Life /
Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]
Sorry, I never thought of taking photos :(
In general I think that a male gyneacologist is somewhat out of place due to one simple fact - men don't have vaginas and the rest of the funparts. I'm not ashamed of a male doctor of any sort, but I've heard a lot about blokes ignoring some health complaints . I don't think a male doctor can fully...erm...relate. But that's OT.
Another difference that I think was already mentioned here - the drinking culture. Brits go to pubs after work and there's nothing strange about that here. In Poland, there's no pub culture and there's no need for a "local". Also, a man going out for a pint nearly every night would be considered a menel. I'm presuming majority is familiar with that word, let me know if not. Poles may be heavy drinkers, but they drink mostly on Friday/Saturday nights and at special occassions, social gatherings and the boozing is stretched over time, there's food, dancing, talking etc. Brits drink for the sole purpose of getting drunk.
Of course any students of any nation will drink like there's no tomorrow.