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Posts by andrew jab  

Joined: 10 Mar 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Mar 2012
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andrew jab   
16 Mar 2012
Love / Men and Women from Eastern Poland [37]

My grandad was from slonim eastern poland but its now part of belarus.
I'd love to go there before i pop my clogs.
Not so sure how easy it would be .
andrew jab   
15 Mar 2012
History / Poland did reasonably well in land terms out of the postwar settlement [270]

Can a mod advise if that on topic enough for me to reply to?

LOL I believe you labelled me 'scum' yesterday.
Lovely fellow..
carry on..
Churchill was negotiating Polands borders with is his homicidal bedfellow during the war.Not only did he sign away huge swathes of Polands eastern lands he also assisted his best buddy in covering up the distgusting crimes at katyn amongst other places.He then shook hands at yalta with a man with more blood on his hands than Hitler,i bet he could smell the blood of stalins victims when he went for a toilet break.

Argue,ignore,cry,whine all you want,thats what happened sweetie.
andrew jab   
15 Mar 2012
History / Poland did reasonably well in land terms out of the postwar settlement [270]

Another epic fail larry. I was born in this country to polish parents.I work and pay my taxes and i certainly have gone on record as saying i have no beef with ANY of the British service personal who fought in ww2 or any other war for that matter.My beef is with the spinelss goverment who sold its ally down the river and assisted in a foul cover up of a huge war crime.

FYI All my friends are English and not a single one of them shares your analysis of events regarding ww2.
You sir,are a troll,i think most who read this forum would have a very similar opinion.
Finally,for someone who has 'allegedly' lived in Poland for 17years i find it very odd you dont understand the language,and i dont mean google translate LOL.
andrew jab   
15 Mar 2012
History / Poland did reasonably well in land terms out of the postwar settlement [270]

Why is it that scum like you

Now now larry..
BTW yes you are correct in your analysis (what analysis?)of katyn.The British assisted the cover up for what reason again?
Keep dodging this issue don't you....
PS Like i said,Britian declared war on Germany in sept 39 and did NOTHING,apart from afew token flights into Germany which really really hurt the German war machine didn't it larry,hitler must have been quaking in his boots at the british onslaught..
andrew jab   
15 Mar 2012
History / Poland did reasonably well in land terms out of the postwar settlement [270]

you cannot be more wrong, but do continue to push your propaganda

Generations were taught it was a German crime in polish schools.
Anyway,Delph just makes himself look idiotic with his cringeworthy analysis of Katyn and the subsequent cover ups by the spinless 'Allies'.
Wonder where harry is?He doesnt seem to want to talk about this subject.
andrew jab   
14 Mar 2012
History / Poland did reasonably well in land terms out of the postwar settlement [270]

Not really.
I blame the UK goverment in particular as they exhibited gutless attributes regarding Poland and its right to self determination.
The US also acted like cowards at yalta.
They also both played a part in the gutless distgusting cover up of katyn.
andrew jab   
14 Mar 2012
History / Poland did reasonably well in land terms out of the postwar settlement [270]

You don’t say? The "Sitzkrieg" (sitting war) the Brits engaged in, did some actually died? From boredom I presume.

The world and his dog knows Britian and France sat and twiddled their thumbs in sept 39.
A token few flights by the Brits is about as intensive as it got.
Like i said,spinless incompetent Goverment with an intelligence service with a direct line to moscow.
andrew jab   
14 Mar 2012
News / American soldiers beat up in Torun, Łódź [141]

Nice personal abuse to distract attention from the fact that your 'EPIC fail Must try harder' comment has boomeranged back onto you.

no harry it hasn't,google radek kaluzny and tell me he looks white.many poles esp from the east look non white harry,my dad was mistaken for an asain a number of times here in the uk,after growing a beard i might add!

Anyway,we both know your insinuation was that the two guys attacked were black,no doubt you will deny that being the kind of troll you undoubtedly are.

so no 'boomerang' here .
ps i been to poland many times i have polish blood running through my vains.
andrew jab   
14 Mar 2012
News / American soldiers beat up in Torun, Łódź [141]

After you've done that you can tell us all about your experiences of going out in smallish Polish cities with non-whites.

Have you seen radek kaluzny?
Just one example of a pole who could be mistaken for a 'foreigner',many poles look 'foreign' or non white.
Stop talking Bollocks harry,like i said,its disturbing that a non polish grown up man spends his time trawling a polish forum looking for any chance to have a 'dig'.

And regarding experience of small polish cities, whats yer point?asians were getting battered and racially abused left right and centre in the UK from the 60's onwards,idiots in every country.

You IMO,need help,and fast.
andrew jab   
14 Mar 2012
News / American soldiers beat up in Torun, Łódź [141]

Anybody care to guess the chances of both those American servicemen being white? And then the chances that their race affected the way they were treated?

