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Posts by kj99  

Joined: 23 Sep 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 25 Apr 2014
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 8
Posts: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 50
From: london city
Speaks Polish?: a little

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24 Apr 2014
USA, Canada / Moving from United Kingdom to USA. Is it worth it? [136]

Who the hell chooses USA now? It's just not worth it imo.

ive an eu pss/p - a british one... easy visa free travel to the states ... but give me a green card and id be there tomorrow - as would most folks

lower taxes, less government, sense of ownership , sense of freedom - nice people , nice country - need say more?
25 Mar 2014
Law / Registration of right hand drive cars in Poland - possible? [82]

Wroclaw Boy
"just imagine with the millions of Poles in the UK how the Polish market will be flooded with cheap RHD cars within months."???????? like thats a bad thing?

far better i suppose to be paying at least 50 per cent over the odds - and that in country where averages wages are at best 25-30 per cent of western europe?

dont see what all the fuss is about - im english - ive always driven a r.h car - even in france and poland and experience no problems ... even overtaking, as presumably neither do all the lhd cars you see in england

the people on here who should bleating and warning of impending doom is the polish government since they stand to lose out in taxes.

cant see why anyone would object to cheap ( for which read - normal priced by uk standards - as oppposed to continental european inflated prices ) rhd cars,, as

people have already pointed out on here - its not rhd that is the problem ,,,, its crappy dangerous polish drivers

so many times ive driven behind someone in poland, seen something really dodgy and have quietly said to myself - "fk me ,,, if he did that in england he'd be banned" -
15 Mar 2014
Life / Best / cheapest PAYG sim card for data and calls in Poland? [19]

I've been using an orange Polish sim card on PAYG for years ...

in the UK i use a PAYG network that offers everything unlimited for £15 ... anyone know of Polish network be it real or mnvo that offers comparable sims?

if not unlimited data/voice then at least very high data etc for low top up, orange is just a rip off
8 Feb 2014
USA, Canada / Bilateral Visa Waiver Agreement between USA and Poland [47]

It (the EU that is) look like a wimp with no real legitimacy or authority behind it on international arena.

thats the eu for you ...

it has no legitimacy , its not a country ( tho it would like 2 be) , it has no authority - not in peoples hearts least ways , that why more and more anti eu parties are doing

better with each e.u parliamentary election - look out this coming may.
if every citizen in the eu , had a free vote whether they wanted in or out ,, and stuck with the eu- then it may have some authority
8 Feb 2014
USA, Canada / Bilateral Visa Waiver Agreement between USA and Poland [47]

Yes. If it was a country that most Americans could point to on a map, things might be different. But they're not.

thats just the point isnt it ... surely if you asked a hundred americans where they would fancy going on holiday next summer- ,,,those wanting 2 hop foot it to poland -you could count on one hand , and thats being generous
8 Feb 2014
USA, Canada / Bilateral Visa Waiver Agreement between USA and Poland [47]

"Promise? LOL
The only solution to this is as stated by Amorbitpole. Tit for tat diplomacy always works the best."

oh yeah ,, like obama is gonna be gutted that it could be a whole lot harder (tit 4 tat as you say) for americans to visit poland - im sure hell be crying his eyes out
4 Feb 2014
Life / Should citizenship in Poland be removed for particular crimes? [7]

"And it should be made in civilized way, by the judge in fair trial (not like they do in UK)" ....... utter cock

being naturalised is one thing and being born a citizen is another - to be naturalised is to be GIVEN citizenship by the crown ( like what some of them poles have when theyve been living here 5 years and take one of those mickey mouse citizenship tests) , seems obvious to say , but presumably that which is the crowns to give , is the crowns to take ,

before you talk about all things being done in a" civilised way" , its worth noting that uk born citizens/subjects have never been able to have their citizenship taken away anyway , not since magna carta ,, on the other hand god knows how many poor poles had their citizenship taken off em in their very recent history by their very rotten commy goverment ...
10 Dec 2013
UK, Ireland / Why English do not like Polish? [417]

in Polish , like Russian - there is no definitive article ,,the Polish/Russian equivalent of "the" doesn't exist in these languages ....
odd ,,, but ive noticed this as well... such a simple word
6 Dec 2013
Language / Any sites with podcasts in Polish? [17]


re:I liked polishpodcasts . com, that's more my level ...

my experience tells me that its best not to listen to podcasts radio etc ... until you can read to a satisfactory level

teaching yourself to read in polish is a natural stepping stone to teaching yourself to listen to polish

once you can read pretty well , then start listening to any polish podcast - everyday normal radio ,,, not beginners

at first you might not understand a thing - but gradually youll get everything.

if however you cant read - youll get nothing.

