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Posts by Frantisek  

Joined: 28 Aug 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Aug 2012
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 20 / In This Archive: 13
From: Český Těšín
Speaks Polish?: Enough
Interests: history

Displayed posts: 14
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30 Aug 2012
History / Czech and Polish character in World War two [81]

Mr Funky, you are greatly right what you say. I agree with you, collective oppression is alwys bad thing. I just said about that what many Czechs believe. I can not change it in this moment.
30 Aug 2012
Travel / Traveling around Poland - our photo stories with very personal commentary [225]

Another exsellent board I see. This photographs are great. Eksuse me I have question or two. How long Polish people go on holiday typically? I calculated 2011 holiday from your entries in here`s discussion board and it sums up like higher than one month. Is it norm for Polish holidaymakers? And where do you typically stay on holidays? What is best option in Poland? I mean not too costly but quite confortable still? Hotels, private houses or flats, campings?

pardon me sir if I am too interested. My hope is you do not get offence. I wait on more relashons from you here.
30 Aug 2012
History / Czech and Polish character in World War two [81]

Also because it was territory of the Polish state!

Dear sir, Czech territory in Poland was a lot larger then Polish territory in Bohemia. When we look in map we see that Czech was Breslau (Wrocław), Opole, Bytom and another towns in Silesia.


My point is that Czechoslovakia didn't wanted cooperate with Poland.

Ceškoslovensko President Edvard Beneš tryed to settle disputes in 1938 but Polish did not accept.

I do look forward to hear you justify that one

From Wiki:
"Because the state of Czechoslovakia was not invited to the conference, it felt betrayed by United Kingdom and France, so Czechs and Slovaks call the Munich Agreement the Munich Dictate (Czech: Mnichovský diktát; Slovak: Mníchovský diktát). The phrase Munich Betrayal (Czech: Mnichovská zrada; Slovak: Mníchovská zrada) is also used because the military alliance Czechoslovakia had with France and United Kingdom was not honoured. Today the document is typically referred to simply as the Munich Pact (Mnichovská dohoda)."

the UK has never agreed to do anything.

Oh, no, sir, it did. It agreed to destroy independent country as Ceškoslovensko. Shoudl you not read more of Munich Agreement?

Hitler had sincere discussion with Czamberlain and told about his plans to destroy. Czamberlain agreed to it and he new that Sudetenland is only begining.

From Wiki
"Upon being told of this Hitler responded "Does this mean that the Allies have agreed with Prague's approval to the transfer of the Sudetenland to Germany?", Chamberlain responded "Precisely", to which Hitler responded by shaking his head, saying that the Allied offer was insignificant and told Chamberlain that he wanted Czechoslovakia to be completely dissolved and its territories redistributed to Germany, Poland, and Hungary, and told Chamberlain to take it or leave it.[16] Chamberlain was shaken by this statement."

I call Czamberlain sick. For reason can you see?
29 Aug 2012
History / Czech and Polish character in World War two [81]

Well, they choose to be enemy of Poland.

Dear sir, do not blame this on Cesko only. I realize you talk the Zaolší conflict. Well, it was normal in this times, right? In 1919 Czechs entered Zaolzie as it was strategic for Cesko. In 1919 Poles entered East territory of Belarus, Ukraine and Lithanioa because it was strategic for Poland. In 1938 Germany entered Austria and in 1939 Cechoslovakia because it was there startegy. In 1938 Poland entered Zaolší . Everybody entered somebody territory. Norm, didn`t it?

But Poland should be more wise than it was in 1938=1939 . Forget past arguments was Poland`s strategy but Polish elite did not see it properly. If Poland coperated with Czechoslovakia against Germany, there will be no war but even it was, Poles and Czechs will repel the enemy with his great losses. We could won together but seperately we had no chances. Do not blame us on that we were enemies of Poland, it was from Polish side also that Poles stayed enemies of Czechs. What pity!

Excuse me sir but Czechs think this Sudeten peoples were traitors, 5 kolumn, right? They did not want to live in Ceskoslovensko, but desired change border treates of Versaille and live in Germany. So they finally lived in Germany after World War Two. Is it OK? They have what they wanted.
29 Aug 2012
History / Czech and Polish character in World War two [81]

Of course you understand, Frantisek, that nobody else on PF will agree with us?

Excuse me madam but I do not know PF meaning. What is it? But thank you for being agreed with me.

