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Posts by Marysienka  

Joined: 14 Nov 2012 / Female ♀
Last Post: 9 Dec 2016
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 195 / In This Archive: 149
From: Poland, Przemysl
Speaks Polish?: YES

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6 Dec 2016
Life / Electricity, water, gas charge in Warsaw, Poland. [17]

Gas - around 10zł/m3 + 3-10 zł./month (from PGNIG website, price is different depending on what it is used for and other things, also there are are other distributors now).

From the last discussion here - check how much all the bills will be, and how the bills to be payed. Ask about payments to "wspólnota" or "spółdzielnia".
5 Dec 2016
Language / Perfective vs Imperfective - grammar [150]


nothing about regional, just colloquial.

Also there is no "High Poland" region or dialect, and no "pure Polish" , just so called "standard Polish".
30 Nov 2016
Real Estate / Question about Czynsz (Building maintenance fees/utilies) in Poland [129]

I did't tell you to pay extra. I told you to get real help, most preferably someone who knwe law, and/or the market. I just don't believe you can stay there, because- 1 landlord is not trustworthy and 2- If "opłaty miesięczne" for apartment and your "rent" that you pay the owner are on the same level, and you don't pay "czynsz", then the landlord doesn't earn anything, so he won't allow it, so I think it's better to find a way to leave the apartment. As to how to leave without losing your money- be careful. the owner already turned out to be untrusthwothy and the building you live is really uncommon,

And as i said before next time ask about it before renting.
26 Nov 2016
Real Estate / Question about Czynsz (Building maintenance fees/utilies) in Poland [129]

to answer all your questions again:

1) why am I expected to pay "czynsz" - because it's how it works in Poland

2) why is it so high, is is scam - we don't know, it is very high, but we don't know the specific sitation of the building, it may be scam, it may be a building in a dire need of costly repairs, or with other isssues - if you want to know more you have to ask administration

3) why didn't the landlonrd tell you about that cost, and didn't include it in the contract- because he lied

4) why is area in the contract different than the real area- we don't know, what are those supposed to be, maybe the bigger area incudes basment, attic, balcony, antresola, maybe one of the areas in calculated by 2002 ISO code, and other calculated by 2014 Building law, or 1970s building code, or taxes law

5) what should I do- Get out of that place as fast as possible. Find real life help, could be a friend, could be a lawyer, could be a law student or someone who knows estate market.

6) what should I learn - in the next place you will have to pay "czynsz" as well, calculate it into all expences
25 Nov 2016
Real Estate / Question about Czynsz (Building maintenance fees/utilies) in Poland [129]

i'm sorry that you are in a bad situation, and we really try to help. But you keep asking wrong questions and saying things that may anger people.

(in which world Poland is eastern European but Slovenia is not??)

Back to reality - I don't know what your status in Poland is, but if your stay in Poland is otherwise legal, and you have a written contract you shouldn't be in any trouble with authorities. But you need help. You need someone that will look at the papers, at the situation and help you, not online but in person. Someone that you will trust enough to tell everything, because we don't have a full picture. Some things don't add up - Like where the hell did you find 90m2 apartment in a commie block - I didn't know those existed.
25 Nov 2016
Real Estate / Polish owner lied in the contract. The area of the flat is actually 62.24 m2 and not 90 m2 as written by him [9]

here is the thing. When you happily terminate your contract with your current landowner and rent a new apartment (and I really hope it goes as smoothly as possible) in that new apartment you will have to pay " maintenance bill" as well. It may be lower, it may include all the things we told you maintenance bill can include (heating, cold water, hot water, gas) or some of them. But as long, as you rent apartment from a person who doesn't own the whole building, but just one apartment - you will have to pay. Just next time you will know to ask how much is it, and calculate accordingly.

