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Posts by pavdel  

Joined: 27 Oct 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Nov 2011
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 22 / In This Archive: 20
From: Athens, Greece
Speaks Polish?: A little bit
Interests: Job Market, Economy, Everyday life

Displayed posts: 25
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15 May 2012
Work / Greek Speaking Jobs in Poland [25]

Where is this place?

There are some Greek speaking jobs with English as well...if you dont have high expectations. Recently I had an offer in lodz for a "Specialist" in my domain for 3700 brut + gym card just to have an idea. Check on pracuj.pl or infopraca.pl there are occasional openings. What is your specialty?
18 Mar 2012
Work / Salaries in the Polish ministries [3]

Hello everybody,

I would like to ask if there is any report concerning salaries in the Polish ministries? How much a specialist in ministri of Transport or Infrastructure can get? Is it true that in public jobs ppl get 13 salaries?

Thanks a lot
19 Dec 2011
Work / "Customer Service Support Officer" in Poland. How much I should say I want to earn? [7]

Hi, as far as I see you speak Greek, Italian and English. So in which language is the support going to be? And in which city?

What do you mean offered? How can they offer you a job since you did not discuss the salary?

In any case the news are that net the salary that normally pay for these "language jobs" is around 2500 PLN. They say that some of them provide accomodation in a shared facility, but not all of them.

I ma Greek and I am planning to move as well on summer. It will be good to share your experience in general. You can contact me also by personal message.
13 Dec 2011
Work / Poland salary and compensation package - What is included? [28]

Basically a foreigner will never get an employment by a Pole in the afore mentioned sectors.You should be happy to be accepted in the kind of menial jobs Poles do all over Europe and even these Poles are reluctant to give.A Greek can be successful there only in the traditional restaurant business since as we know love passes through stomach.

So an alternative of kebabistan...could be souvlakistan or tzatzikistan. I ve heard about a famous Greek chef in Poland, actually the only foreigner belonging to the Master Chef's Club of Poland

Check his website vafidis.pl

So practically you mean that even by knowing the language they would prefer a Pole? Even if you already have a previous experience in the country?

Sounds realistic, since so many foreigners join here, to tell you the truth only the ones who were relocated by their home companies have a normal job/salary...
12 Dec 2011
Polonia / Looking for Poles in Brussels, Belgium. [19]

In any case I do not have any tendency to insult anybody. After all if you do not like a place you just leave. As I did. Even you as a Belgian you admit that things are not so calm. In any case since as I told you my gf is Polish I met with several Polish people in Brussels. Mostly students and Interns in companies or EU institutions. I do not think they have a problem with the language, they all speak English and some of them French as well. Otherwise how to survive there? The thing is that those kind of ppl come there to intergrateand not to meet fellows from their own place. As everybody.

Yes indeed this pub is in front of Guillemens, but as you know these cafes mostly work in the morning serving coffee to travellers. I remember there are some cultural events organized with cinema movies or buffets like "Malopolska" days. Its very nice.
12 Dec 2011
Polonia / Poles fleeing from Greece [14]

A good study concerning Poles in Greece can be found here:


Actually she is a Polish researcher living in Greece for longtime. After accesion in the EU its hard to have this kind of numbers though. As far as I know Poles in Greece are around 70.000 the majority of them in Athens.
12 Dec 2011
Work / Greek Speaking Jobs in Poland [25]

My English...hmmm I know they are not fluent, as anybody's else here, excluding the ones who originally come from English speaking countries. I am better in French. Why are you so desperate to learn Greek? The fistful will be in EURO or in PLN? This matters a lot to a potential cooperation.

Merged: Any Greeks working in Poland, please advice on jobs,housing, salary, companies(in English)

I would like to ask any info by Greek people already working in Poland in Polish or foreign companies, or bussinessmen. I am planning a relocation, It would be usefull to share experiences.

12 Dec 2011
Polonia / Looking for Poles in Brussels, Belgium. [19]

Well I ve never lived in the UK to know about the situation there. I just compare it statisticly and by living there to rest of countries in Europe that I ve seen and I am telling you there is no comparison.

Besides, I guess police in the UK is much more efficient than in Belgium. Besides the rapes and the shooting incident that I ve mentioned all the other minimum sense crimes are never even reported to the police because its a common secret that police doesnt give a ****. In any case having 40.000 drug cases / 100.000 people you have an image. I remember once we denounced our home burglary, they did not even come to inspect the place. We only completed a report and that was the end.

