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Joined: 17 Oct 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Oct 2011
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21 Oct 2011
History / Why have Poles contributed so little to Academics? (Particularly Science) [180]

Becoming a lawyer a "great accomplishment"?You got to be kidding me.Only person with no morals can become a lawyer and I consider lawyers to be the lowest scum comparable only to the worst crimminals and politicians.

You're an idiot and an uneducated antisemite. Graduating from Harvard Law is something very few people are capable of doing. I can already tell you're some polack who couldn't even finish high school.

Name calling ends in suspension.
21 Oct 2011
History / Why have Poles contributed so little to Academics? (Particularly Science) [180]

However one may consider that to go to university you need money....

Irrelevant. Before you need money for a good university, you need to be accepted into a good university. Every year MANY Jews get accepted into an Ivy League school or other top level university. In fact, Jews score the 3rd highest on the SAT. The only two groups that score higher are Unitarian Universalists and Quakers. Neither of them are mainstream Christian though.
21 Oct 2011
History / Why have Poles contributed so little to Academics? (Particularly Science) [180]

Most of the main achievements have come from Polish Jews. Can that really be disputed?

No, it can't be disputed. We have to ask ourselves why have Jews been able to excel in science far more than Gentiles in proportion to their population.

Without a doubt, one reason is because Jews stress education. Here in America, Jews are a lot more likely to have a college degree than their Christian compatriots. This importance of education partly comes from religious philosophy. Judaism is a very open minded religion unlike Christianity where all the priest can say is, "Don't do that or you'll go to hell!". Jews have made it clear that religion should never get in the way of science. This is not the case with Christians though considering Galileo was condemned for supporting the heliocentric theory. Even today the Catholic church still opposes science by saying that genetic engineering is sinful. The funny thing is that genetic engineering is such a vague term, it only proves how ignorant the Vatican is.

I was recently at a wedding where the groom was a lawyer who graduated from Harvard Law School. Most people would view that as a great accomplishment while the parents simply viewed it as something that was expected. And guess what, the parents were Jewish.
21 Oct 2011
Love / Goal: Meet a nice Polish girl! [60]

why does it have to come down to that person being foreign, Polish or whatever else?

It's because Polish girls tend to be easy. It's an east European thing. I grew up in Brooklyn and the Polish/Russian girls would easily put out for us Italian/Jewish guys.

Only because hot women are 20 times more common here than in the USA.

Hahaha great joke.
17 Oct 2011
History / Why have Poles contributed so little to Academics? (Particularly Science) [180]

Charpak is listed under France as well so is Curie. Hoffman under Poland, Ukraine and USA, Reichstein, Poland and Switzerland but none of them under Israel. I wonder why?

What is your point? They were still all Jewish.

You have a lot to learn

No, it is you that has a lot to learn. Jews have contributed the most to science out of any ethnicity in proportion to their population. Get that through your antisemitic Polish supremacist mind.

I would say that winners of the Nobel prize are also a minority.

Geniuses are a minority too, but there sure are a lot of them within the Jewish population.

That isn't the case with the Polish population though. It must be the closed-minded antisemitic Christian view that plagues Poland. No wonder Polish women and east European women in general make up large proportions of strippers, prostitutes, prnographic actresses, etc. They are uneducated and all they can do is use their bodies.
17 Oct 2011
History / Why have Poles contributed so little to Academics? (Particularly Science) [180]

To be fair jews never considered themselves Polish .... or German, French, Spanish, etc. (insert nationality),

No, that is not true at all. German Jews were always considered fellow Germans by the majority of non-Jewish Germans.

instead they were (still are) always jewish first.

All of my Jewish friends consider themselves American first. Keep it up with the foolish antisemitism though. It's not rare to hear this sort of ignorant statement from uneducated Poles.
17 Oct 2011
History / Why have Poles contributed so little to Academics? (Particularly Science) [180]

These Jews are Poles of Jewish faith nonetheless aren't they? Why distinguish?

Except most Poles didn't consider Jews as fellow Polish neighbors for the majority of Polish history. It's funny how now when Poles have realized all the great accomplishments Jews have made, they then try to say they are their fellow Polish brethren.

EDIT To OP: For all the interest you show in innovations you keep reading wrong material, Daily Mail will never get you up to speed.

Let's take a look at all the Nobel Prize winners in science from Poland. A * indicates they are Jewish.

Georges Charpak*, Physics, 1992
Roald Hoffmann*, Chemistry, 1981
Tadeus Reichstein*, Physiology or Medicine, 1950
Marie Skłodowska-Curie, Chemistry, 1911 + Physics, 1903

As you can see, 3 of the 4 Nobel Prize science winners from Poland are Jewish despite the fact that Jews were a minority.

So much for the theory that ethnic Poles are the smartest people in the world as claimed by many users here such as polskimoc.

Also, Jews account for over 20% of Nobel Prize winners. That is over 200 winners in total while Poland has only been awarded 12 Nobel Prize awards. I'm being generous with the latter too because I'm counting Jews.