Also next time look at the apartment. 90-60 is a very big difference, how could you not notice the apartment is 1/3 smaller than it should?
23 Nov 2016
News / Jesus Christ is Now Officially the King of Poland [164]

I don't know how you went from millenials to Jesus king of Poland, but

- on the Eve of the Holiday of "Jesus Christ King of the Universe" there was a celebration in Polish church, in which the bishops and the believers said they affirm Jesus Christ as king of their lifes on the behalf of all Polish people. Among the people present was president Duda.

on the Sunday of Holiday of "Jesus Christ King of the Universe" the same act was said in all churches in Poland.

(and I would remind you that we already had Mary the Queen of Poland, so nothing changes at all, just a transfer of power between mother and son :P)
23 Nov 2016
Real Estate / Question about Czynsz (Building maintenance fees/utilies) in Poland [129]

well if you have explicitly said what you have to pay in your contract, that means you have proof he didn't tell you about this bill. that is a starting point.

As I said before - there are two issues- 1 why is the bill so high? and 2) why didn't your landlord tell you and how to get out of the situation.

I'm pretty sure now that the option that you don't pay this bill, but stay in your apartment is impossible. I don't know if investigating further why the bill is so high could help you in any way.

you need to consider- if you want to move out or if all the costs of that aparment are on the acceptable level (compared to costs of other compareable apartments). I don't know Warsaw renting market, or your situation so I can't help you. what about, when you take in account losing deposit you paid.

What are terms of termination in the contract. Is it for a certain time, or without stating for how long?.
23 Nov 2016
Real Estate / Question about Czynsz (Building maintenance fees/utilies) in Poland [129]

I'm sorry I must have missed a word or two- I meant cost of heating and electicity in common areas- halls, staircases etc. But it's not an issue here. The cost is very high, if I were owner of the apartment I would start investigating why. As I said maybe the administration is ripping off people, maybe there are other issues you (and we) are not aware of.

Your problem is not with administration. It is with your landlord. He misinformed you. If he considered this a part of "bills" he should have told you. But the main question is- what does your contract say? Is it for a specific time period? does it specify how you can terminate it? Do you have any proof that landlord didn't tell you about those fees?
21 Nov 2016
Real Estate / Question about Czynsz (Building maintenance fees/utilies) in Poland [129]

OMG you are right. Either the building is in a serious need of general repairs or there is some serious ripoff.

ecsape that place as soon as possible.

In case you need translation:

Koszty zarzadu CZ. WSP. = 406.34 zl - this is for all things that are done in your building - like cleaning, check-ups, small reparations, costs of heating and electricity in the hall, and payment for "administration". If the building is big- the cost shouldn't be this much.

Zaliczka na remonty = 537.48 zl it's the fund for future reparations

Wywoz smieci = 37.00 zl - garbage disposal - I checked on website it's amount for 4 or more people)

Can you say if the "administracja" is spółdzielnia, or Wspólnota? (It doesn't matter for you, I'm just curious)
18 Nov 2016
Life / Millennials even worse than baby-boomers? [60]

Polish "late" millennials (born after 1989) is the first generation comparable with West. Everything before you have very different. Yes, people born in 1945 are retired now, and yes they were born in a period of increased birth rate, and yes they were introduced to computers and internet late in life.
17 Nov 2016
Life / Millennials even worse than baby-boomers? [60]

the thing about baby boomers vs millenials. Polish millennials and American millennials have a lot in common Polish people between 52-70 only have age in common with American baby-boomers.
15 Nov 2016
Real Estate / Which side of the slupek, can I put my fence post, Internal or external in Poland? [3]

if we are taling building laws- your fence has to be on your property. If it's fence between two private properties, you don't need any paperwork, but you can cooperate with your neighbour, who can allow you to put half on your side, half on their.

If the border is with public place, like a road you need paperwork, and you have to stay 100% on your side of border. I sugeest hiring someone to make a fence and help you handle paperwork.
8 Nov 2016
Language / Help with homework (Polish language learning) (Hurra! Po Polsku - Level 1) [9]

oglądnąć is not "slang", it's regional variant (of obejrzeć).

