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Posts by grspring  

Joined: 10 Feb 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 7 Dec 2018
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 10
Posts: Total: 55 / In This Archive: 41
From: USA Maine
Speaks Polish?: Learning now
Interests: Photography

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22 Mar 2018
Law / Karta Pobytu - how long can i stay temporarly out of Poland? [30]


Poland's Karta Pobytu - Pobyt Czasowy (temporary residence) - being outside of Poland for more than 6 months

I have a Karta Pobytu/Pobyt Czasowy, expiring in 2019. My wife (Polish citizen) and I had to go to the USA for her knee replacement surgery. What we thought would be less than six months has turned into seven months by the time we return.

Will my card be invalid for being away from Poland too long?
17 Jun 2016
Law / PESEL or NIP in Poland for an American married to Polish citizen [22]

I am an American and have a residence card based on my marriage to Polish citizen. I am also retired and my Social Security payments are deposited into our Polish bank account and Polish taxes are withheld. The bank has asked me for a PESEL number saying that I would need it to pay taxes.

I went to the PESEL Number issuing office and was given an application to take to a different office to get a NIP number.

So far I've been told, I automatically get a PESEL number because I registered my permanent address, I need a PESEL number, I don't need a PESEL number, I can't get a PESEL number and now I need a NIP number.

There does not seem to be a definitive source of information. Can anyone help.

8 Sep 2015
Life / Where to buy a clothes dryer in Poland? [16]

Got a bit of string and a bath?

My place is real small, 2 people and the drying rack never leaves the middle of the room. Since we're staying for more than a year (usually only 2-3 weeks) I just can't take it.
8 Sep 2015
Life / Where to buy a clothes dryer in Poland? [16]

Merged: Appliance Stores In Krakow

I need to buy a washer/dryer combo, ventless unit for my apartment in Krakow. Is there an appliance store other than Saturn where I might find one?

3 Aug 2015
Law / Long Stay Proof of Income with an application to support myself in Poland [6]

I am retired and married to a Polish citizen. Based on the current exchange rates my monthly retirement benefit in the US is 5800pln a month. This money would be deposited in my Polish bank account. I don't need to pay rent as I own an apartment in the Krakow city center. Is that figure enough to show the government that I can support myself or should I include other assets with my long stay application.

Since I understand all documents have to be translated into Polish, I'd like to not pay for extra translations if I do not need them.

3 Jul 2015
Life / Apartment Painting in Poland [4]

I am returning to Krakow in September and would like my apartment painted before I arrive. I want to have it painted the same color. I was told to send a paint number but don't know if the numbers match world wide. Who are the major paint makers in Poland. In US there's Benjamin Moore or Sherwin Williams. Any hints appreciated. Thanks
24 Feb 2015
Genealogy / Waiting for confirmation of citizenship through Grandfather - have birth certificate [17]

Interesting that my wife got her Confirmation of Citizenship first from Warsaw and several weeks later, her Polish birth certificate. Her next step is a trip to the consulate for a passport application.

The process too about a year to complete. Even though she is a Polish speaker, she needed allot of help from her (born in Poland) Polish friends.

When we get to Poland, we are staying for a year or so, we will work on my long stay visa.
1 Dec 2014
Life / IBAN/SEPA international transfer fees [3]

This is a tough question. When we purchased our apartment and put money into the sellers bank, we added our bank charge but didn't know the receiving bank charged us also, so seller thought we were trying to cheat them. There was also the buy/sell price along with exchange rate. It's allot to compute. If possible I would suggest opening a bank account in Poland. Until we got the bank account we were in the same situation.
20 Aug 2014
Law / Received confirmation citizenship was approved from Polish Embassy. What's next? [25]

It has taken sometimes weeks to get a call-back or an email from the embassy. There appears to be only one person there handling this type of information. The first time the application was delayed and an expensive trip to New York was required to explain the documents submitted in person. I just thought maybe someone knew what type of paperwork you get in the mail.

20 Aug 2014
Law / Received confirmation citizenship was approved from Polish Embassy. What's next? [25]

I think my question was misunderstood because of the way it was asked. What happens after you are told citizenship is approved, do you get an official letter? Do you have to show up somewhere with it? We are not sure what happens at this point in the process.

1-A month ago my wife received (via email) notice from the embassy in New york that her Polish citizenship had been granted (based on parentage). We have yet to get anything in the mail (at our Polish address) confirming this. What should we expect next and how long should it take?

2-I plan to apply for residency based on her citizenship. We are both retired and will not seek any employment. Will I still have to travel on American Passport or are there Polish travel documents I can get, so we're not always in different lines at the airports.

19 Aug 2014
Law / Length of time to receive confirmation of Polish Citizenship [26]

Merged: Notification of citizenship, how long does it take for written confirmation after it's been granted?

Thanks to this group for it's help in the past. We are planning a move to Poland and still have many questions.

1-A month ago my wife received notice from the embassy in New york that her Polish citizenship had been granted (based on parentage). We have yet to get anything in the mail (at our Polish address) confirming this. What should we expect next and how long should it take?

2-I plan to apply for residency based on her citizenship. We are both retired and will not seek any employment. Will I still have to travel on American Passport or are there Polish travel documents I can get, so we're not always in different lines at the airports.

25 May 2014
Law / New Immigration Laws in Poland - achieving residency through my wife's citizenship? [7]

Why wouldn't I need private insurance if I am not a citizen only a resident? Is it because I would be married to a Polish citizen or is coverage given to residents also?

If we are living in Poland we wouldn't leave for more than two weeks at a time to visit other countries. So that part is not be a problem.