Merged: polish news / current affairs podcasts? -

does anyone know of a site where you can download audio ? - not music - just audio , preferbly current affairs etc?

i used to use tok.fm , but theyve recently stopped podcasts - can now only stream.
5 Dec 2013
Law / I do not have parental responsibility for my Polish daughter. Am I obligated to pay child support? [30]

yep , , but poland is poland , - and chancers like her are 10 a penny,

they will treat u like sh+t and let you no where near your kids ,expecting you to have nothing to do with em - maybe they will even ask u to "sign over" your rights so they dont have to come to you in the future for any signatures -

fair and fine enough ,
but ive learnt that its best not to sign over any rights in the 1st place - because no matter what , the little ( ( enter your choice of profanity here)) will still have designs upon your cash and i wrekin (under law)may well be entitled to it ... stinks dont it ?

fell sorry for you mate,
2 Dec 2013
Work / Does google voice work correctly in Poland? [22]

google voice - you can call any number in amercia - for free and unlimited,plus you get an american telephone number ( u.s state of your choice) which anyone in the world can then reach you on.

skype , u can talk 2 your skype buddies - or pay money and phone an actual number - google you can
11 Nov 2013
Love / Massive problems with Polish mother-in-law [36]

"but for the sake of your relationship with your husband" .... who says it will last ?
girlfriends/significant others / - they dont last ..... blood does- a son will always love his mother, its unconditional , on the other hand there is no guarantee his "partner" will be the same towards him, she could split next year.

unwise for him to burn his bridges , no wife/gf is worth it
28 Oct 2013
Language / Is Polish an easy language to learn and is there a way of learning it easily? [105]

google is not rubbish - just using google and listening to the radio , i can easily watch a russian movie , listen to the news read a newspaper - thats mainly down to google.

where google does have its weak points is translating to the language you want to learn.

but then its easier enough to simplify your english - then have google translate that to polish... translating some idioms without any simplification isnt going to work of course...

but then ... watching some boring pictures and associating / memorising the words that pertain thereto - aint going to work for me either - dull doesnt even begin to cover it.

i find it hard to believe that google doesnt translate polish very well - since it definately translates russian back to english well enough - since i can judge the translation myself... and its not bad.

i dont see why polish should be so different - sure its not going to be spot on- but with plenty of time ,,,, youll make your own polish-to english translation ,,, google is just the steppping stone... and a wonderful one at that

rosseta is overpriced rubbish - and an incredibly boring way to learn.
28 Oct 2013
Language / Is Polish an easy language to learn and is there a way of learning it easily? [105]

polish is NOT way harder than other languages - in actual fact , i find polish easier than german and french ... but then again ive studied russian in the past - so the transistion to polish isnt so big.

best advice for learning a language - dump the roseatta stone and all the other gimmicks - purchase a good dictionary , or these use google translate and learn to translate by yourself polish texts into english text -

keep reading polish articles and flick to the english translation ( using google chrome of course)

keep this up for a couple of years - say 20 mins a day ,,, and soon enough , youll be able to read polish articles unaided.

sure , you wont be able to write properly , but from reading , its only a short step to listening -

when you know that you can read unaided to a large degree , anything on wp.pl/wyborcha etc ,,, then its time to start listening to the radio

some months and you "picture " the words as they are spoken - then you are on your way ...

i started this process with russian - now i know longer translate into english , i "see " the russian word as if it is printed - i dont put it into english anymore i just get a sense of its meaning - this is when you know youve got somewhere ...

from reading/listening- speaking will come easily ...

self learning this way is very enjoyable - and far less constrained than any rosetta offering -

it will take time ... but it will come
16 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please? [240]

i dont care if its english girls that are getting preggo to get the benefits - and i suspect getting the benefits isnt the first reason a women would choose to get pregnant either -

point is ,, shes english to begin - one of our own you might say ... ( or u may do if u were english) -

all the more galling is a polak or a.nother ,,whos not english and claiming for all they can - it some how feels worse ......because it is worse
11 Oct 2013
Law / Advice on declaring Freelance income from the UK in Poland [15]

if your firm in the uk is giving you work - work which all the while allows you to stay in poland ,, - why bother registering in poland ???????

being freelance in the uk - is so much easier ,, a good uk accountant and your sorted - p.s i know of one who is very cheap , very informal and very good.
10 Oct 2013
USA, Canada / Any Polish communities near Memphis,TN [3]

why would you want to seek out any polish communities in tennesse?????????????? surely wouldnt you just be better of going to poland - there u could experience the ultimate polish community

i know some brits like to hangout with expats ... fellow brits ,,,

but as a brit myself - and someone with relatives in tennesee ,,, id never go some place ,post some post -or actively seek out someone from the .... british community - its plane weird,, - whats the point ?

