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Posts by ajgraham  

Joined: 9 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Aug 2007
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Posts: Total: 121 / In This Archive: 18
From: Manchester
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: I like gowing plants and vegetables on my allotment, plus riding my motorbike, history and Poland and the Polish ofcoarse!!

Displayed posts: 18
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18 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

Some of the SS Divisions who put down the Warsaw Uprising came from the Boltic States.
17 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

SS Galizean Division

They sound a strange bunch Isthatu....Who were they?
17 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

Thansk for your concern, but its my lunch break... not my fault if I type 60wpm

Then you need to slow down MISS BRAINBOX....Then you might get your spelling right!!

And that's not over. Soon Poland will start giving EU citizenships to Ukrainians and Belarussians. There are almost 60 million of them.

Yeah thats a big concern to us also.....I believe the Ukrainians working in Poland get a Polish passport after just two years?.......Which then entitles them to work in Britain as part of the EU....Soon we will all be complaining about the Ukrainians on PF rather than the Poles!!
11 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

enlighten the ignorant Puzzler, please.

Well you said it!!

- Is it an excuse to take to your heels? Got cornered by Puzzler, so in order to save face you basically say that Puzzler is stupid and you won't talk to him?

No it doesn't mean any of the above......it just means i can't be assed arguing with an ignorant t*at like you!!
11 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

You seem to have a contempt for Liza because she allegedly works for or in a post office. You yourself are, as I understand, a lorry driver. So why this contempt for post office employees? You mean lorry drivers are superior to post folks...? :)

Its pointless arguing with the likes of you mate......You have a habit of misunderstanding everything anyone writes on PF.
10 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

Given that you were posting that at 10.45pm on a Friday night, I'd say that marks you out as boring where as I was out having a good time :-)

Did you manage to bore everyone to death with your facts and figures?

Rightly or wrongly, the British worker has an established worldwide reputation as being shirkers, and the Poles have one as being diligent hardworkers. I don't feel that the British deserve a shirker reputation, as most do actually work well enough,

What complete rubbish.....World wide reputation with who?......From a Colonial with a chip on her shoulder and an inferiority complex maybe!!....Why didn't you stay in NZ rather than come to work in the UK?.......Could it be because ''Shirker Britain'' has a world wide reputaion for being more.... ''Dynamic Britain''....Or the ''Promised Land'' as some of your Polish friends call us. Anyway i thought you worked in Finance in the City of London earning ''the top 5% pay bracket etc''.....but now you work for the Post Office right?
9 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

I know :-( Unfortunately for some, their views are possibly based on perceptions from the media or fear of the unknown... I'm very happy to hang out with the Polish, or indeed any nationality. Tonight will be two Irish, two South Africans, two Polish, an Australian, three English, two Scots and a Welshman.

Its a shame that on your travels you haven't learnt a basic level of English, allowing you to communicate effectively.

I don't slag the British off or Great Britain... if you would like to read my posts, I've said there are plenty of things that are good about the UK and its people.

Liza you have got to be the boring person on this site(apart from me)....Feel free to go back to New Zealand....i'm sure the UK economy won't suffer....and take take your husband with you!
7 Oct 2007
History / Kosciuszko Squadron - why don't they bring it back? [45]

Ok Greg....I'm glad the Poles seem to like Blackadder (ww1) as much as us Brits.....They might look like idiots... .but they played a very big part in ending that war aswell!!......Not like poor old Poland.....Flat out on its back as usual!!
7 Oct 2007
History / Kosciuszko Squadron - why don't they bring it back? [45]

The book is an excuse for your Country being Hammered by the Germans in a few weeks!....So lets go and steal someone elses victory!!.......Now go away and leave the rest of us alone!
16 Sep 2007
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

I have never been a teacher of English either in England, Poland or anywhere overseas for that matter.

I can not find the your thread i'm refering to...... but you did say you once taught English to migrant workers who used this opportunity to chat with each other rather than learn

Sorry!....That should have been.....'learn English'(according to Michal).
24 Jun 2007
News / What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate? [167]

o your telling me that people dont call off sick and go do something else?

what is wrong with saying that? people actually do it.. if you say no, your a liar and
lying to the whole forum.

I took this remark from Bunia to mean it was only the Brits who ring in sick!!.....Keep your hat on and have a nice day!!
23 Jun 2007
News / What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate? [167]

Poles on average have far better language skills than most Brits!

You mean Brits in general don't speak another language?.... There is only one language you need to speak and thats why learning a foreign language in the UK has never been very popular. By-the-way you speak English very well, but like i've said most Poles here either don't or speak it badly.

this is what we want to hear more of, not the constant name calling and slagging off that goes on here far too often

Most of it is directed at us don't you think Daisy?
23 Jun 2007
News / What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate? [167]

- Ain't you braggin'? Because you are actually stupid, aijgramah.

I'm not bragging about anything Puzzler.....and i'm not claiming to be the brightest person in the world, but its a decent job and i'm happy doing it....As for Most Poles in Britain not being able to speak English very well.....I don't remember exactly where I read this, but from my experience of the Polish who live around here, that does seem to be the case.
23 Jun 2007
News / What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate? [167]

aj, why do you put people down so much? what personal satisfaction do you get out
of it??

Patriycja19.....I don't think you've read all of Bunia's remarks!.....She said somewhere else that ''in the UK we ring in sick''.....As an excuse to get off work!.... I think in some of her remarks she is suggesting that immigrants in the UK do the jobs that we are too lazy to do etc! Its the same remark that afew people on this site have made....Its obvious why the local people would want to do something else rather than working for 12 hours in a Chicken Factory etc!!....If I made the sweeping statement of....''The only reason why there are English teachers in Poland is because the Poles are too lazy and stupid to teach English''......Would I offend Poles?.....Or ''The only reason so many Brits work in the USA is because the Americans are bone idle etc!....Would I offend you?....My point is.... I regard myself as reasonably hard working and conscientious etc, and all my work mates seem to have the same attitude!....So why shouldn't I get pissed off with people who make those offensive remarks about us?
22 Jun 2007
News / What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate? [167]

Sorry but i dont know many English people who would work on chicken factory 12 hours in temp of 2C for £5.35 per hour. (actually i know none :) )

Too stupid to do anything else!!......and you don't go for the better jobs,.... because 80% of you don't speak English!....So there you go!!