Thanks for this information.
25 May 2014
Law / New Immigration Laws in Poland - achieving residency through my wife's citizenship? [7]

Considering the new immigration laws as this article in the Krakow Post indicates is it for possible to for me to achieve residency after my wife gets her citizenship? We are retired, have income from investments and Social Security in the Unites States. We own our own apartment in Krakow and do not seek employment, just enjoying Poland and traveling Europe (not having to return to the United States every 3 months, which get quite expensive). I also realize that I will have to maintain private health insurance and possibly meet other regulations.
23 May 2014
Law / Citizenship of Poland can be obtained through the blood line but my ancestor could lose it in the past [45]

My wife was asked to prove that her father (a Polish WWII veteran and Russian POW) did not take British citizenship after being sent there during the war. Fortunately we have his travel documents and allot of other documentation that show he was a still a Polish citizen when he came to the United States. We think the process would have been easier if done in Warsaw. The information requested by the embassy in New York was not fully accepted by Warsaw, which asked for more documentation/information. Without my father-in-laws diaries, commendations, travel orders with the official raised seals we would have a hard time disproving a negative question, i.e. proving he was not a British citizen. Each request takes time and now we are working against the deadline before we end up at the back of the line and have to start the process over from the beginning.
16 Apr 2014
Law / Applying for Polish citizenship through marriage. [116]

Merged: Affirmaton of Polish Citizenship, how long does this take?

My wife applied for Polish citizenship in January 2014. Does anyone know approximately how long Warsaw takes to complete the process. Also is there a way to track the progress of the application with a telephone call or by email?

4 Apr 2014
Language / Correct way of saying "Again please"? [7]

Can you tell me the correct way to say this? If I wanted to ask someone to repeat what they said by just saying "Again please", would I use "Ponownie" or "Jeszcze raz"?

9 Oct 2013
Law / Applying for Polish citizenship through marriage. [116]

My wife is of Polish descent. Both parents were born in Poland. Both her father and uncle are WWII Polish army veterans. Her father was part of The Battle of Monte Cassino and her uncle after being freed by the Russians was part of the RAF. They became displaced persons at the end of the war.

According to the Embassy she is already a Polish citizen but has to submit proper supporting documents for certification.

We have been informed by the Embassy that if we are in Poland and her application is not completed within the 90 day stay she can apply for an extension. At that point however I would have to leave the country. There is no regulation to allow me to stay while she waits.
8 Oct 2013
Law / Applying for Polish citizenship through marriage. [116]

Merged: Polish Citizenship Process - submitting the application in the US or Poland?

My wife has the citizenship paperwork translated and ready to take to the Embassy in New York. We are going a year from now for a long stay (Year or two). We have a place to live (we own), documented income and savings. We would need to purchase health insurance upon arrival as ours will not cover us in Europe.

Does anyone think it better to submit the application in the United States or wait till we arrive in Poland and submit it there (We will be in Krakow)? Since we do not know how long the process takes would it also be advisable to apply for a long stay visa (more than 90 days). I will need a long stay visa anyway because I am not applying for citizenship. The basis of my request would be so my wife and I could stay together.

It is not a problem but the application fee has more than doubled plus an additional processing fee has been added. Was there a reason other than just getting more money (too many applications, false requests,etc).

Replies to questions from the Embassy have been slow and we are trying to gather as much information as possible as fast as possible.
8 Oct 2013
Travel / Car Service for airport pickup in Krakow? [4]

I have an answer to my own question that I forgot to post. We found Krakow Airport Express. Used them for a tour and for airport transport. Excellent, friendly service.
11 Sep 2013
Life / What does an american citizen need to do to live in Poland with his Polish citizen wife? [35]

Interesting discussion though I'm not sure I'm understanding all of it. My wife will get her Polish citizenship soon. We are both retired in the US and collect Social Security (8500pln per month) and we have some investments. Our Social Security can be deposited directly into our Polish bank account. We will not be looking for enployment.

We already own an apartment in Krakow and on our next visit we plan to stay for one year and travel Europe.
Do I still need to obtain residency?
8 Jul 2013
Life / Immigration in Poland and being surrounded by a monoculture? [134]

One way of preserving a culture is to share it and not attempt to make it a closed society.
My wife, whose parents were from a section of Poland that became part of the Soviet Union, and I started traveling to Poland three years ago. We purchased an apartment in Krakow and are planning for a two year stay once her citizenship is in place.

It will be up me to immerse myself in the culture and history, hopefully with help the Polish people. It is my obligation to learn as much of the language as possible (already started with Rosetta Stone and the help of my wife).

People in the United States ask, "Why Poland"? Most Americans here are in the dark as to the where Poland is located, that Poland has mountains and a rich long history and culture. Many Americans never heard of Poland until studying WWII in school.

Part of any immigration problem will be people from a closed society moving to an open society, wanting to maintain their closed society status. It does no work. Nor will an open society that looks down on the immigrant and refuses to let they try to assimilate.

These problems are easily illustrated in the United States where there is a long history of one immigrant population abusing the next. This is why we have Americans that call themselves Italian or Irish and live in communities that make it difficult for people of another ethnicity to penetrate even though we are all Americans. These people close their hearts and minds to anything different. I have found that most of the people in this group have never been to their ancestral home, Europe or even Canada.

Poland will never lose the Poland identity as long the people are proud and willing to share and there are those willing to learn.

....nothing so liberalizes a man and expands the kindly instincts that nature put in him as travel and contact with many kinds of people. Mark Twain