27 Sep 2012
Law / I want to establish new small company in Poland (Warsaw) [6]
Are you looking for office/ admin people as well? try advertising on gumtree and gazeta.pl. Simple Ads are free. Sales Engineer's salary ( in Polish they are called " Inżynier Sprzedazy " ) was last spring max 7105 pln Gross ("brutto"). Im open for jobs where I could use my english. Speak English and Polish fluently ( thats in case you are looking for help with running your company in Poland ;))
Best luck,
Are you looking for office/ admin people as well? try advertising on gumtree and gazeta.pl. Simple Ads are free. Sales Engineer's salary ( in Polish they are called " Inżynier Sprzedazy " ) was last spring max 7105 pln Gross ("brutto"). Im open for jobs where I could use my english. Speak English and Polish fluently ( thats in case you are looking for help with running your company in Poland ;))
Best luck,