland, right? Most of the time my uncle uses his personal home phone to call us from Poland but I wanted to know what the best way could be for me to be directly contacted - in an emergency or anything? Thanks!

As far as I know my phone right now is unlocked.

I was planning on taking my phone anyway and at least using it for Wi-Fi use and always talk over Skype/Facebook. I just wanted something that I can use while I am not near Wi-Fi.
23 Apr 2013
Love / Family Friend Daughter from Poland and I started talking (long distance) [11]

I appreciate your guys' input and sorry for bringing it up again! Just on my mind and it is frustrating not sure what to do with it just need to wait and see. I know by far Rybnik did have the best advice and Peter, I agree I think her feelings are genuine but it may have been her parents who influenced her at first (same for me). Maybe now she has her own feelings out of everything she just needs the same thing as me - meeting each other and see what the feelings really mean. Thanks!
28 Mar 2013
Life / Is it a 'big deal' to wish Happy Easter in Poland? [29]

Hi, I just wanted to know if it is common in Poland to wish a "Happy Easter" or not? I was talking to my uncles neighbor through Facebook since Wszyscy Swieci but we haven't talked in a month+. As an occasion to start talking to her I was going to wish her a happy Easter. I would really rather she started talking to me though since the last few times we talked they were from me talking to her first. Thanks! :)
29 Jan 2013
Love / Polish Catholic girl - do you have the same relationship problem as me? [28]

I am a Polish guy moved to US with my family when I was very young and I feel the same as you. Growing up here seeing the difference in culture of Americans compared to how my family is (lack of respect) and I know I want to marry a Polish girl. I haven't had a relationship at all either since I would like to have the 1 true thing. My father travels to Poland each year and he found me a potential girl so now I am unsure of what to do myself I just have something to think about :D but I feel if you give it time it will all come to you. When you find the right guy he will respect your choice - and if he is against your choice he is not for you. Simple as that! Best of luck!
19 Jan 2013
Love / Family Friend Daughter from Poland and I started talking (long distance) [11]

Dzieki rybnik i gumishu. :)

Merged: Advice on what I should do with a Polish Girl?

My family is Polish I was born there but moved to the US when I was young. My father goes each year to visit and this year he asked a very good family friends daughter to add me on Facebook. She is 18 and I am 21. Her and I have been talking and I feel I like her even though I do not know her. I find myself thinking about her every day the last few months. She asks me a few times if I will visit Poland so it makes me feel she is interested in me. She seems nice just she has been really busy with school lately so her attention is no longer on me. What do you guys suggest would be the best thing to do? I am worried since my mother met my father on a trip where she was suppose to meet a different guy, and my parents have been married 30 years. I just don't want anybody to get hurt. If I would go to Poland in June it would be with my mother and we would visit her place in the country, 1 hour from where the girl lives, or if I go with my father it will be in October and I will visit the town the girl lives in (a few houses from my uncles house where we would stay.) Should I just continue doing what I am doing now and see what happens? My grandfather always tells me "Nie martw sie na co nie stalo. To co bedzie to bedzie." Which I do believe in, but I have had this on my mind from time to time and I would like someones opinion on it. I just think it would be hard to do something that long distance but it would be manageable, and meeting her would decide a lot. My name is Michael so I was planning on buying her some Michalki and giving those for her when the time would be to leave and tell her "Za pamieca o mnie" :D (let me know if I said that right.) Thanks in advance! :) if you could also move this to the correct thread sorry!
19 Jan 2013
Love / Family Friend Daughter from Poland and I started talking (long distance) [11]

I guess that is a way to look what I said but what I kind of really meant was just there being a chance of her cheating or anything if we were serious, especially if it would be so long distance - all we are now is friends and all. I usually think about things a lot and i am just a little confused with the feelings I have. Just putting too much thought in it all I think. Not sure if i really have a question to ask more than just saying what is on my mind.
19 Jan 2013
Love / Family Friend Daughter from Poland and I started talking (long distance) [11]

Hi, first to start my family is Polish and I was born there but when I was 3 we moved to the US. My father has been going each year for Wszyscy Swieci and to visit my uncle. This year when he was there he asked my uncles neighbor (an old family friend) daughter to add me on Facebook. She did and we have been chit chatting a good amount for around a month and it seemed like she was interested in getting to know me. She is 17 and I am 21 and I am not sure what my father had in mind but in the time her and I were talking she said her parents were bothering her asking her a lot about her talking to me, and my father was doing the same for me. My parents both told me that she comes from a very good family. My father also kind of invited her next summer after she finishes her primary school.

She also asked me if i have a girlfriend randomly when she asked me what I was doing. I told her that I may go with my family to visit in May and she has asked me a few times if I think I will go to Poland this year or not. She seems nice and I like the fact that she goes to church every Sunday, and that she is young it is less guys she has been with. The first month or so of us talking she seemed interested in talking to me and putting the effort to talking to me but she never really tried to get to know me. Now it just seems a little weird or hard to talk with each other, almost like she doesn't feel like talking to me and now I feel the same about her. I think part of the reason is it is not the same talking through emails as it is face to face. But I am not sure if I should put an effort in talking to her and getting to know her, or just have her talk to me if she pleases.

I am afraid of starting something serious since she is a little young, and my mother actually met my father on a trip where she went to meet another guy and my parents have been married 30 years now. I am thinking of leaving things as it is. If I do go I may find someone else there, and if not I can see what happens. The only thing that I really don't like about her is she seems to have a lot of friends, which means more people she can talk to and more people she can be with. Do you think my idea of not trying to talk to her is good, and have her talk to me, or is it best to try to get to know her? I am just a little confused as to what to do and don't want to hurt anyone or cause something bad to happen. I have been thinking about her and the situation sometimes but I know to be patient and see what happens.

Please let me know what you guys think. Dziekuje Barzo :)