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Posts by kie  

Joined: 4 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 Aug 2022
Threads: Total: 13 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 42 / In This Archive: 17
From: England
Speaks Polish?: Intermediate

Displayed posts: 26
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17 Sep 2012
History / Surveillance in Poland during communism [29]



I have heard about the East German files and that were kept and the figures around the number of spies per person, but I haven't heard much about what was it was like in Poland (assuming it was similar).

Can anyone inform as to the estimated number of spies there were, what happened to the files in Poland etc. It would be also interesting to here of any anecdotes people have about such activity that went on and the people involved.

Thanks, Kieron.

sorry, should have put in history section, can it be moved please?
3 May 2012
Language / żeby był [3]


Can someone provide a few example sentances using the various possibilities i.e. żeby, żebym, żebys with this word and then translate into English.

Also could you explain when it's best to use it?

Dzieki! Kieron.
24 Mar 2012
Travel / Wroclaw to Lwow - travel options? [4]


Does anyone know what travel options the are to Lwow from Wroclaw and where I can find further info?

i.e. which train or bus - how long does it take (ages by the looks of it), Tour company or flight?

I see that Eurolot are starting flights, but not sure if that's just for Euro 2012. Not sure if Wroclaw's new airport will open up new flights?

How long would it take by car and is the border crossing a pain?

Thanks, Kieron.
14 Mar 2012
Language / Polish language grammar books [59]

Hello. Yes, I did a two week course one 2 one. I cant remember the name of the school, but I hear Prolog in Krakow is good.

This meant you could really focus on grammar and do grammar drills. It's really hard to understand and practice the grammar without the help of a tutor. Maybe you can get one for two hours a week where you live?
14 Mar 2012
Language / Polish language grammar books [59]


I'd start with Basic Polish- A Grammar and Workbook, by the same author. You can also get in Intermediate Polish which is the next level up.

The one you are looking at is more for reference and is quite hard to work your way through. i.e. adjectives are dealt with on their own, then nouns seperately (may still be worth getting however). The two above also have exercises for you to work through and explains well how the grammar works.

Once you've gone through them it's worth getting a private tutor to go through the grammar. If you can, treat yourself to a course in Polska, it's the best way of learning really!

7 Feb 2012
Language / Intermediate / Advanced Learners of Polish. How do you improve your language? [14]

thanks, ill have a look at that website. I think I'm about B1 level. There's not many decent books in English other than basic ones, I have Hurrah books, but these aren't much use unless you are with a teacher.

How do you work a language exchange lesson in terms? Do you speak in one language for the first half, then the other? What do you practice during the lesson?
3 Feb 2012
Language / Intermediate / Advanced Learners of Polish. How do you improve your language? [14]


How do those of you who are intermediate/advanced learners of Polish continue to improve your language? Obviously once you have got past the basic/intermediate books that are available I find there is less material to keep you interested.

Annoyingly, I am not in a position to have private lessons at the moment so how are those of you who are self studying keeping yourself going? I try to watch Polish TV/films when I can, speak with Poles who live here (England-luckily there are loads around) and read polish news websites everyday, but I cannot measure my progress as I'm not doing any course and therefore don't feel I am getting anywhere.

I just tend to end up doing vocabulary lists (but this gets boring and ineffective) and only when I'm in Polska for holiday or so do I really start learning again.

Any ideas or inspiration would be great. Thanks.
22 Dec 2011
Polonia / Belarus in comparison to Polska? [5]

Anyone ever been and if so, how was it? How does it compare to Polska in terms of culture, geography etc.

I'd love to go out of curiosity, although I gather it could be a bit dodgy i.e. foreigners have to report to the local police station when visiting.

Also, did anyone see those ukrainian activists Femen who got their tits out in Minsk yesterday? I do wonder whether they are simply bulls*iting about how badly they were treated (I mean anyone can cut their own hair and chuck pain on themselves), but they did look a bit shaken.
8 Nov 2011
Language / GCSE Polish experience. [51]

Hello. I too would like to take a test in Polish, but dont't mind taking it in Polska, preferably in Wroclaw. I found this website, which looks fairly official. What do you make of it and are there any other options?


Thanks, Kieron.
30 Oct 2011
Language / Pronunciation difficulties for Poles speaking English [40]


What difficulties do Poles typically have when attempting to pronounce English words and what are the reasons for this?

