22 Nov 2012
USA, Canada / Saying grace before a meal in Polish (today is Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S.) -- how [5]
Here's a prayer I just entered into Google translate and the result (which, of course, I cannot pronounce!)
Dear God, we thank you for this meal, for these friends, and for the beauty of this day. Bless this food and bless these people. May there always be bread on our table, water in our cups, and sunshine on our homes.
Drogi Boże, dziękujemy Ci za ten posiłek, tych przyjaciół, a za piękno tego dnia. Pobłogosław ten pokarm i błogosławi tych ludzi. Niech zawsze będzie chleb na naszym stole, woda w naszych kubków, i słońce na naszych domach.
Any Polish speakers who'd like to comment on this translation?
Here's a prayer I just entered into Google translate and the result (which, of course, I cannot pronounce!)
Dear God, we thank you for this meal, for these friends, and for the beauty of this day. Bless this food and bless these people. May there always be bread on our table, water in our cups, and sunshine on our homes.
Drogi Boże, dziękujemy Ci za ten posiłek, tych przyjaciół, a za piękno tego dnia. Pobłogosław ten pokarm i błogosławi tych ludzi. Niech zawsze będzie chleb na naszym stole, woda w naszych kubków, i słońce na naszych domach.
Any Polish speakers who'd like to comment on this translation?