EPIC fail Harry.
Must try harder..
andrew jab   
14 Mar 2012
News / American soldiers beat up in Torun, Łódź [141]

Anybody care to guess the chances of both those American servicemen being white? And then the chances that their race affected the way they were treated?

You really need to get out more.
I find it quite disturbing that somebody who is not even polish trawls a polish internet forum looking for every opportunity to stick the boot in ?

Yes there are nutters in poland as there are nutters in every country on the planet.
LIke i said,disturbing.
andrew jab   
13 Mar 2012
UK, Ireland / Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please? [240]

Poles don't behave like French, German etc. They act like 3rd world refugees and have no concept of Western culture. it's acutely embarrassing to be labelled Caucasian alongside them. No dignity.

Bitterness,pure and simple.
I think we all know the direction England is heading and its down down deeper and down.
YOur country and your empire is going down the shitter at a rate of knots.

What goes around comes around sweetheart.
andrew jab   
13 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

A very interesting claim. Could you please make a thread about it so I can reply to it there.

Dont try to play clever with me larry you know full well what im talking about.
He told anders how proud he was of the polish efforts and how sorry he was of the situation in poland and how britian had gone to war to protect polands integrity.

You know full as does everyone else well he had no intention of honouring that commitment.
Now run along and bore someone else with your weasle words.(which match the goverments actions BEFORE DURING AND AFTER WW2 REGARDING POLAND).
andrew jab   
13 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Could you perhaps remind me?

I watched the dvd haven't seen the book but its along the lines of ' i know the ruskies are killing your best assets as they advance into Poland'blah blah,but im still going to sell your asses down the river anyway,for now though your men are needed.
andrew jab   
13 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Do you by any chance happen to have a source to support that claim? Or is it just another lie?

'Behind closed doors',a BBC production,watch it,it might enlighten you.
Next question.
PS You still seem to be convieniently cherry picking the issues i have posted.
I wont hold my breath waiting for a reply,oh sorry you did reply yesterday,something along the lines of it being off topic,how convenient.
andrew jab   
12 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

So you mean you want me to be banned for going off topic. Sorry but you'll have to try harder with that one.

You seem very quick to offer opinions on the British goverment and their policies so why are you so coy to avoid the Katyn denial/coverup and the disasterous penetration of MI5 by the Cambridge crowd.

Whats off topic about it?
As churchill said to Anders,i know your most important people are being murdered by the soviets as they push west but as im in bed with stalin im afraid i cant offer any help on that score.

Face the facts larry,your goverment got into bed with one of the most cruel vile dictators IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND.

There are many words in the dictionary to describe your goverment before during and after world war 2.
I'd choose vile.
Now,seeing as you avoid every point i have raised you are the 1st on my ignore list,or troll list as i'd prefer to call it.
andrew jab   
12 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Always a good laugh to see people offering holocaust denial websites as proof of anything!

I see Philby gets a mention.
I wish you would stop avoiding the issue of the soviets taking the proverbial out of your so called intelligence services and ultimately the foreign policy of your spineless goverment.
andrew jab   
12 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

30 Polish airmen died during the entire BoB.

What about Arnhem?
What about Monte cassino?
Your agenda is as tranparent as it is boring.
Now run along to an Irish forum and start sprouting the famine never happened or it was never authorized,LOL.
andrew jab   
12 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Funny how we hear so much about the 30 Polish airmen who died during the BoB but that the 24 British airmen who died bombing Germany on 4 September 1939 are so routinely lied about by people who claim that Britain took no military action against Germany in that month and/or claim that there were no such bombing raids.

You are beginning to sound desperate Larry.
Comments on the katyn cover up please.
andrew jab   
12 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Don't you dare, you whiny, turd sucking piece of scum, call those fallen and their families "traitors"!

I for one certainly do not have anything negative to say about British service personal in world war 2.You spineless Goverment where the ones without honour.Not the population at large.

Or are you going to tell me the katyn cover up as just one example was not a disgusting spineless sop to churhills buddy uncle joe?

Hang on,it was all Philbys fault.
andrew jab   
12 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Really? So why did Britain sell Poland to the USSR? If the state of affairs was as you claim, Poland simply would have been given to the USSR.

Poland wasn't sold to the USSR it was GIVEN to the ussr as a way of thanks for the many polish lives sacrificed at Monte Cassino Arnhem BoB etc etc.

So you deny M15 was compromised by Philby and his crowd ?
andrew jab   
12 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

I've asked numerous people to go into detail about that and none of them ever does. No doubt you will just reply with a load of abuse and repetition of the claim which you cannot support.

Pray tell what kind of goverment would hush up the katyn atrocity for so long?
Maybe it was philbys fault.

British policy towards the USSR was dictated by soviet intelligence,your Goverment was owned by moscow.
And my God it showed at every turn.
British intelligence was an extended arm of the NKVD,fact.