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Posts by simpix  

Joined: 4 Nov 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Jun 2014
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 27 / In This Archive: 16
From: Lublin, Poland
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: sport, music, cinema

Displayed posts: 21
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1 Jul 2016
UK, Ireland / UK Sky TV in Poland [39]

Hi Adam,

I can't comment about the current cost of installation of a dish that will allow Sky coverage in Lublin.
I too, live in Lublin and when I moved here in 2013, I investigated this and was told that a large dish, at least 1.8m, was required.

Without land on which to erect a dish this size, it is a difficult proposition.
In addition, if you are going to be living in Lublin on an income generated in Polish zloty you may find that the monthly Sky subscription is too expensive (60gbp = 325zl).

However there are various internet based alternatives:
You can watch Sky on the web if you have access to a UK Sky account and install a UK VPN link on your computer in Poland, using SkyGo ( I think it's called). This is what I did when I first arrived here, and used my dad's UK Sky account.

The alternatives are using websites such as filmon.com for most UK live terrestrial tv and freeview programs, although in the last week BBC1 England has become unavailable.

If it's sport you want, websites such as neolive.net give access. Films/Series: watchseriesfree.to and movies: watchfree.to
The downside of all web based access is that are occasional problems with buffering and often you have to navigate various pop-up ads before you get to the stream you want.

If you don't mind Polish commetary, you can also subscribe to various Polish satellite services which will give a wide coverage of English Premier league games.....I don't know much about this.

22 Jun 2014
Language / Problems Polish People Have with Learning English [63]

Articles, pronouns, prepositions and pronunciation of 'th' sounds.
Also, most Poles who want to learn English are not interested in UK culture (whatever that means) or life in the UK unless they are planning to move there.

Most need English because it is an International language.
14 Jun 2014
Travel / From Warsaw to Lublin using "Contbus", can I get a seat without pre-booking? [3]

If you're picking up the Contbus bus from Chopin airport it is not usually necessary to pre book a seat. The buses run every hour or so to Lublin so if one is full, it won't be too long to wait for the next one.

Do you have accommodation arranged?
If not, we have rooms in our house for rent over the summer. I'm English and my wife is Polish so we can help you with any language related issues.

Have a good trip....
28 Mar 2014
Travel / Has anyone ever stayed at the Guest House Wytchnienie in Lublin? [6]

When are you thinking of visiting Lublin?
If it's during the summer (July-September) I have rooms in my house you could rent for a few nights. Much cheaper than a hotel but also secure.

The house is 3kms from the city centre...
If you're interested let me know
8 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / Use of UK/EU Driving Licence in Poland [15]

I've been in Poland since March, happily driving on my UK/EU driving licence.
Yesterday, my wife was told by some Bureaucrat in the Car Registration Department that after six months I'm supposed to apply to transfer my UK/EU licence to a Polish one.

Does any Poland based UK citizen have any experience or knowledge of this law?
Obviously, I would prefer to continue driving on my UK licence......
21 Aug 2013
Travel / Pet Insurance in Poland [7]

Thankyou for your replies.....
Smurf...if you're suggesting I don't/can't/won't use Google or don't know how to....you're wrong.
I've done extensive research and the only company that offered Pet Insurance for vet's fees was PZU but they don't anymore.
There are companies that offer cover for public liability, ie if your dog attacks someone in the street, or if the owner is sick and there is no-one to look after the animal.

I am looking for insurance to cover the vet's bills if the dog is sick.
In the UK, it is common to buy such insurance, and there is a lot of choice.
I appreciate that Vet's fees in Poland are cheaper than the UK but then again, the wages earned here in Poland (to pay such fees) are a lot less as well.

If anyone else has any further thoughts it would be great to hear them.....
21 Aug 2013
Travel / Pet Insurance in Poland [7]

Can anyone offer any advice about insuring a dog in Poland for Vet's fees?
Coming from England it was always a necessity due to the high cost of Vet's bills there but I am unable to find anything similar here in Poland.

