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Posts by sofijufka  

Joined: 13 Mar 2012 / Female ♀
Last Post: 29 Mar 2014
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 187 / In This Archive: 134
From: Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: native
Interests: history

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17 Nov 2013
History / Polish Revolution 1830-31 " Józef Chłopicki" [5]

He held aloof at first from the November Uprising of 1830-31, but at the general request of his countrymen accepted the dictatorship on 5 December 1830. However, he saw the hopelessness of the insurrection and quickly resigned on 17th of January; then, however, he joined the army as a private soldier and fought in some battles. At Wawer (February 19) and at the Battle of Olszynka Grochowska (February 20) he displayed all his old bravery, but was so seriously wounded at the Battle of Olszynka Grochowska that he had to be conveyed to Kraków, near which city he lived in complete retirement until his death in 1854.

5 Nov 2013
News / Anybody watch Adam Michnik on Lis this evening? [50]

But we mustn't forget that a certain leading Opposition politican in Poland has benefited hugely from his father's connection to Stalinism.

how he has benefited?
8 Sep 2013
News / Premier says no recession for Poland [148]

I know one guy who claims to be poor because his business only earns 2500zl a month

ONE guy - I know about 50 people from Warszawa, Lublin, Olsztyn, Sandomierz, Gliwice, Szczecin, Rzeszów, Tyczyn, Zakopane - who's salary is about 1200 zł a month - and they are happy because they earn anything at all. Try to find a job if you are 50 or 50+... And my brother's student's in Rzeszów are happy if they could find jobs in Biedronka, Tesco or Jasionka airport...
18 Aug 2013
History / If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...? [240]

I have read all of King Maciuś I, Bankructwo małego Dżeka {Little Jack bancruptcy}, Kajtuś czarodziej [Kajtus the sorcerer}, Dziecko ulicy[ Child of the street], his memories
3 Aug 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

He was a very good person. All positive.

no, he wasn't - my great-uncle had a good word for almost everyone, but about Geremek could say only "the rest is silence"... He disliked people who snitch... One of his friends was arrestested by SB after returning from France, and it could be only Geremek who accused him
26 Jul 2013
News / Demolish Poland's Palace of Culture? [55]

Hmmm.... after Piskorski installed a clock faces on it - i like it more. I'm living on Żelazna street so I could see it from my window
18 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

A man who went to prison for opposing the commies (unlike your beloved DuckBoy).

he was never in prison, he was only interned, signed his allegiance and was released, backed up on it, were interned again for one or two months

[quote=Harry]After it came out that he'd worked for the SB, how many articles did he write for GW? Oh yes, one single book review.[quote]

are you sure?
6 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Polonius3: The Fourth Republic will soon be back to finish the job it started in 2005 -- this time with a solid mandateTKM!

TKM? It was about AWS, wasn't it?
12 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

a very desirable residence

this "residence" was a flat in a nearly destroyed during a war town house that Rajmund and other residents renovated by themselves.
12 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

The evidence is staring you in the face - the man rose from AK membership to a glittering career in the PRL, including getting his children to become film stars. That just didn't happen to anyone.

it's not truth - how about Henryk Gołębiewski filmweb.pl/person/Henryk.Golebiewski
and other child-actors of Janusz Nasfeter or Ślesicki?
29 Mar 2013
History / A Polish Town in Turkey. Who Knew? [9]

My great.... great[?] grand father had a shop in Adampol. Before II World War my grandfather received a letter from polish ambasador of Turkey, that he inherited this shop, but he passed it to the Adampol people... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polonezk%C3%B6y

About Adampol, read a book of Jerzy £ątka: Oskarżam arcyksięcia Rudolfa [I accused a Kronprtinz Rudolf] and "Carogrodzki pojedynek"
13 Mar 2013
Life / Polish pretense - what's the deal? [72]

......Malls here (and yes there are three that I know of in Rszesow)

Are you living in Rzeszów? Which mall are you talking about? Krakowiak? Frac, Real, Tesco, Leclerk, Biedronka, Lidl? Alma?
4 Jan 2013
Life / Heroes/heroines of Poland's pop culture [27]

what about Radamenes from "Siedem źyczeń/Seven wished"?

ups! wishes!
3 Jan 2013
Language / Polish/Ukrainian words similarities [209]

U mnie jest" doesn't strictly indicate possession as in Russian but is sometimes used where you would normally use "have" in a Western European language. "Czy tylko u mnie jest problem?" could be understood as in "Is it only me that there is a problem with?"

nooo.... you are wrong. In polish you ought to say: Czy tylko ze mną jest/masz problem?
2 Jan 2013
History / Ukrainian-occupied Eastern Poland [135]

like Bandera, perhaps?

kyivpost/content/ukraine/ukraine-nationalists-celebrate -banderas-birth-anniversary-318350.html
4 Dec 2012
Life / traditional polish knitting? [4]

koronki koniakowskie? - lace of Koniaków

Koniakow's history begins in the second half of XVI century. Around this time, settlers from Cieszynski's Silesia located in this area, created the following villages: Istebna and Jaworzynka, together with Koniakow, known as the Beskid's Tri-Village. However, it was not only settlers of Polish origin that inhabited this area. Also Vlachs (Wallachians) were passing through with their flocks of sheep. Some of them decided to stay, and mixed in with the original habitants. Such mixtures fructified between men and women, and their ethnic differences were exposed in their types of clothing and also their cultural beliefs..

Poland Tatra mountain knitting
3 Dec 2012
News / UN threatens ''Poland's windows of life" [24]

Now here lies the rub.

my friend was "partly" adpoted - i.e. he was illegitimate, his biological father was married and had one night stand with a young drinker. When wife of this man found out about this, she insisted, that the boy ought to be adopted by them. He was teenager, when someone "well-wishing" person told him about all of this and it was a real trauma for him. He wanted to meet his biological mother, he met her - and it was a disaster. Sometimes it's better not know to much...
1 Dec 2012
News / UN threatens ''Poland's windows of life" [24]

about ten-twelve years ago I wrote a feature about "windows of life" in hungarian hospitals. Babies could be adopted inmediately. Statistics were, that after introducing "windows" infanticide decreased about 30%
1 Dec 2012
History / People the Soviets planted in Poland [75]

oh my... How do you know about "duck-boy's" sexuality? Did you speak with his "lover"? Have you seen them in bed or in the toiltes of Dworzec Centralny? And it's true, that commie-govenment liked to know as much as possible about citizens' personal life, but it was impossible to know all about all of them...
1 Dec 2012
History / People the Soviets planted in Poland [75]

So many that they had to take them in crates and have a bonfire. Allegedly Oleksy did it.

no, it's not true. They destroyed a lot of UB and WSI documents, most of the records of informers.But information of PZPR membership one could find in the employee's personal files - in case of Rajmund Kaczyński - at the Politechnika Warszawska. As yet - nobody found such information. And I have mention - the Kaczyński family neighbours i know are sure, he WASN'T in PZPR.

And, Delphi, it's not true, that "People like him didn't get what he had without membership". You didn't live in Poland then...
22 Nov 2012
News / Pokłosie - should the film have received funding from Polish state coffers? [37]

Tut tut tut, using German words now, you must be forgetting yourself.

my great uncle was Bawarian, he was a prisoner of Dachau, his older son - a polish scout - was shot by German [not NAZIS}. his younger - was kidnapped by Germans as an Arian specimen [Janissary]...