In any case since the subject is finding Poles in Brussels, I can give you an info about Liege, in front of the train station there is a Polish cafeteria serving Polish beer and some pierogi occasionally.
12 Dec 2011
Polonia / Looking for Poles in Brussels, Belgium. [19]

Well what to say, I cant agree with you more. I ve stayed there with my gf for almost a year in Ixelles which is considered a quiet neighborhood in Brussels. Actually, Anderlecht, Midi and Skarboek are considered far the worse places. Maybe many foreigners have a different opinion but Brussels is not only Schuman, Malbeek and Av. Louise with cashed-up Eurocrats from diffent countries.Belgium and especially Brussels, Liege and Charleroi have the highest rates of criminality maybe in the world.Check on nationmaster.com to see the truth.

In this one year I ve seen a kebab place being shot by Glock ( actually it was the first time I saw a Glock after my military service in Greece). I ve experience 2 girls-student being raped. Our apartment has been broken in while Christmas holidays, along with many others. Another girl being hit in front of my eyes by a drugged driver. In Liege i saw a stubbed-on the stomach guy running in a night shop. Incidents like robbery in the metro or thefts in the street happen almost every day. Generally even the centre is not safe to walk after midnight, where migrant and local drunkards stub each other with broken bottles of beer. Generally so far is the most dangerous place for walking at night according to me. In Charleroi, in the famous bridge in front of the train station i dont know any tourist or local that hasnt been bullied by the junkies that use the bridge as a shelter. I ve never seen so many homeless ppl sleeping in the street, using literally every location they can lie down ( stations, bus stops, bridges, tunnels, even bank atms). I have to admit this happens mostly in the French speaking part, Flemish cities are in a better situation.

Turks are generally calm as people. Trouble makers are usually the ones whose origin is from the ex French or Belgian colonies who experience discrimination in all aspects of everyday life even if they have Belgian passports and speak both languages. They have developed a hatred towards their own country in a way. I also had a great time, but its good to have an opinion from abroad. As they say...You cant appreciate what you have if you dont see the worse !!!
12 Dec 2011
Polonia / Looking for Poles in Brussels, Belgium. [19]

Hi there,

Its pretty hard to find a specific group of ppl in Brussels which is a meltin pot. I used to live with my Polish gf in Ixelles (Elsene in Flemish) near ULB. There are a quite a few Polish students there, in chausee d' Ixelles there is also a Polsmak shop near Flagey. There if you enter you can find many events for Polish folks. Also you can get info on Polish events by the EU representation website. I dont know really any Polish cafeteria or bar in Brussels as well. Check here: ritscafe.be/nl/content/polska-night

In any case I have to say by my experience that Brussels is really a city where national groups are not so distinguished by places to go.

For example I am Greek, I ve found 2-3 meeting points in Brussels for Greeks among which none had any signal. Just ppl knew them and they were gathered there almost randomly.
12 Dec 2011
News / Poland Needs to Spend 30% of Total Budget on IMF Bailouts to EU as Result of Summit [9]

Greeks will have to come to Poland bearing great gifts. They must also agree to lose against Poland. What other conditions should Poles impose on them, seeing as the Polish taxpayer will be footing a huge bill for sth largely unconnected with them?

Greeks always say " beware of gift holders"
And we wont agree on loosing at 8/6. You re the host, if you can you win, otherwise will be a really bad opening.
let me remind you that at the moment 70.000 Poles live in Greece, while bankrupted Greece runs around 250 companies in Poland employing mostly Poles ( Mellon, ,Mantis, InternetQ, Polbank, Chipita, Frigoglass, Pyramis, Athena marble, Sarantis, Maillis, Playmobile, even Coca Cola is a 3E company) are only some of them.

Its not Greece's or Italy's fault ( Italy is no 2 foreign investor in Poland) but the EU heads that they have a plan of segregating the EU according to the German doctrine of willing and non-willing, or with us or against us.
9 Dec 2011
Work / Poland salary and compensation package - What is included? [28]

I would say that prices in poland especially Warsaw are quite high to level of salaries. For example somebody with my position earns in best case around 4000 net/month so 40K.

At the same time a rent for a 2-room flat is 2500/month so in fact with bills around 3000. If not shared somebody has to spend 75% of his salary in rent. I still do not understand how ppl in Poland can have cars or go out frequently or shop in these huge shopping centres.