Fair enough. But here's a poster the Nazis put up all round Poland:

Chamberlain sick man on the right I see?
29 Aug 2012
History / Interactive map of Poland 960-2004 [43]

Very good map. Thank you, Mister Gregrog.
I see in 11 century Polish king take big part of Bohemia. And in 20 century Poles and Czechs had struggle for Zaolzie territory. Good we have no border disputes today. We live in good times. History is history, we can no change it, but is it sense to quarel?
29 Aug 2012
History / Czech and Polish character in World War two [81]

Ah, Western Betrayal. Common to both Czechs and Poles, they were systematically brainwashed with this.

=Harry]First by the Nazis and then by the Soviets.[/quote]

Dear forum memebrs you are wrong but I do not want carry this discusion now. I need more time, so ekscuse me.
29 Aug 2012
History / Czech and Polish character in World War two [81]

I do look forward to hear you justify that one and reading your sources.

I am sorry sir, I haven`t used no sources till now, I just say what common Czechs know about there history of country.
29 Aug 2012
History / Czech and Polish character in World War two [81]

France abandoned Czechoslovakia; the UK has never agreed to do anything. However, with that said, the British really should have never signed the Munich agreement.

Excuse me sir but it is against history. Britain government in 1938 was friendly to Germany and Hitler. Chamberlain was sick man who believed Hitler.
29 Aug 2012
History / Czech and Polish character in World War two [81]

are generally known as a cowardly nation [I did say generally].

I do not get offence, of course, because all may have there different opinion and we must respect this. But most Czechs would feel offence by this words. Czechs prefer to speak about wisdom, not cowardly acts.

Facts which I try present as neutral.

Czechs did not fight in 1938 because they were encirled by enemies: Germany, Poland, Hungary. Inside there was home oppostion from Sudeten Germans and Slovaks. Friends were far. West countries England and France abandoned Ceskoslovensko and allowed Hitler do which he wanted. Nobody protested.

It is not cowardly to surrender, it is wise. Czechs did not fight and survived war in good condition.

Czeskoslovensko losses:

population:15,300,000(See Footnote)
soldiers dead 25,000
civilians 300,000
total 325,000
percent of population 2.12

Czech cities were not destroyed, industry also survived.

Opposite, Poland chose fight. Poles opposition to Hitler as first country, but the result was horrible. Millions died, country was destroyed, Warsaw vanished from earth.

Poland (within 1939 borders)
percent of losses (16.1 to 16.7)

I do not want to say I reject Polish choise. I admire Polish romantic behaviour which shows that Pole can die but he must be a free person. It is best seen in Warsaw Uprising, outstanding fact of incredible bravery and heroism.

Only I want present Czech point of view. Bohemia is small country among bigger nations and Czechs feel they must care of every life.
29 Aug 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Czechs are afraid for poor immigrants come and take country`s wealth.
I do not see problem here if immigrants are poor. Poorishness is not sin, most people in world are poor. But they must be hard working and ambitious, it is enough. They want to contribute there hard work to this rich country in which they plan settle. And not suck this country and its citizens like leeches.
29 Aug 2012
News / Why are Czechs more effective than Poles and Poland? [116]

" Why are Czechs more effective than Poles? " is the original question.

I see two reasons. One is that Poland developed another way than Česko. Poland had strong nobility, and very weak bourgeoisie. In Bohemia the bourgeoisie was alwys biger and more important than nobility. The city Prague, capital of Czech Republic, is so big as Warsaw, capital Poland, but two countries have different size. Nobility do not do much for development of country, it is city dwellers who do the development by production of goods, trade, commerce, and so on and so on.

Second is that about different religion - Bohemia prefered protestantism, but Poland chose Roman Catholic doctrines. Protestant people work hard and get rich and it is not shame, but Catholic people when they get rich it is bad. Jesus said about rich men who cannot be in Paradise.

Czechs worked hard and get richer in history than Poles. I remember crisis in socialist Poland in the years 1980 = 1990. Poles coldnt buy many things and visited Československo for it. But it change very much. This distance gets smaller every year. Poland is catching fast.
29 Aug 2012
History / The story about German- Polish reconciliation [194]

Recocnilation must happen. Nations of Europ, world cannot live in war forever. Their must be peace also. Peace brings development for countres, was brings destroyment only.