About "feel"- your "hunch" can come froem hearing the word before. If you don't have any tables take a look here

it's in Polish, but the tables can help 1. is conjugation of verbs in present tense . they suggest you learn forms for "ja" and "ty" and you can use tables from there.
31 Oct 2016
History / Restoration of Poland's Monarchy? [40]

Stanowimy przeto, iż po życiu jakiego nam dobroć boska pozwoli, elektor dzisiejszy saski w Polsce królować będzie. Dynastya przyszłych królów polskich zacznie się na osobie Fryderyka Augusta, dzisiejszego elektora saskiego, które sukcesorom de lumbis z płci męzkiej tron polski przeznaczamy. Najstarszy syn króla panującego po ojcu na tron następować ma.

Important: If you quote a non-English source, ALWAYS summarize / translate the relevant parts into English!

May constitution was clear Fryderyk August and his descendants were to be Polish kings. His line died out with his daughter.

To find any "rightful heirs" you would have to dig deeper- maybe some female descendants of Kazimierz Jagiellończyk or Kazimierz Wielki, but more likely is the big mess of heirs of Bolesław Krzywousty.
27 Oct 2016
Real Estate / Question about Czynsz (Building maintenance fees/utilies) in Poland [129]

I think this has to be written again: we don't have full picture. Without it we don't know why the bill is so high- if the management of the building is taking money for no reason or if there are reasons we don't know. We don't even know what type of building community it is.
24 Oct 2016
Real Estate / Question about Czynsz (Building maintenance fees/utilies) in Poland [129]

just to explain - many people say "czynsz" when they mean "what you pay spółdzielnia/ wspólnota" but it is never oficially called this on paper if you are owner of the apartment. in can only say "czynsz" on the bill if you rent the apartment. And if the poster didn't say it's "commie block" I would assume it's TBS with it's insane rent.
23 Oct 2016
Real Estate / Question about Czynsz (Building maintenance fees/utilies) in Poland [129]

One of this things is happening:

- your landlord wants you to pay him extra 1000 zł - but you tell you were given bill so that is not a case
- your landlord misinformed you about the bills you will have to pay - this should have been included in bills stated
- you misunderstood your landlord, and he wants you to pay this bill for more than one month in advance.

you could write down what is written in that bill so we could tell you what is included.
It is possible that previous tenants used too much water or heating and this is why the bill is very high.

I actually used to work in building maitnance so I can tell you how it works. (with "Wspólnota", but "Spółdzielnia should work the same they just have bigger scale, and it's more possible for them to overuse their power)

- administration fees are around 1/3 of maintnance fees so around 0.4 zł /m2/ month = around 450 zł for 90m2 a year - which is probably what you compare your fees at home to this bill

- maintnance bills include all other things that need to be done during the year - all small repairs like the front door, bust pipes, cleaning tha corridors, swiping pavements, all mandatory check-ups. some companies have thair own staff that does it, others outsource- but in yearly statement it's always said how much which one costs., here also go all taxes. (some smaller building might not have cleaning included- if owners agree they would do it themselves. but that's rare

- renovation fund- is for bigger renovation , it's really up to owners how much they want to pay- but if there is a need for big renovation, or they have to pay loan for just finished renovation - it might be high. (the maitnance company might have their own stuff for smaller things , but usually outsoeces for bigger ones)- here is difference wih spółdzielnia, because spółdzielnia has one fund for all the buildings, while each wspólnota have their own account.

- heating bill. for the bill this high I still assume heating is included.
They assume (from previous years) how much /m2 should be paid in advance, and then calculate it after some time. It is usually divided so that part of the building's heating bill is divided per m2. and rest is divided with how much was used. (older buildnings have things on each heater that aproximate how much heat you use, compared to others, newer ones have actual devices that count hear used).

After they calculate it you either have to pay the difference, or are given back the difference (usually you pay this much less next month)

- cold water bill- you say how much water you would use (or they assume from previous bills)- and you pay in advance. then you either pay the difference, or they give it back

- hot water bill- works like cold water

if the building is responsible for hot water you usually pay (cold water price)*(all water amount)+(cost of heating the water)*(hot water amount)

- garbage disposal - is fixed fee, but in different places is calculated differntly.

