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Joined: 20 Jun 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 Apr 2009
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From: USA

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6 Jan 2012
Life / Poland's population growth problem [44]

finally open our borders to Poor asian, african and south american nations, give the immi's a home/flat/apartment, some money make them learn polish and they should find a job

everything I agree with except this. Immigration never works. In the US Latinos don't assimilate to the U.S. culture preferring to either live in enclaves or forcing American schools to cater to them with English as a Second Language courses. Also everything is bi-lingual now in public places. Wasn't any of that 20 years ago. The "immi's" as you call them are what is destroying Europe and bringing it down faster. I am surprised you haven't seen what its done to France, Germany, and England. More like close the borders to foreigners in a last ditch attempt to save Polish culture.

English and a job! Ha. We hear those same lame arguments here. Its a pipe dream.
29 Nov 2010
News / Will Komorowski be Poland's worst ever president? [72]

"Actually, Komorowski is a model Catholic - he has a wife, several children, has great personal relations with several bishops and so on. Calling Komorowski a "liberal" is about as idiotic as it gets - he's conservative through and through. As for abortion - can you provide me with one scrap of evidence that suggests that Komorowski is pro-abortion? Course you can't"

Komorowski is a typical Catholic, I'll give you that. Liberal.

You don't honestly think he's conservative? If he isn't then why were the Kaczynski's seen as so foreign in their "controversial" right-wing beliefs of pro-life, pro-traditional marriage? According to you Komorowski is just the latest in a long line of conservatives, right? If he was so conservative then why was the Pis party, that works closely with the Catholic church even necessary? Why would they be created in the first place?

As for your claims, I can provide you with more than one "scrap" of evidence.

Poland's New President Opposed by Pro-Life Leaders: catholicexchange.com/2010/07/09/132104/

Specifically from the article verbatim

"Komorowski "shows off as a Catholic with five kids. However, his Catholicism is very specific, as he supports the killing of embryos known as the IVF procedure," journalist Lukasz Adamski told LifeSiteNews. "Komorowski treats as sacred the rotten 'abortion compromise' which excuses the killing of unborn babies just because they happen to be physically and mentally disabled, or were unlucky enough to have been conceived in rape."

Polish bishops defend embryonic children by opposing IVF


While the Pis party shifted to the left in 2005 it was because of one guy, Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz, and one issue (economics) but the original intent in 2001 (the founding) was right-wing conservatism.

The Pis is anti-communism, anti corruption, pro-defense, pro-family. Who wouldn't want that? The only socialist thing that I will grant you is their favorable stance on free socialized healthcare but I understand that to be standard in Europe so they are just following the unfortunate trend of this government handout.
21 Nov 2010
News / Will Komorowski be Poland's worst ever president? [72]

Komorowski will prove to be Poland's version of Obama (and that's not a good thing). He, like Obama is a liberal who is against free-market systems, both favor big government, big business, are pro-homosexuality rights, and favor abortion. Seems like one in the same to me. Komorowski also wants to eliminate the zloty in favor of the Euro. Just another example of Polish idenity falling by the wayside in favor of globalization.

Poor Poland, you can take the socialism out of Poland (the breaking up of the Soviet Union) but you just can't change the mindset of some people there. You wanted this. You had a good guy with Jaroslaw Kaczynski on the ticket but you rejected him to go back to the same old liberal Centrist Party with people like Donald Tusk. When will you Europeans ever learn? I guess you are just too dependent on the government (socialist) to get off of the government teet.

The Law and Justice Party that the Kaczynski brothers started was a good thing. Traditional, conservative values that was just too foreign to most Poles, but you can't really blame them. They are brainwashed Europeans nontheless. I only hope they wake up some day.
6 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / United States-based church or travel companies that tour Poland? [2]

1. Can anyone give me a list of a few reputable/legit/credible tour companies based out of the U.S. that do yearly/occasional tours of Poland? While I am not looking for anything specific, what I really would like information about Euro 2012 and maybe find a travel company of American football/soccer fans to join to watch some of the matches they have planned during a specific time of the tournament (i.e. a week or so, as I couldn't stay the whole month), so far, all I can find is this one which may be my best bet.

After initial searches, here are the first that come up: exciting poland.com while the price is good, its based out of Poland and I am not sure if they'd have bilingual tour guides as I'm anything but fluent in Polish even though I am trying to learn slowly via internet software, books etc.

perhaps more promising is stay poland.com which, although it is based out of Poland, their website is in English (as is EP for that matter). While none of these are soccer/football based, they are more along the lines of #4 but without the church option. I'm just using that as an example. This would be more like a general country tour, which, while that is what I'd want, I'd prefer they leave from the U.S. since it would be easier and more likely they'd be bilingual since if I miss a lot of what the kind is saying, due to lost in translation, what fun would I have and how would I learn?

2. Here is a good example of one tour group, Orbis Travel out of New York and Chicago that has faith based and another just a general tour. Whiile this sounds very much what I am wanting, it would be for 2012 not 2010 as the site shows. Anyone familiar with them or any similar tour group?

3. Does anyone know of any football/soccer U.S. based tour groups that may/do go over to watch as many of the Extraklasa teams as possible in a short period of time, again something like a week? What I am asking is if anyone knows of any "soccer itinerary" or "football itinerary" of any travel companies that may offer such a package?

4. If the soccer/football thing doesn't work out, oftentimes, many faith-based tour companies offer pilgrimedges to places like Rome, Ireland, Turkey, the Holy Land, etc. does anyone know of any U.S. based tour group/company where I might at least be able to see Poland this way on kind of a religious "church tour"?

Thanks, I am just thinking aloud at this point,
1 Nov 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Third-World and especially parasitic Muslim immigration will be the death of the West and every civilization nation if laws are not put in place to stop this massive influx and keep European countries homogeneous. Its everywhere from Poland and slowly converting into Eurarabia.

How long before Sharia law is enforced? Build fences, build walls, keep them out. They got their own countries. Let them live and work there as I have personally no desire to interact with them or learn about their lesser culture. Whatever they do on their own time is fine as long as I don't have to see it, hear about it, or accept it as my own. The collapse of the USSR was good as far as indepdence, advancement, and liberty are concerned but it brought two worse things: lowered birth rate, and mass immigration that was forbidden under the old system.