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Posts by hansomreiste  

Joined: 2 Apr 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Jan 2013
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 24 / In This Archive: 16
From: turkey
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Displayed posts: 18
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13 Nov 2012
Life / Address Help (Konin University in Poland) [5]

It should be English & German Philology... Which university is that and where are the students of this department are supposed to stay?

This is the school I am speaking of: pwsz.konin.edu.pl
13 Nov 2012
Life / Address Help (Konin University in Poland) [5]

Well I don't know if this is the right section for this, but I can't find any better place.

I need to contact the dorms of Konin University but don't know the exact address. As my Polish is really bad, I don't know how I can find the address. That place should be the one where students of the university reside and which belongs to school. I mean, I am talking about the dorm of school; not some different dorm around school.

Could anyone please give me the address(es) of the dorm(s) of the university? I would be very glad if you shared it with their links on web, if possible...
21 Jul 2012
Law / Residence Permit Via Marriage to a Polish woman? [5]


Could you please show me official documents in English about how to get a residence and work permit in Poland via marriage? And, could you please tell me where and how I could get a job in Poland for having graduated from English Literature & Language department and speaking English, Russian, Turkish and Spanish fluently?

My girlfriend is from Poland and I am really fed up with living so far away from her and we wish to marry soon and keep living together in Poland.

What you say about this is important to me, but I firstly prefer official documents released by the Republic of Poland, where I can see statements like "to obtain a residence permit in Poland, you should have bla bla".
7 Apr 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

The chat here was intense at first, but now what I do is heavy laughing.

Some man claims Poland doesn't need any unqualified non-EU people... HAHA! He must be god. He knew I am unqualified. And he also knows Poland is full of great people with nice jobs.

You are scared of other people as a coward dog. This is so funny, I am very happy to hear that.

Well, my girlfriend accepted to come to my country. After studying here, I will find a better country which is not full of faggot racists.

Thanks to everyone who helped me about the situation, that was nice contribution!
5 Apr 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Those people are seriously funny... I really wonder what you know about Turks and me.

Of course I want my children to learn my mother tongue and to know where Turkey is, Turkey's culture etc... But they will be living in Poland with their Polish mom, which makes them Polish enough for you. I want them to learn both languages and cultures very well.

They can choose whether being "Turk" or "Polish" as they wish when they are old enough. My wife and we will just teach them everything we know and it is their selection to be Turk or Polish.
5 Apr 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

If you are really determined to settle in Poland one day, there is one thing you must do now: start learning Polish. You won`t count as a valuable employee if you can`t speak Polish. Even if you are a boss of your own business, you will have to speak Polish to deal with Polish partners.

OK, I will improve my Polish. This summer, I will be in Poland for 27 days. I think it would be very helpful. Rest of the time, I will try to learn from my girlfriend.

After grasping basic Polish, you will be able to read and understand what guys write about opening/running a kebab bar in Poland:

But... I don't want to run a kebab bar. I would like to have another job which would be related to what I study. I don't want to be known for being Turk in Poland. I just want to live there, that's all. If I get very rich, then I wish to have a chain of restaurants where people can taste Turkish food and dessert. That would be great. But at first, this is not my intention. Our cuisine is really good, so in future yes, I want to have "kebab bar" but not now! :)
4 Apr 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Well, OK. Think whatever you wish, I said everything I can.

Which university did you try for?2500Euro?

I tried many of them including Wroclaw, Warszawa, Lodz, Poznan(Adam Mickiewicz I mean)... The cheapest one was something around 2500€.

I am waiting for pawian's reply. I wish to talk to him privately, if possible. I would be glad if someone or he sends me his e-mail address.
3 Apr 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

I didn't think you would think it in so simple way. My home belongs to me. If you say that Poland belongs to you and you won't let me in... Then not only me but many people will laugh.

You gotta do something to deserve good things. To buy that house, I spent years and saved money. So, someone cannot claim it. BUT, Poland is a country and people who meet some requirements must be able to have a life there. I am not saying Poland should now let me in and give me everything they have. It is 2012, not 1300. Resources of some place belong to people living there, not Poles or Slavics or blacks or Asians. Because, people living there CONTRIBUTE it.

When I work in Poland, I do something for Poland along with many others. A Pole is coming to me, and I am helping her about what she needs. I am doing my duty and paying my taxes. So, what is wrong when I use resources of Poland? The place where I live and I work for is Poland. So what should I do, man? Should I bring my bread from my country? Am I supposed to not have electricity or water because I am not Polish?

I asked you what I can do to be in Poland to marry my girlfriend. I didn't expect Poland to roll a red carpet for me and I didn't claim water or electricity of Poland for free. Just saying, "I will be a good citizen and what should I do to be a Polish citizen and keep living there?"

Even your approach to situation is racist... Do I have to be "useful", what? This is an agreement. Not being useful or not. You have something for Republic of Poland. For example, if you kill someone, you will be sent into prison. This is what you need to pay for it. Or, if you drink water of Poland, you need to pay tax for it. As long as I do so, nobody can evaluate my value in that country. Because that land belongs not a nationality, it belongs to humanity. As I said, you just need to watch your step and then you should be able to live in any place you want, yes.