- gas fee. If the building has gas only for cooker it s paid in the apartment bill and you can use as much as you want. I don't know how it shows on the bill, because I've never seen a bill like that.

all that I wrote are bills that owners of apartments pay- it is not called "CZYNSZ" in any docment. "CZYNSZ" is what tenants pay, so if the bill actually says "CZYNSZ" it means your "landlord" doesn't own the place.

To conclude:
I agree that something is shady with this amount of money. You should investigate more because it everything is how you describe, you should change apartment as fast as possible.

If you write what is included in bill we can tell you more.
6 Oct 2016
Language / Name Meaning Of "Polinary" in Poland [10]

Google search in Polish shows some "baby names" websites with Apolinary - nicknames/diminutives Polinary.

Apolinary sounds strange now, but it was more popular before. So either someone didn't write the fist letter, or used this nickname.

If the mother was American enough to use American naming customs- Polish people can't help you then.

(seems strange that trere are many Polinarys on English search but only "Apolinary" in Polish.
5 Oct 2016
Life / Electricity, water, gas charge in Warsaw, Poland. [17]

In that case- it is possible to use electricity as a source of energy for central heating and hot water preparation in Poland, but it's considered expensive and not possible in new buildings as such heating would need too much "natural energy". In a new building you would have to invest in some "eco" energy- like heat pump or solar energy, and use electricity as additional source if you don't have access to gas and don't want coal/wood/biomass.

Also some people use electricity for heating in older buildings- either using electric heaters, or adding some electric component to existing masonry heater. In that case you usually have electric heater for hot water preparation that is independent of heating.
4 Aug 2016
Law / Annual Leave allocation - labour law in Poland [8]

Now let's talk about actual Polish Law.

If you are employed on "umowa o pracę", and have right to 26 days of "urlop wypoczynkowy", and did not use them, they will either send you to a forced leave for 17/18 days (I don't know how rounding up works) before you leave or will have to pay you for it. Remaining 8/9 days will leave with you to your next job.
1 Sep 2014
Food / Was Slonina (Lard) originally extracted from Elephant meat? [17]

to mod: wasn't the topic about słonina? -> we are discussing if it's possible that Serbs and Poles both have the word from salt?

In Polish słonina is lard, not bacon. Also bacon in Polish is boczek - which is diminutive from bok - side.

And słoń- elephant is probably fron different Slavic word słaniać?. Unfortunatly all resources online are both not very respectable and in Polish, and that word(słonić) doesn't exist in modern Polish, although zasłonić, przesłonić, osłonić exist.

Czym się różni słoń od fortepianu? Fortepian można zasłonić, a słonia nie można zafortepianić. :)
Whats the difference between elephant and a grand piano? You can cover ("elephant" zasłonić) a piano, but you can't "grand piano" an elephant.

1 Sep 2014
Food / Was Slonina (Lard) originally extracted from Elephant meat? [17]

ok, I forgot to translate.

słonina dawn. 'każda rzecz solona', potem 'solona wieprzowina', później 'solony tłuszcz spod skóry' w odróżnieniu od niesolonego (reg.) bilu

anything salted->salted pork-> salted fat from under skin (in some regions not salted fat is "bil")
31 Aug 2014
Travel / Warsaw travel - what to carry in my baggage? [7]

I wouldn't take bikini, if you are not a very dedicated fan, chances of good sunbathing weather are getting smaller every day. What to take depends what you plan on doing here, and what clothes you have.

Between September and February you may see almost all the weather Poland has ( other than hot summer).
For September you are going to need some light rainproof shoes, light jacket and something warm to wear under jacket (hoodie, sweater, jacket...), umbrella.
For later you need warmer clothes. I know some people send those by mail, to save on luggage limit.
If you have warm jacket or coat, you'll need it (or have to buy here). Warm ankle high shoes. some kind of headwear (hat,cap), scarf and gloves.