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Posts by Jaszczolt  

Joined: 29 May 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 5 Oct 2007
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12 Dec 2007
Polonia / Ever been to Sweden? [185]

Can't really get an idea of why people speak so much about Sweden.
Sweden has and is nothing, compared to the other Scandinavian nations.
Originally, Sweden didn't even have connection to the sea westwards, and Scania with its surroundings never ought to be described as Swedish territory.

Porta > That's why, our stores is crowded constantly by desperate Swedes, who load their wagons and whole tourist busses with our spirits. Norwegians come here as well, but it's much easier for the Scanians to do so.
30 Oct 2007
Polonia / Poles in Norway? Polish community in Oslo. [43]

The easiest way to find Polish people in our region is to find the near-by Catholic church on Sunday at mess.
In my town's local Catholic church there's a special mess, only in Polish by Polish priests, because we're so many in the neighbourhood.
10 Jun 2007
News / Polish & other children legally stolen from their parents in Germany [82]

Bratwurst > This is the fruit of your Jewish-controlled government. ^^

Germany has been f***ed up since the fall of Der Dritte Reich.
The Americans came and .. well, Americanized the whole Western sector. Then came the multi-culturalistic hippies with all their utopian ideals. Together with those two factors have the Jews lucrated on what may've been done to them during WW2 and have since then seeked to change everything into its opposite.

Germany has moved from being a ultra-right state to a ultra-left one in many ways.
What is there to be proud of..?

This current topic is pretty ironic. They've let islamists polute every corner of the German state, but they still keep up some regulations for Poles. - Maybe the Jewish minister of law thinks it to be all-right to punish the Poles for what she may see as a people, who discriminated them - EVEN though Poland has been the most open country for Jews, when everyone else rejected them, historically?

This thing doesn't help much. It isn't enough to to take away children and only think of the language skills. If Muslims don't want to fit in in a Western society, they should be kicked out to find a place, where their way of thinking is shared with the rest of the community.

31 May 2007
Life / How Safe Are the Polish Cities? [179]

I'll refer to the newly released Global Peace Index from the Economist Intelligence Unit.
First link mentions Poland as number 27 out of 121 of the World's countries.
- The UK as number 49, so the conclusion is that the UK is a bit more unsafe than Poland.


- And the USA's far behind: reuters.com/article/homepageCrisis/idUSN30417228._CH_.2400

And according to this article, with Reuters as their source, my little Denmark should rank as the 3rd most peaceful country in the world. :-)