I am interested as I'm currently helping a Polka to speak English. Not sure if it makes a great difference, but I am also using British English.

I've got a brief understanding of and can refer to the phonemic symbols.

Thanks, Kieron.
29 Sep 2011
History / Effects of Living under Communism in Poland [58]

Merged: How ww2/life under PRL affects the culture of the Polish nation today


One thing I am interested in is the affect the disaster of ww2 has on the mentality of present day Poles (and how this has evolved over the years).

I suppose there are many aspects that could have been affected i.e their outlook on life/death, beliefs, their mental toughness, community spirit, how they view foreign nations and so on

Whilst we're at it, you could ask the same question about the affect of living under communism for all that time.

28 Sep 2011
History / Resettlement after ww2 (old German houses and buildings still in Poland) [28]


One thing that always interests me when in Dolny Slaskie is the old German houses/buildings.

What I always wonder is, when the war finished and the Borders moved, what was the process for awarding housing (i.e. who was awarded the massive houses and what was the process for deciding who got what) if everyone was to be assumed equal in a communist state.

Also, for those that lost land/housing in the east, how were they recompensated?

Overall, were those who had to move from the east, just in terms of property and land, end up with a good deal or not?

31 Aug 2011
Language / Wedding day talk - common sayings or interesting phrases? [11]

Mamusia plays a very potent role in the Polish family.

good advice I think!

'absolutny posluszenstwo' is what I was going to use.

Just nabbed these off a website (won't be using them just yet):-

Kobiety są piękne tylko do dnia ich ślubu - Women are only cute until their wedding day.

Myślałam, że cały ślubny dzień jest zrujnowany - I thought the whole wedding day was ruined.

Any others?

30 Aug 2011
Language / Wedding day talk - common sayings or interesting phrases? [11]

Thanks for your thoughts, what do you have to say at the alter though?

Well spotted Catsoldier! I sounded very bitter!

Do you bother with speeches like we do in England?

On the one polski wedding I've been on, I remember the next day having these disco polo songs played by the band swirling around my head!

Are there any sayings about mother in laws to bring them down a peg or two?

29 Aug 2011
Language / Wedding day talk - common sayings or interesting phrases? [11]


I shall be getting married shortly in Poland. Do you have any common sayings or interesting phrases that are used in polish weddings, at the church, and at the reception after or any useful vocabulary?

Ideally the more humourous the better.

Also, can anyone tell me what is said in polish at the alter? As I should really start practicing this.

Thanks, Kieron.
14 May 2011
Language / Any sites with podcasts in Polish? [17]

Merged: News Podcasts in Polish


Where can I find any that I can download onto my iphone and listnen to on a weekly/daily basis rather than have to be online to listen?

All the ones on Itunes that I can see are only gazeta, which are more based on politics.

Thanks, kieron.
8 Jul 2010
Language / Usage of Polish Verbs [14]


How about this one?:-

wykraczać - exceed, go beyond

is this related to distance or what?

dzieki wielkie
1 Jul 2010
Language / Usage of Polish Verbs [14]

odbywać, odbyć - do, perform, carry out, take (a trip)

this one looks odd to me, how is it different to wykonywac/wykonac? Again, a sentance or two would help. Thanks.
1 Jul 2010
Language / Usage of Polish Verbs [14]

that's great, cheers.

Next one for me is:-

przyczyniać się do, przyczynić się do
30 Jun 2010
Language / Usage of Polish Verbs [14]

Name a Polish verb you are unsure about how to use, then hopefully a kind Pole can write us a sentance or two using the verb (in polish and with english translation) to help us understand?

I would say if you are at a basic level it may be worth you buying the 301 Polish Verbs book as well to help you also.

Here is my first one:-

wdawać się wdać się - to get into.

Thanks, Kieron.
7 Jun 2010
Love / What are Polish Women like? Just started to date one. [256]

basically, in my experience, they're a total pain in the a ss. Expect to say goodbye to your freedom, friends and hobbies, expect children any time soon and a rushed through marriage. Get out while you still can!
19 May 2010
Travel / Travel to Lwow from Rzeszow [18]

Thread attached on merging:
Visting Lwow from Poland


I will be in Wroclaw in July and we would like to visit Lwow for a few days. Does anyone know how best to do this? Are there any good trips organised that people have been on, or is it just as well to make your own way there and if so via train or bus and which hotels?

Thanks, Kieron.