Love /
Problem with a brutal American guy (now I live in Poland) [88]
I've seen the therapist,
She said that I am normal woman, the problem is that someone betrayed my trust and I suffer from humiliation.
Probably also when I met that man in 2001 and it was my first experience of living abroad, I wanted to stay there, to finish some studies and he got into my way. I am also scared of his influence in my life, specially that he managed to find me 10 years later in London, for nothing. For fun. I trusted again and he betrayed me.
He also seems to her incredibly selfish - playing with women' lives the way "he likes it". It's against our culture in here but also it can be the personality, that hurt me.
Some people are more sensitive, some less and have "thick skin".
I don't come from a violent background, he probably does.
The links are disgusting. she suggested not to get to the court or the police - the level of abuse with my name and address is so high that any meeting with that person can be harmful for now.
it's the unfortunate event, very bad coincidence - but nothing wrong with me.
she said that her daughter wfter seeing anything like that, would probably cry and couldn't sleep. becuase he is causing distress more than anything else. I am normal.
I feel injustice but she has also explained to me that
e may have problems himself, addictions or others that I don't know. America is not the same as central Poland.
I feel better, gained some respect. I think that's what it is. The therapist was just a normal woman, seeing things as they are. She didn;t offend me, I am capable to work, drive the car, have my own life, apparently I am quite intelligent and it's better to seperate from such people, not even try to understand them. it's pointless. it can be, more than anything, just the awful character, as people have such sometimes. I don;t know what's going over there, on the other side of the globe.
it was pragmatic and made sense what she said.
thanx anyone who decided not to be indiffirent to that, compromitising to me, case.
I am sorry about the comparison between america or poland - I didn;t mean to offend anyone, the way I was explained the situation was that the cultural componenet how people see the way you live, just can be very different.
there can be more freedom with saying what you mean, very straightforward, without any hesitation, which is not the component of sort of still controlled Poland.
I don't understand anyway but rather have a good therapist and deal with grieving after my mother's lost and others than discussing with you,
I am also getting the first task done for the next week before I contact Police - to get the t-shirt done with the written sign "I don't mind getting humiliated" :-)
I think this is ok :-)