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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 1164 / In This Archive: 149
From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
Interests: People places history life

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3 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Sorry to hear that, hope the insurance paid out...

gggrrrr,no,being a responsible person I had insurence,guess what,Im still stuck at my mums house while all the chav fekers are back in their nice refunished homes with sh*t loads of new furniture complete new wardrobes etc etc......
3 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Wages are going up..

yawn,at the risk of repeating myself groundhog day like,wages have gone down in most blue collor sectors....£9.60 odd in the 90s for warehousing work...£5.60 odd now.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

have never heard of them "giving" money away, surely this money is deducted from the weekly giro...or has to be paid back when the person starts work...great isnt it in this country.

I was out of work last year for various reasons(nothing to do with the thousands of poles round here) and this is what I was offered,no paying back,just a realisation that the long term unemployed maybe dont have the cash to go out and by trendy/smart clothes for interviews. As Id lost ALL my clothes in the june floods I wouldnt have complained if I had qualified.

More with being responsible for your family..

Exactly,in my case,much as I would have loved to take up the offers I got of work in,oddly enough,Holland and Poland last year I couldnt and still cant just up sticks and leave my disabled mother to fend for herself.....
3 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

but there is NO way that he received money for a new shirt for an interview

Actually,although my earlier post regarding her barmy remark that it is easy to be unemployed in the UK were,surprise surprise deleted out of the blue,Im afraid yes,there is money available for things like new clothes for interviews etc,but only if you have been unemployed for over 6 months.

I personally think everyone should experience life in a different country for a while; it certainly cures the problem of being a narrow minded fascist .

blah blah blah...Im agreeing with arien here,grow the fuk up and come back when its not just you and or mummy and daddy arnt at the end of a phone line ready to bail you out.
2 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Its the old nod n a wink though isnt it. Its like the jobs local authorities advertise.Everyone KNOWS those jobs have already been given to someone already "in the club" but the adverts are still placed in the Job center/newspapers just to follow the rules.....
2 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

if it came across that I dislike all Brits, that was not my intention. :)

Yes,my apologies for being a little OTT back there Polska,...I know,I know,its bad enough when people who have never set foot in Britain say similar things....I just like a little balance.

(again,sorry babes.)
I have that generic "mate who works in" a job center...even he told me there are a good percentage of agencies in this area who are soley employing non British workers,bloomin anoying. There are also many farms a few miles from here that NEVER advertise,be that paper or job center,they have there dodgy mustacheod Polish gangmaster who fixes everything for them.

My own experiance a couple of years back when looking for a new job ,troop round the agencies,passport in hand and look of shock when they se it is maroon not blue,needles to say nothing comes of signing with them,maybe Im "over qualified" for those jobs?Who knows,but it still doesnt explain why those who have worked in those manual type jobs since leaving school now find themselves struggling to find even the odd weeks placement....as Ive mentioned before,in the late 90s I worked breifly in warehousing while studying,basic was £9.60 an hour,now those same jobs are minimum wage,that must be causing resentment/financial problems for people mustnt it?
2 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Shouldn't a moderator take a slightly more objective view ?

I dont think anyones ever accused polska doll of being impartial or a good moderator before.'fraid she seems a bit self loathing to me,doesnt seem to like "her"fellow countrymen but absoloutly adores all Poles....

Are we thinking about the same forum?

yes,Polish history and politics,but,dont look if like polska doll your under the delusion that the sun shines out of every Poles beehind.

I'm not sure why I'm being accused of being the Polish Daily Mail

Because you come out with the same sort of ill informed knee jerk garbage they do,only your targets arnt Eastern Europeans but British people,whats all that about?

I am starting to lose the will to live with all this immigration stuff though.. :D

Yes,as are many thousands of people forced out of the job market around these parts.....
1 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

I really am off to bed now,but,just a parting thought.....
10 .000 Isrealis plan to move to Poland gets 18 pages of fear and bigotry....hhhmmmm
I million Poles move to the uk and by and large no immi is a lone voice....yes,no double standards on show here.....
1 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Bring back national service. Harumph. Lol

lol,they wouldnt ave me...:)too old :)

and I know many a slacking Brit...and many hard working Poles...ahhh...

of course you do.......and do tell,if Poland is full of such hard workers,pray tell why it is only now not the economic basket case of europe? Like I say,rather pathetic,if any one had written such nonsense the other way round you would be the first to whine...:)

Should I blame myself for being so smart ?

Of course not G' you are an insperation for all of us dumb brits...:)
Thats dumb brits who invented that funny thing you are typing on,and that odd thing called the world wide web,Oh,and lets see,pretty much everything in your house,including the telephone...but,lets be clear,The were Scottish inventions,lets not hand out praise to the bloomin english eh :)
1 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

But i hate Whiners.

Who does? So old chap,never been undercut by compition in your line of work?HHmm.Or is it more the case that you can now employ nice cheap Poles on your sites instead of people who know the value of their skills?

Who cares ? The whole thing is going to sink anyway...

Go tickle a duck....it already did around here last june anyway :)

Go to sleep.

Says the guy an hour ahead of us.......schmuk...
as usual the Polish guy who has never left Poland is the expert on everything British...to use your fav phrase...*yawn*
1 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

I was really amused at the Dorks who when offered £6 and hour to go Picking Veg. Said F'k that. I would rather sign on.