Except if my perception is different but I think even in Warsaw, an accountant or analyst, a banking employee or a logistics executive in level of 2-3 years experience shouldn expect to get more than 3500 to 4000 net? Am I close?
8 Dec 2011
Work / Poland salary and compensation package - What is included? [28]

Well thats another question? What means a manager to you?

To us manager means somebody with 5+ years experience having as sub-employees at least 2-3 ppl. To you I see adds for managers even with no experience required?

In any case, i realise data is different so somebody working 6 months is entitled to 20/2 = 10 days of leave? Just notpaid? or few paid?

8 Dec 2011
Work / Poland salary and compensation package - What is included? [28]

Thank you very much for your prompt answer. I have some other questions.

generally in private sector as in many other countries ppl work overtime? Are these hours paid? I know that depends on the company, even here anymore the majority doesnt, but what is the tendency?

I ve heard that in poland while being in 1st year of employment yr not entitled to any leave? How true is that? Maybe they mean a paid leave? Otherwise ppl work all year with no leave? If somebody has work record abroad, is he excluded from that?

Thanks a lot
8 Dec 2011
Work / Poland salary and compensation package - What is included? [28]


as everybody can observe there is a considerably high percentage of deductions by the salary. I can see a table in the following link:


1) As far as i see there are 3 different types of employment : Umowa o pracę, umowa o dzieło and umowa zlecenie. Can anybody tell the differences?

2) In a salary of 5000 zł gross the net gets to 3550zł. Can you tell me what these deductions refer to:

Taxation, Health insurance, insurance and pension credit? In general what coverages does a compensation package include?

3) In Poland for somebody working in private company as an employee, how many salaries per year is he entitled to 12 or 13?

Thank you in advance
7 Dec 2011
Work / Greek Speaking Jobs in Poland [25]

1 for transportation + 10 for food ( 2 x 5 ) except if dinner is also bad for my health makes 11. So I ll have sth like 7,5 euros per day to dress, to go out and to learn the language. Certainly I ll have to quit smoking then. About coffee, what exactly are you drinking in the morning in order to wake up????
7 Dec 2011
Work / Greek Speaking Jobs in Poland [25]


as far as I know 2500 PLN is around 556 euros/month. In the flat you ll be all alone or shared? Plus what does the salary include more: health insurance? Insurance credit? Do they have extra salary as in other countries have 13 or 14 salaries? Do these things exist? What timetable?

So practically 556 euros + 300 euros that you escape by having your flat paid then goes to around 850 euros. Its not bad, imagine here they pay around 1000-1100 for those jobs in best case without a flat paid but with 14 salaries it gets around 14000-15500 euros/year.

But may I ask sth. i mostly have experience in Warsaw and in Prague, I could say they are not that...cheap. A metro ticket is around 1,2 euros, a take-away cofee around 1,5, euro, a meal in a restaurant like sphinx around 10-12 euro, a pack of ciggaretes around 2,5 euro. So do you consider it feasible somebody to live with 18,5 euro/day????

Tell me honestly your opinion? And with those foreign speaking jobs is there any perspective of further evolution?
1 Dec 2011
Work / Greek Speaking Jobs in Poland [25]

By the way...

How are all these jobs arranged? I mean for interview you have to be there? Is it possible through skype? How does the procedure go?

By curiosity where are you from? And what kind of a job is it exactly the one that you found? How did you arrange?

If I am not indiscreet?
1 Dec 2011
Work / Greek Speaking Jobs in Poland [25]

Hi all,

the freight forwarding plans still exist but...as far as I ve been told these jobs to work out take time so if I move i ll need sth quick to start up with an income. To tell you the truth, there are jobs in freight/logistics but 95% are in Polish. Besides there is a difference because there are several jobs included ( analyst, specialist, buyer, procurer) so kind of you mix up everything.

I ll talk by numbers and I want your opinion: To a research that I made for the level of my job experience happens

Logistics analyst: 3500 - 4500 brutto
Import / export specialist : 3000 - 3500 brutto
Spedytor: 2800-3200 brutto.
Planner: 3000 brutto

These are the average payments according to survey of Hays and pracuj.pl for 2011.

So a call centre job for 2500 net if includes accomodation its really a bargain. And I guess recently I am not the only Greek coming there...isnt it???

I would like the opinion of people on these numbers? Do they look realistic? Sometimes surveys to reality differ a lot?

