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Posts by Warwicktiger  

Joined: 12 Nov 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Sep 2015
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 19 / In This Archive: 17
From: English, but living in France - for now!
Speaks Polish?: No

Displayed posts: 19
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17 Sep 2015
Real Estate / EU national wanting to move and buy a house in Poland [41]

I am not seeking work, I am retired and living off capital and savings.

Please, If you want to talk about moving and working then start your own thread, I seek only information about my situation
17 Sep 2015
Real Estate / EU national wanting to move and buy a house in Poland [41]

Thats what I hoped to hear, but..............


Seems to imply I cannot be regarded as settled in Poland for five years. I would hate to buy a house I could not live in!
17 Sep 2015
Real Estate / EU national wanting to move and buy a house in Poland [41]

I am British, thinking of moving to Poland, but would want to buy a house with my Polish Wife. Can I ? I see so much contradictory information I'm not sure, how long would I have to wait before I could buy?

(Not looking for work!)
3 Sep 2015
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

Thank you dolnoslask for a touching post. I am English with no blood ties to Poland, but have long been fascinated by Poland and European history. I am 58, grew up in England and now early retired in France. My father was just too young for service in WW2, sadly his older brothers were not. I can remember him saying often how many English people acknowledge and regret the bravery and suffering of Poland for 50 years from 1939 to 1989.

To the Poles who say Britain did nothing, I say you are wrong. A quick look at the map shows that there was little that could be done in 1939, but what did happen was that belatedly Britain and France realised that there was only one way to stop Nazi Germany and went to war, despite neither being prepared fully for it and suffering as a result. If only Churchills warnings had been listened to, and we had had a couple more years to prepare then things might have been different.

By 1945 Britain was no longer a truly world leading power, she was broke, battered and tired. The was no appetite and no support from the US to liberate what we call eastern Europe from the USSR, and Britain did not have the means to do it even if it wanted to. I remember weeping (at the age of 32) when the wall came down in 1989, and again in 2004 when many former eastern bloc states joined the EU. At the age of 58 I have not been conscripted, I have not witnessed a major war in Europe and for that I am truly grateful.

To Poland now I would say embrace your democracy and defend it against any from the right or left who do not respect it, cherish your membership of the EU, play your full part, your history has shown you have much to contribute to Europe and the world and most importantly of all, forgive even if you cannot forget. Here, in a small town in France we have May 8th as a bank holiday, this year the mayor of the German twin town was invited to speak, she referred to here country in its dark days always as "Nazi Germany", not Germany. Perhaps it will take another generation or two to truly forgive, the elderly French here do not forgive but France has learned to cooperate with the new Germany.
22 Aug 2015
Classifieds / Meeting / English Club in Rzeszów [21]

Merged: English speakers or people in Rzeszow??

I am visiting Rzeszow for the first time 06-12 September, has anyone some free time for chat about living there?
31 Dec 2012
UK, Ireland / Irish, married to a Polish woman, considering moving to Poland - Rzeszow [11]

Coincidence Mairtin, I'm seriously considering moving to Rzeszow late in 2013.

I guess I'm a lot older than you (I'm 55), and after marital break up a few years ago met a Polish woman who has been working in England. My reasoning is that I know she will want to go back to Poland anyway, plus the equity in my house here would purchase a house there and leave enough left over to draw down a living until my pensions start at 60. I am struggling to learn the language though, doing an evening course in Birmingham.

Are you learning the language?

Keep in touch

4 Dec 2012
Classifieds / Meeting / English Club in Rzeszów [21]

Would appreciate any details too, I'm hoping to be living there this time next year!

Any one know if the English club still meets?
19 Nov 2012
Love / English proposing to a Polish lady [31]

WarwicktigerNone of those buddy! take her to bedroom do her and take her back when u want again just shove some pounds in her purse!

If I was looking for a woman like that I would not need to emigrate!

If you are divorced,( 1 or both) and your divorce was before Poland joined the EU you have to get a letter from you ex-Wife/Husband giving you permission to re-marry.

Thanks for that if, both divorces are more recent though
18 Nov 2012
Love / English proposing to a Polish lady [31]

I am English, have been seeing a Polish lady for some time now, and the the time is approaching when I would like to ask her to marry me. We have both been married before.

Her father is no longer alive but her mother lives in Poland.

I want to do this the right way for her, in line with Polish custom and tradition.

Should I approach the future mother in law first?
Should I buy and engagement ring?
Which hand and finger would she wear it on?
Anything I should be aware of?

Help and comments appreciated.