u really miss poland so much?

ive got relatives in columbia . ten ,
3 Oct 2013
Love / Birth Certificate Questions (Polish rules require the mother to put down a Polish name?) [27]


if you want to play happy families go and buy a little dog or something.??- WTF??????do you know his curcumstances? - do you know mr or mrstex? - met them have you ? spoken with em ?

ever been in a delivery room as a man , and a supposed father - and been asked to sign a birth certificate not really being sure whether the kid is yours or not?

a woman has the luxury of knowing full well the kid that she gives birth to - IS hers .

the father - watching the proceedings - ,, can only accept that it MAY well be his - unfortutenatly most birth certificates dont have a box to tick - and poland is no different , in which any father can sign / acknowledge ,,, that ,,, well yeah - this one "might be mine" - but just "dont hold me to it." - no such box / no such tick to make

its only when a women is pregnant - a pregnancy she doesnt actually tell you about ,, its when tells you she wants to be a single mum - that you realise you dont really know your women at all -

they do say , you can only really trust someone you know - mrtex , may have been thru some bad times with mrstex - he too , may have realised he doesnt know this women , does not know what she is thinking , does not know whether to trust her and therfore couldnt ...( as you say ) " step up to the mark / to the plate " or whatever cliche you might care to deploy and sign that certificate .

in his circumstances you might have not signed that birth certificate either - would you really want to be present at the delivery of a child which you you might be thinking is not really yours at all ?

just what do you expect him to do now ? - i would have thought getting a dna test / name on birth certificate , involment in the kids life is quite positive ... but as you would say he should go and buy a dog ??????????????..

rozumiemnic have got the luxury of knowing a kid that you might give birth to is definately yours - he ,,, mrtex did'nt - so give him a break a?
28 Sep 2013
Law / Registration of right hand drive cars in Poland - possible? [82]

how would a polish copper know that you and your rhd car have been in poland for more than 6 months?

what is this 6 month rule? - is it 5 months 28 days ... drive to germany ,,, back in to poland a couple of days later and you are good for another 6 months?

or is it - total useage of rhd car in poland maximum 6 months in the year - PERIOD

do they have cameras on every road which is on the polish border - and which reads uk/ rhd cars as they come in?

id be loathe to cough up something like double the price for what id need to pay - were i paying in the uk...

case in point - id like to buy a skoda ocatavia desiel - 05 plate ,,, 90,000 miles rhd - uk price apx £2000,, polish price ,, i wouldnt mind betting something like £3500

insurance is a bit of a bummer - but i found a uk company whos insurance for eu cover lasts a full 365 days - i.e no limit ,, no 60 days/90 days outside the uk.
20 Sep 2013
Law / Insure your British car in Poland for a full year. [15]

ive done the usual and googled - results seem to suggest that polish insurance companies only insure polish registered ( as in polish dvla) vehicles.

i cant register - transfer registrationof my english car from uk dvla to polish equivalent , since poland does not register rhd vehicles ....

since i cant register my uk registered vehicle in poland , the polish insurance companies thus cant insure it.

its similar the other way around - finding a uk insurance company willing to insure a foreign registered car , is next to impossible ,,, tho of course , nothing to stop a polish guezzer registering his car with uk dvla - since dvla unlike its polish equivalent has no hang ups about lhd cars.

this leaves just buying a polish car - but generally as we all know they are at least 50 per cent odd higher cost than uk .
20 Sep 2013
Law / Insure your British car in Poland for a full year. [15]

Merged: Anyone know a company in Poland that would insure a British registered RHD car ?

i have a uk policy which would cover upto 6months outside britain - if the car is away from "home" any longer - its not covered

anyone know a polish company that would insure a uk registered car all the while its in poland?
19 Sep 2013
Life / a good car for the winter in poland ? [2]

can anyone recommend a car for wintering in poland.?

it will be used mainly in town - tho could involve trips on "unmade " roads - covered in snow.... house in the middle of no-where scenario...

i know winters can be a bit fierce so am considering 4 wheel drive- something like a rav4 diesel toyota ...

ive never ridden on unmade roads- much less , ones covered in snow in the middle of winter... does the rav sound like a good choice?

i have considered a freelander - but they are universally thought of as being unreliable engine wise.

i want to spend no more than £3000 secondhand , and id probly buy in the uk- cos it seems , for what you pay in poland - you dont get much.

additionally //// anyone drive in poland on uk insurance for prolongued periods ?

most policies allow driving for a short while - prolonged trips / cover doesnt seem to be much in abundance uk insurance wise................