And then in the same breath ***** about the fact that Polish people snap up the Jobs.

Yep,I meet these types often,they are a MINORITY,Im just sick to the hens teeth of Polska and others being just as dumb and bigoted as noimmi....it goes both ways....
1 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Well,fair enough,as always you are right everyone else no matter their personal experiances are wrong...blah blah blah,just carry on being a Polish equivelent of the daily mail why dont you......

and BTW,I edited my last post well b4 you replied.dont come it with me lassie "it doesnt wash...."
1 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Some Brits won't take the jobs because of the low pay, therefore deciding that they are "better than that". But why?

No NO NO....its not Better than anything....good greif,the farmers are paying crappy wages,often subsidisng housing...British workers with morgages to pay just cant afford to do these jobs...simple as...basicaly what your saying though is Poles are dumb enough to work for near slave labour wages...and before you think I have hidden motives,I could care less,I own my own house outright,I just happen to live very near to these farming areas just over the bordr in Lincolnshire,newsflash Polska,they dont even advertise the jobs here,instead going straight to Poland or Polish employement agencies. Please,Id like to know what your situation is,do you live in the UK,are you maybe not lucky enough to have recieved a great education etc etc,as always it isnt us lucky middle class types affected its those in the most vulnurable positons,the least mobile who are affected....

Dont get me wrong,a minority who say they cant work because of the "bl**dy Poles" maybe arnt looking hard enough,but,there is a very real case of Locals being frozen out of the job market around these parts. Again,why the automatic sympathy for "poor poles" and a nasty streak of condisension for "poor British " people?
1 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

OK, so what you're effectively saying is that by filling positions that Brits find "below them", immigrants are NOT boosting the economy...eh?

God,please dont perpetuate this myth.....its not a case of "below them" in most cases it is a simple fact that the jobs discused are on the lower end of the minimum wage,basicaly cheep farm labour that just dont pay the morgage.Or alternativly its Companies going for a percieved cheeper option.
1 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

and what about the lifes the british have ruined over the years????

ok,what about the lives the irish have ruined over the years? Sinead O conner ruined school discos...for a start

cap all immigration into britian, including eastern european immigration from eu states.

Er,wrong my british chum....its a cap on NON eu citizens only.....as usual though,dont let facts get in the way of your posts....
31 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

I think that there should be a minimum of five years worth of contributions before people are entitled to services such as the NHS.

Does that follow that all UK born folks should have to wait till they are 21 for treatment on the NHS and then only partiel untill they have had 5 years of paying full Tax/NI making some services unavailable till age 23?
31 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / I have concerns over the British immigration policy so I wrote to my MP. [126]

Ha ha! Scathing!! I'm picturing a pasty faced Pom with a Spandau Ballet t shirt on waving a fist at the computer screen and the other arthritic hand feebly clutching a glass of warm beer with tobacco dregs. Did I strike a nerve Issy?

HHHmmm, if weather tanned Scots /Irishman far to young and hetrosexual to like spandau ballet who doesnt drink beer and doesnt smoke indoors is close to your description...ouch,dat hurts blue....

(*whispers loudly* Australia wasnt actually a nation til 1901).

No sh*t,you dont say,wow...so the ethnic cleansing of the aborigionals and the forced seperation of children from parents happened for 70 odd years under an indipendant Aussie government did it? Ok,youve got the moral high ground back and no mistake.....
31 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / I have concerns over the British immigration policy so I wrote to my MP. [126]

came up with Ayers Rock

thats Uhlarhu or some such you colonialist invador

Are there many English on this site that are members of the national front?

Probably,but being as Im not english I wouldnt know...so,you live in Poland?WTF do you know of the situation in England then Sean?And that goes for Danny Boy too...!

Bloody Pomgolian.

Kangaroo shagger,kidnapped any Aborigional kids lately?

The nips yeah?,

yes,short for nipponese......hhhmmm,wonder what you bog trotters call the english?
31 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / I have concerns over the British immigration policy so I wrote to my MP. [126]

Remember - 1940's England

remember 1942 aus,lots of "POMS" fighting to save your grubby dusty little island from the nips.....

bring cultural diversity and tolerance

lmao,Tollerence...what a great joke...guessing you aint met to many Poles then....
27 Mar 2008
Life / Fashion and Style in Poland [174]

That new fashion the guys are wearing looks so gay and f u cked up the tight jeans and and stupid scarfs , whats happening here is the world turning gay is the youth going mad i think so .......... its sick !!!!

lmao,from the home of skin tight kahki shortie shorts on men with beards.......
21 Mar 2008
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

mmmm,nothing finer than the sight of the cherry bums marching off to battle the frenchies....
Funny thing is,your type, coseted possible self loathing people with questions re their sexuality, throws "gay" insults at my type,reasoned,cultured,worldly humans, as though Its really going to like,freek us out and have us proclaiming our masculinity......us normal human beings sometimes do the same to your type just because we know it really pee's you off... when with us its just a chance to crack a few more jokes,its a great game, so come 'ere,and gives us a kiss pablito baby mwa mwa