1 Dec 2011
Work / Greek Speaking Jobs in Poland [25]


by carrying out a small research found some "interesting" I have to say adds about Greek speaking candidates like :

HR Customer representative ( Greek speaker ) : Philip Morris
Banking Operations ( Greek speaking ) : Hays
Obsługa Klienta Obcojęzycznego- Księgowość/ Zakupy/ Logistyka ( Grecja )

Did anybody ever had an experience conatcting or even having an interview for this kind of jobs. Its really strange to " suspicious" that so big companies with such responsibilities mentioned are asking no experience or degrees, other than speaking Greek.

Is it a 'nicely varnished" edition of telemarketing, customer service, back office? Does anybody have any clues on salaries offered? Since they are located in smaller cities such as Lodz or Katowice do they provide accomodation?

4 Nov 2011
Work / Maritime, logistics and forwarding jobs in Tricity (Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot) [2]

Dear all,

starting this thread I would like to ask if there are any resources concerning jobs in this sector and cities.

Is there any Polish newspaper related to maritime - logistics sector? If yes do they post relevant adds there?

Is the maritime sector competitive as a job market? Are there any Universities in poland offering this kind of special education?

How is the living cost in these cities in comparison to Warsaw ( rents, transportation, food etch..)?

Any other info considered useful is more than welcomed.

Thanks in advance
31 Oct 2011
Work / Working in Poland - Logistics, procurement, imports-exports [12]

Thank you very much for your prompt answers. My gf tells me some things that really sound incredible concerning the Polish job market so I would like to share in case you have any comments:

1) In Poland good jobs even in the private sector are not announced in adds or through the internet, they are only taken by connection or "recommendation".

2) Generally companies avoid hiring people with a regular contract, they prefer more flexible ways of employment as consultants (one person companies) or freelanching even if the job has regular duties.

3) It plays a huge difference in which the company where you work and in your connections to get a salary :

a) If there is a position open for ex. if somebody goes randomly he is likely to get less than somebody recommended even if the duties are the same.

b) If there is somebody that works as an accountant for ex. in a small company might have a different salary than an accountant of a big company. This is partially logical but can these difference be like the 2nd earning 3 times as much as the 1st.

Besides that I should mention some things concerning big international companies, since I work at the moment in one of them.

1) Generally they do not send their employees abroad on a permanent basis but on an assignement (project basis), meaning for a certain period of time.

2) The language plays a role depending on the function. If for ex somebody works in the procurement or logistics dpt. he is more likely to work in english better than somebody that works in PR or customer service where local language is crucial. Its a matter of a function as well.

I ve seen some adds in hays.pl that for ex. require greek, or italian or russian or hebrew speakers. Does anybody have any idea on their reliability and subject of working?
27 Oct 2011
Work / Working in Poland - Logistics, procurement, imports-exports [12]

"Tak, jestem Grekiem. Na "wrap up" chce piszac wzysztki strony ktorej robia rekrutacji po Angielsku albo po Francusku.

Na razie, mieszkamy z moja dzewczyna tutaj w Atenach. Ja pracuje w firmy logistikowy z 4 lata, ale ona szuka pracy. Jesli nie znajduje cos, myslimy na przyjedzac do Polski. A ty jestes w Polsce? Pracujesz tam?"

Its strange that Polish is so required since in international logistics and trade everything happens in English, at least to all places I ve been working so far, even if I am Greek, Greek as a language wasnt so used.I speak English, French and to my Polish I would say I am level A2 but for sure takes improvement if its so important.

Trading without capital I guess isnt possible anywhere. To trade there are 2 options:

1) As a trade agent meaning representing Greek companies there concerning products to be supplied ( this is not a stable job though).
2) As a buyer working in a company in such a position.

Meaning what I need, I wanted to ask If I should present any proof of my degrees and working experience? If yes what is used, references or working record by the Greek state?

Besides, could you make a description of expected salaries in Logistics?

Dziekuje bardzo (i przepraszam, nie moge piszac po Polsku bardzo dobrze)
27 Oct 2011
Work / Working in Poland - Logistics, procurement, imports-exports [12]

Hello everybody,

I am a new member joining in order to get some useful info and at the same time being helpful if I can. I' ve visited Poland 5-6 times and I might consider moving there in the near future. I would like to ask you some questions :

1) Could anybody wrap-up all the job websites having ENGLISH adds as well?
2) How would somebody characterize the domain of Logistics and generally Supply chain in Poland? Could somebody get a job by speaking few Polish?
3) What may somebody ask you for an interview in Poland? Questions? Certificates necessary?
4) Warsaw or Krakow for newcomers concerning the absence of knowledge of the local language in a good level?

Thank you very much for your comments...