I understand you. There are many people escaping to Europe illegally... They say they want a better place and in the place they go, they are doing bad things. This is disgusting. I know. And I say, those people DON'T HAVE RIGHT to live, for example, in Sweden. Because they don't take care of their responsibilities. When you want a safer place, then you must be a person who people can trust. When you are not, then you don't deserve anything.

And my point which I have been trying to explain is... I will be a good man for Poland, and I wonder what I should do to become a Polish citizen. I know I am not the only person on the doorstep, but instead of saying "Stay in your country, don't come here because it is not yours!", you should just tell me about the process or just say nothing. I respect your idea when you say, "Staying in your own country as you would have financial problems here" but it is different when you are like "F*ck off, this is Poland, not your country". It is simply very rude.

I don't want to have an argument about this. What I said is quite clear and I am not angry with Poland or Poles. I am just sad because I am not given my right. And I will do my best to have it in a legal way. Unfortunately, when you are a good man in this world, nobody wants you.
3 Apr 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

I said there are racists. Not everyone in Poland is racist. Read carefully.

Well, yes, I don't want to live in my country and it is not my job to make here a better place. Here there are 75 millions of people and a corrupted system. I don't want my wife or myself to die in street because of a stupid man. Or things like that.

I guess you don't know anything about universities. When a foreigner is accepted, no Polish student is turned down. Because there is extra place for foreigners. I mean... If a university gets 100 Polish students every year, then it gets 25 foreigners too.

And when I am one of those 25, no Polish student has to be turned down.

Well... You speak like every Pole is doing huge contribution for Poland.

Sure. Everyone in Poland is artist, novelist, scientist and this eager student from outside of Poland can have no contribution. Well said.

Moreover, it is RIGHT for every human being to seek for a better place to live. I told it many times. And when someone is against this, sorry but s/he is a racist. Nobody can take my right to live in a better place just because I am from another country. My aim is not to bomb Poland. It is just to have a better life in a more peaceful place. If someone thinks that I don't deserve it because of my nationality, then I say again, s/he is racist.

I don't say Poles are racists. But what I stated above is just the truth about racism. I can understand when you say "I got nothing for you" but it is rude when you say "Stay in your country if you are not rich or useful for us". I don't own my country. Neither you own Poland.

It is sad to see that you can openly tell racist things. It is really sad.
3 Apr 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Well, what is wrong with what I said? I am now 18 year-old and I said I don't want to have kids at the age of 20, which means I need to have a good job and a wife first.

Go to bank. Get a loan.

Come, let's make a simple calculation. Suppose that I need 500€ for month to live in Poland. And the tuition fee per year is 2500€. How much money do I need to have a "below average" student life in Poland? Let me say, JUST 25.500€.

Now, show me a bank who would give such a big loan to a student at the age of 18.
3 Apr 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Thanks a lot for that precious informations! But as I said, I am just a student whose field is linguistics. I am supposed to be a translator or tour guide or a novelist or maybe a columnist, I don't know. But simply this is the field. ANYWAY, I am ready to learn something different too. I am mad of sports, for example... It would be awesome to have a job about it.

And I want to fix some misunderstandings... Some people may have thought that I want to move Poland because I am poor. No. On the contrary, my life in Turkey is not a poor one and is quite OK. When I want to move Poland and keep studying in a Polish university, then it is bad, though. Because when I just need to have around 350€ here per month, this amount for Poland is, with tuition fee calculated as 12 installments for year, which is actually impossible, something around 600€.

So the problem is... The student in Turkey wants to marry a Polish girl. And, when he is having around 400€ in his country and leading a good life, he wants to leave everything behind and start living in Poland. WHY? Because, Poland is an EU-country, which means I may have MUCH MORE OPPORTUNITIES than I can have in Turkey. I am supposed to be ACTIVE person in the international field as I would become a linguist... How good can I be without knowing & learning and countries, cultures and languages? Poland would make me happy for several reasons, including the girl I love and the opportunities I have.

I understand your prejudice about a young boy who is angry about the situation and who says "I want to be there but nobody helps me!" but this is the situation. And as you see, without any help from Poland, there is nothing I can do. If you want someone to be "good" and "useful" for Poland, then you should give him a chance. Saying, "No, you can't enter our country unless you have your financial independence. But, we need young people who would have children and contribute to Poland, too." would be very funny...

What I want is just some financial help for my university education. After it, I am sure I would easily find a job to live properly. But you can't expect me to own companies and great skills at such a young age(18). Come on guys, give a hand to this promising guy! You'll see, I am wonderkid. :P
3 Apr 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

As far as I know, to do this, I need to have a reason.