All help/advice much appreciated.....
11 Jan 2013
Law / Value of Zloty and UK £ in Poland [21]

This comment is addressed to Pawian......................
So that equates to roughly 25,000 PLN per £100,000.
I hope you'll agree that's a fairly substantial amount......certainly enough to buy a decent second hand car !!!
10 Jan 2013
Law / Value of Zloty and UK £ in Poland [21]

Hi Oxon,
Actually, you're completely wrong in your deduction.
I'm English, well over 40 years old and have lived and worked in London all my adult life.
I know what state the UK economy is in. Things are bad here but do not appear to be getting that much worse compared to 2 years ago.

From what I read and hear the sitution in Poland is bad and expected to get worse: house prices falling, unemployment rising and wages amongst the lowest in Europe with many Poles moving abroad in search of a better life.

I'm curious about the falling exchange rate because I'm about to move there, selling my house in London and looking to move my money to Poland.

I just cannot understand why the value of the £ has fallen so much recently against the Zloty.
Since I started selling my house in september 2012, the amount of Zloty I will get for my £ has dropped by 20% and I don't understand why, particularly as the Central Bank in Poland keeps reducing its base interest rates and this makes no sense to me.

If you are able to offer any views on this I'd appreciate hearing from you.....It's been many years since I studied Economics. !!
10 Jan 2013
Law / Value of Zloty and UK £ in Poland [21]

With all the bad news and pessimism about the performance of the Polish Economy and its prospects over the next year or so, along with the relatively stabIity of the UK Economy, why do you think that over the last few months the exchange rate between the two currencies has fallen from around 5.20 pln to £1 to a low today of 4.95?

Any Economists on here willing to suggest an answer?
7 Dec 2012
Law / Options on Car Insurance in Poland - No Claims history from UK (LHD) [4]

In England, I have 8 years+ No Claims Bonus (discount) on my car insurance.
If I move to Poland and register my UK Left Hand drive car there, can I insure it and use No Claims history on my car insurance?

I understand that in Poland it is the car rather than the driver that is insured...
Any opinions ??????
6 Dec 2012
Law / Healthcare for British Citizens living in Poland [30]

This is a very complicated and confusing issue !!!
When I move to Poland early next year from the UK I have been told that I will be entitled to S1 cover for at least a year, maybe 2 based on my UK NI contributions.

Does this mean that as long as I apply to join the Polish NFZ scheme within that time I will only have to pay the minimum zl738 joining fee?

In addition, does being a part of the NFZ scheme entitle me to free GP healthcare or only for Hospital outpatient/inpatient treatment?
Any drugs/medications to be paid for separately of course !!!
29 Nov 2012
Law / Clocking cars and importation to Poland [47]

3 Questions:

1) How do you prove the car's value? Would a hand written receipt from the seller (if bought privately) at the time of purchase be proof enough?

2) Is the duty (3.8% akczya) on the price I paid or the original " new " price?
3) Where do you get a VAT 25 form from?

I am buying a used LHD car in the UK, registered in the UK,for around £4k, and driving it to Poland when I move there. After reading all the pitfalls of buying a used car in Poland it seems a sensible thing to do !!

I will have the current UK MOT, registration documents showing me as owner but no official letterheaded receipt as the car will be bought privately.
27 Nov 2012
Life / Thinking of moving to Janow Lubelski / Lublin [5]

Hi Niepolski,
I just found your posting from last year..
Just wanted to find out how you're getting on with your quest for work teaching English?
I'm moving from London to Lublin and hope to find work teaching English when I complete a TESOL course...
27 Nov 2012
Travel / Traveling within Poland into my destination city - Lublin (from Warsaw airport) [43]

You can get a coach from Chopin direct to Lublin costing 45zl per person and taking around 2 1/2 to 3 hours depending on traffic. Departure times are 9.15/10.15/11.00/13.05/15.15. You come out of arrivals, turn right towards the airport bus station.

I think the company is Comtbus.
I've done that journey several times.
It's only a small coach and the drivers go as quick as they can. There is one stop, at the Marriott Hotel in Warsaw where they pick up enough passengers to fill the coach.

Don't forget, from mid December you'll be able to fly direct to Lublin when the new airport opens.
16 Nov 2012
UK, Ireland / What's the best Polish restaurant in London? [26]

I'm English with a Polish wife.
The best one I've been to is Tatra in Goldhawk Road, Shepherds Bush, tel 020 8749 8193.
Great food, nice atmosphere, friendly service. Interesting range of vodkas plus Polish beers, albeit at UK prices !!!
And no, neither of us work for them......