Saying, "I am not happy in my country" wouldn't be enough. Some people pay thousands of euros to create fake torture reports and scars... I am not one of them. Firstly, I want everything to be legal because I don't want to lose any respect. Secondly, even if I would think of doing so, I don't have thousands of euros to pay for it. Without that, I have NO reason to claim asylum.

If they will let me live & study in Poland when I say, "My country is really bad to me. My girlfriend lives in Poland and so I wish to stay with her." then I would try it. But no chance probably.
3 Apr 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Well, that doesn't look bad at all...

I want a job that would guarantee my future... You know what I mean. I want to have a good job with which I can lead a good and safe life. For example, I would earn so good money that no racist would say me something. Because I have the money to live like other people. I am as rich as a Pole and I contribute to Poland just as they do. That kind of life would be quite good for me.

My English is OK, and Turkish is already mother tongue. Moreover, as I am supposed to have my education about translation studies, my linguistic skills are very good. I have no information about accounting or finance, thought. This is totally out of my studies, but I can learn it of course.
3 Apr 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Well, I have been in this forum for a long time with other nicknames too. So I won't be in a talk with racists. It is funny to ask "What did you contribute for Poland?" when I don't even enter the country. What do you expect me to do? Should I cry in the streets saying "Please I want to be useful for Poland, pleaseee!" ha?

Moreover, my intention is FIRSTLY to have education and getting married to my girlfriend. I love her, so I need to be in Poland. The matter is so simple. After graduating from university, I will be looking to get a good job and create a healthy, good Polish family.

But for this, I need to be a 30-year-old guy with a great job, I guess.

Sorry, but people with financial independence would not choose Poland. I want to choose, because my LIFE is there. But the obstacles are created by racists like you, who claim Poles are better(?) than other people.

I am sure I can contribute Poland as much as a SMS-boy would do. Believe me. Sorry to have said that, but I don't like racist people at all. Someone wants to live in and contribute for your country, and you just blame him for having done nothing for Poland, LOL. That sounds quite funny. What are we supposed to do? Become gods and kill 1000 people for Poland in order to get allowance to live in Poland? I simply don't understand why countries treat other people like dangerous beasts.

pawian... many thanks for that information, but currently, my Polish level is very very bad. So I don't even understand what it is in that link. Would you please send me a PM to talk about this matter and what we could do? I'd like to learn your ideas about that. Thanks in advance.
2 Apr 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

That is a fierce selection, I admit, but it is good for Poland. We need those most persevering ones, who will overcome all obstacles in order to become Polish. :):):):):)

Well, as I said, I am ready. But obstacles are not the ones I can overcome. All I can do is escape and I never want to do this. Why? An unqualified escapee would lead no good life. Neither his family could. I can come to Poland today... But I don't. Because I don't want to see a homeless Polish wife and boy. And Poland government? Even though I say so... I contacted many places for many times and what they said was only "Hmmm there is nothing we can do about this, sorry." So what? How can we overcome the obstacles when we don't know how to?

Probably you are too young. :):):):):) Polish men marry at 25-28 on average.

Yes, I am too young. My intention is not to have kids at the age of 20, but Poland says, if I want to be close to the woman I love, I need to marry her as fast as possible and I need to live in Poland as a jobless man. This is probably what we can do.

I do.

I take this as sarcasm.
2 Apr 2012
Law / Marriage in Poland without a residence permit? [13]

I know it is very risky and it may end very bad... But I am seriously in love and we can't wait for each other in different countries for 6 years. Moreover, I can't say, "Poland doesn't want me so we need to break up."

I want to take that risk. But I don't even have that chance. I don't know what to do.

Ooops, by the way I am so sorry for having this thread in News & Politics section. As I am new, I wasn't aware of it. I'd be glad if this is moved to the correct section.
2 Apr 2012
Law / Marriage in Poland without a residence permit? [13]

[Moved from]: Marriage & Work and Residence Permit in Poland


I have been in a relationship with a Polish girl for almost a year and soon we are planning to get married even though we are at a young age. The reason for this, is to get work and residence permit in the territory of Republic of Poland but as far as I know, even getting married to a Pole is not enough to do this.

Well, what would/could you recommend me to do? I am student, and I just want to keep having education in a university in Poland. But don't know how to come there, as they don't want me because I am not "rich". I need work permit because I can't make enough money to get on if I can't work. I want to have everything legally.
2 Apr 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Well, Poland doesn't need anyone from another country. If so, I would be able to marry my girlfriend and keep studying in Poland but no way.

For Poland, along with other EU countries, people from non-EU countries are just customers to get money from. For 10 months, I have been trying everything to be in Poland to marry my girlfriend and as I said, to keep having my university education. But nothing or nobody helps me about it. Universities ask for at least €2500 of tuition fee per year. If you ever try to get into Poland, you simply need to be GOD to be given work and residence permit.

When so, how can you claim that Poland needs new people? Here I am a young boy who is ready to have Polish kids and to work for & live in Poland with my wife. What I want is just an average life.

Anyone in need of me in Poland? Is there anyone to help? Who cares?

We all know the answer.